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  1. doody00

    Finish my Sentence Part 2

    Starbucks and ordered a grande iced mocha with whip. Then she walked
  2. doody00

    Can i fix scratches

    Originally Posted by KRASHPD I have actually been doing this on a 90g corner tank. Dont buy the scratch removal kit because it is not worth it. Depending on how bad the scratches are, use something like: or...
  3. doody00

    My unseen tank.

    Originally Posted by ryanhayes9 ah i had a feeling.... i thought that the tank might not be a 55 gallon. check this link i plugged in ur tank dimensions and it said 30 gallons. on 55 gallons they have a crossbar after 24 inches of length. i...
  4. doody00

    tiny coral that come with live rock

    Originally Posted by solarscar I have a small truck with a sliding glass window. I use a power inverter type thing that plugs into my cig lighter i then put the water i got from a water change i do on saturdays in my 5 gallon bucket, then put it in the back of my truck, secure it with some bungy...
  5. doody00

    skin rash from hand being in tank?

    Originally Posted by Bonebrake Read this: Thanks for the info and pics. :scared: I will definitely wear gloves from now on.
  6. doody00

    Let's write a Book!!!!

    Everyones ideas are amazing. I'm a noob so I won't have anything to add information-wise, but how about a small section at the end of the book or at the end of each chapter with excerpts from some of the people that have written to this forum acknowledging the help and sincerity they have...
  7. doody00


    What you see is what you get
  8. doody00


    Thanks NEreef. Now that I have a visual of the flow pattern, it makes sense. judy
  9. doody00

    air bubbler question

    Originally Posted by hot883 It's NOT ok. They are playing in the bubbles; not a good thing. Large bubbles freak fish out and micro bubbles get trapped on their gills especially if they are "playing" in them. Just my thoughts. Thanks for the thoughts hot883. I took my bubbler out. The clowns...
  10. doody00

    air bubbler question

    Well, I've done something wrong again. When I started my 15g tank a few months ago I put a bubbler in. Because I've always had freshwater fish and always had bubbles for them, I thought you can never oxygenate the water too much, so I added bubbles for my salty fish. I only have 2 small...
  11. doody00


    This leads me to another question.....I have a 15g tank with 2 clowns, diamond goby and snails, and live rock and live sand. I have 2 powerheads, both on one end of the tank, with one blowing high and the other blowing low. Should I place them at separate ends to make a circular flow?
  12. doody00

    Saying Goodbye to my tanks, I choose my husband instead

    Your husband and family are of the highest importance, all else are material things, easily replaced. Good luck to you, you are strong and a survivor. judy
  13. doody00

    Feeding a betta

    I have 11 bettas, 6 males and 5 females. I don't breed them, I just have found some very pretty females. I feed Hikari gold and freeze dried bloodworms. The Hikari I feed 3 or 4 days a week and then feed the bloodworms as a treat once or twice a week. All of my fish love both of these. I have...
  14. doody00

    I did it!!

    All of the photos are guys are awesome :cheer:
  15. doody00

    anyone ever have shoulder surgery

    Originally Posted by reefreak29 i just got home from surgery for a labrim tear 6 hrs ago and holy #$@^ the vikadin isnt even helping , any one ever have this done and were u in a lot of pain. Hi, just wanted to say that you've passed the worst part (the injury and the surgery). Now you're on...
  16. doody00

    Sand Sifting Seastar

    Wow, one more thing I've done wrong. I have a 15g tank and have a sand sifting star. He does an excellent job of sifting the sand but I didn't know he'll starve if I don't feed him. Thanks for the information. I'm off to get some snacks for my little buddy. judy
  17. doody00

    what's the 1st thing you wish you had known

    Originally Posted by jacrmill Just get a bigger tank now. You're going to do it eventually anyways, might as well do it before you get everything in there. It doesn't matter how big of a tank you start with, you will soon want a bigger one. Soooo true! I'm already looking for a bigger tank...
  18. doody00

    aptasia!!! and pep shrimp.

    Originally Posted by CGRANT My wife is a nurse a she had a Syringe (no needle) and i just sucked it off the rock, its been ~ 3weeks and no sign of them. You can also get really hot water and squirt then with a Syringe. Not sure if you can buy a syringe at a drug store or not? You would think so...
  19. doody00

    what is this

    I'm new to all of this....What's Joe's juice :notsure: