Search results

  1. mr. green

    Ich from livestock?

    Through all my research, a QT is the way to go no matter what a site or store tells you is covered or how good there fish are. I have read various sites of people doing QT's with a 10 gallon tank, powerhead, and heater which they get going and tear down after the fish are put in the display...
  2. mr. green

    Plastic Tote Fuge

    Knight, thanks for the link, I will be doing that with any of my plastic containers that I will use, very good information.
  3. mr. green

    Plastic Tote Fuge

    Question, I had acrylic cut for a sump that would include an area for my skimmer, fuge, and equipment, pumps, etc. I am now rethinking this and want to eliminate the fuge section out so I have more room for the skimmer and build a small fuge from a small plastc tote to set on top of the sump so...
  4. mr. green

    Acrylic or glass for in wall tank??

    From my readings, I don't think you will have to worry about the glass or acrylic leaking as much as your seals. It seems that it will be size dependant. While glass is more scratch proof, it costs a lot more where acrylic will be less. What size were you thinking? Also, will the sides and back...
  5. mr. green

    What is RO water and where to get it?

    Originally Posted by KarenM Plain RO water costs me about .60 per gallon (in Austin, TX) from a local LFS. I have 3 gal bottles because they're easier for me to handle. I usually buy about 6 gal of premixed saltwater from that same LFS for water changes every 2 weeks ($1 per gal), and about 15...
  6. mr. green

    help on which pump??

    Not an expert on this, but you will have some head loss going the distance. If you look on the pumps web site, usually you can find the loss per foot or something like that. Also, you lose some going through pipes, elbows, etc. One thing I have learned is that distance kills
  7. mr. green

    Mr. Green Tank Diary (w/pics)

    Originally Posted by azfishgal I'm not good as to what order things should go, but I've seen people have them in all different orders and work out fine. One thing you want to make sure of is that you can take your skimmer out, for any cleaning and/or maintenance. You don't want to get the...
  8. mr. green

    Mr. Green Tank Diary (w/pics)

    Well, been finally getting some time to work on the old tank. I have begun my sump construction with my custom cut acrylic. I messed up a little on the sizing and had to adjust a little from my original plans, but still it is going to work out OK. If you are ever going to do this, measure and...
  9. mr. green

    Paint or Auto Tint?

    I want to black out the back of my 90, but would you recommend using Auto Tint as I have seen mentioned in the past, or paint it black. If you do paint it, what type of paint do you all use? Brush or spray?
  10. mr. green

    LFS's in Pittsburgh

    Welcome fellow Burgh'er. There is a decent store in Cranberry that has a lot of saltwater stock, looks to be in good shape. From my experience and visiting different stores, you cannot go wrong with Wet Pets. They seem to have the biggest selection and it is all in good shape. Also, there is a...
  11. mr. green

    90 Gallon Tank

    One thing about the stand, make sure it is good an sturdy. The last thing you want is a stand that will show stress and cracks from the weight in a month or two. The aquarium is heavy enough at 90 (that's what mine is) let alone all that water and equipment.
  12. mr. green

    How do I recharge deionizing cartridges?

    Large system DI beds are "recharged" almost daily with Caustic and Acid backwashes. I don't think the small DI systems we buy and use are able to do this. You may need to just buy a new DI cartridge. I could be wrong, but I have never heard this being done.
  13. mr. green

    Mr. Green Tank Diary (w/pics)

    Sorry to bump this back up, but I am finally starting to finish my build. It has been hard with a 7 month old and my wife works 2 days a week (12 hrs. each). Also, I have been working in the yard and house, so time has been a premium. The stand is almost completed and will get some pics. Working...
  14. mr. green

    Blue or Black Background

    I am going with black since my overflow is on the back of the tank and is black. Also, with 6 t-5's I should be good for light. Going to try the window tint method and can always rip it off if I do not like it.
  15. mr. green

    First Sump

    Originally Posted by FranktheTank That is a great website... I still suck at it though. I'm gonna have to figure it out, and now I want to do a fuge in the sump too. Oh god I'm way in over my head! Don't fear, you are not alone!!! I feel the same way, I got my acrlyic pieces cut and I am...
  16. mr. green

    First Sump

    Originally Posted by Al Mc Frank...I would suggest visiting for DIY plans on sumps/refugiums. He has detailed directions with pictures to help even people that have never built a sump before. I agree, this site is excellent for DIY sumps. He has several models of different...
  17. mr. green

    Use of Tap Water/Anyone using it?

    Well, as I am sure you read, RO/DI is the way to go. You will eliminate a lot of headaches and issues. I am sure some have done it and had no problems, but everyones tap water is different. Tell him to make the investment and get the RO/DI unit. The benefit of the unit will pay for itself.
  18. mr. green

    Deadly Weekend

    Just a thought, you said the family was around. Was anyone at the house that is usually not there, a kid maybe. Any chance someone could have tossed something into the tank???? Just throwing the old dart against the wall and eliminating everything to drill down.
  19. mr. green

    hottub idea

    Given that most hot tubs use Bromine and other sorts of chemicals, so unless you can make sure that it is all removed, I could not see a problem. But, you may want to seal a lot of the jet nozzles due to the number. Could be a place for lot of fish and inverts to hide.
  20. mr. green

    PH Meter - Handheld from

    Originally Posted by larryndana i've found pinpoint calibration solutions, can't seem to find coralife at all. what should i get 4, 7, or 10? Speaking from a lab junkies, I would get all three. A 3 point calibration can really help you if the money is there. This way you can get your meter in...