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  1. sea slug

    How often to do a water change

    Originally Posted by mie I disagree 100%, The water column is basically a sewer in a closed loop system, i.e the home aquarium. It is crucial that routine water changes are done. true but the sump is the water treatment plant
  2. sea slug

    upgrading from 55 to 120

    patience is a virtue in this hobby be patient get your new tank set up, let it cycle then start moving the sand/live rock ect. into the new tank but only then, once you are done fiddling with it, should you move the fish into their new (roomier) home. (DON'T FORGET TO ACCLIMATE)
  3. sea slug

    are these shrimp compatible?

    I've never had much luck with Coral banded shrimp and smaller ornamental shrimp together, but whatever works for you? in my experience arrow crabs and CB shrimp(1 of each or 1 mated pair of each) do best together in their own aggressive-invertebrates tank, yes there is such a thing for both are...
  4. sea slug

    why do u have a sw aquarium?

    HAHAHA!!! this is a dangerous thread to post on this website, it will get very long, very fast, nevertheless onward and upward! I have a Reef tank not for the fish, but for the invertebrates, crustaceans, and mollusks in particular! I am partial to shrimp.
  5. sea slug

    Hermit Crabs-Reef Safe?

    PS: buy the 100 extra shell package it will solve the snail-icide problem
  6. sea slug

    Hermit Crabs-Reef Safe?

    hermit crabs are fine as long as they are under .5 in. long or big or whatever they will be fine (and provide entertaining wrestling matches) the really big ones are ornery,cause trouble, and are best left at the LFS buy the assorted variety, they are odd balls, but cause no trouble and buy...
  7. sea slug

    Too Much Bio??

    replace your bio-balls/rings/ect. with live-rock-rubble, it's much-more better or somthing or other (don't throw away the balls wash them, not with soap, and keep them, for they will come in handy when starting a new tank)
  8. sea slug

    Salt creep

    that wax tidbit is interesting but do put the creep back in your tank (in your sump so it wont land on anything) because the salt creep isn't just salt, it has calcium and other trace elements in it, the likes of which is beneficial to your tank and maintaining the mineral equalibrium<spelling?.
  9. sea slug

    OHhh I got a new fishy cam ;)

  10. sea slug

    CB shrimp pregant any chance they will survive??

    I dont know, but that would be cool :jumping: , my camelbacks had little babie shrimps-es once, but my spotted dragonette took them for pods and ate them all the more luck to you
  11. sea slug

    Hermit Crabs?

    if you just bought a MH light your tank will be Algea-crazy four at least a month
  12. sea slug

    Anemone coral killer?

    if the gsp's were moved then it wasn't the anemone anemones can't move stuff they can only kill it
  13. sea slug

    small shrimps in filter?

    they're pods, they're good :)
  14. sea slug

    Pepermint Shrimp Question

    sorry, if you will read the archives you will be enlightened everybody makes mistakes
  15. sea slug

    Pepermint Shrimp Question

    the temperature has little or nothing to do with it. your problem is your piss poor method of aclimation, which in it's self isn't even close to being acceptable!!!!!!! read the aclimation thread in the archives!
  16. sea slug

    Giving up!

    baking soda will keep the Ph up put in about 1 tbsp per day untill you get a good read-out and as for the skimmer, I don't care, what other people say, you are infinitely better off with a skimmer (even a cheap one is better than nothing) ...........but not the Fission nano-skimmer those...
  17. sea slug


    Payton's right inverts are carriers
  18. sea slug

    Dry Salt outside my aquarium

    put the "creep" back into the tank because it consists of a select few minerals in your "sea salt mix" and by putting it back into your tank you are mantaining a concentration of nutrients, beneficial to your coral/inverts/assorted critters/etc...
  19. sea slug

    upgrading to 20 is wattge good enough

    I would go even bigger! 55 min. for an upgrade
  20. sea slug

    wrasse playing dead?

    yup, (they're damm good at it too)