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  1. vsandme


    Ive had a pair, and I learned the hard way...its safer to A get a tank soley for them with little rock work, little flow, and maybe some sea fans to hang onto my clown actually attacked my 2, i just have to much in the tank for them to deal with and i lost em both so i reccomend staying away...
  2. vsandme

    cycling tank

    you could get a bunch of the cheap damsels? they survive through near anything and help the biofilter establish i think
  3. vsandme

    As usual I am confused...

    Eh, I live in florida so even when the lights off at night the tank never goes below 78...maybe get the tank set up and monitor the temps for a couple days after it stabalyzes, if it stays above 75 24hrs a day youll be safe if not a heater would be good...i only use one in the turtle tank but in...
  4. vsandme

    As usual I am confused...

    Depends on the nano...if you get a biocube or similar it comes WITH all the proper filter, lighting, and as far as heating the lights take care of that so its self sustaining mostly
  5. vsandme

    Pictures of my 12g aquapod.

    Looks good, Any full shots of the tank? The anemone is looking good
  6. vsandme

    new pics (12g aquapod)

    Looks awesome, any future plans for it?
  7. vsandme

    now what?

    When you have LiveRock the lights will help alot in the cycling, i believe it helps the bacteria grow quicker. I hear alot about cycling tanks but to be honest ive never cycled for more than a day, and in over 100's of fish ive owned, fresh and salt, ive only had 1 die, most i traded in when i...
  8. vsandme

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    i cant see amonia levels spiking from one snail, but Id reccomend 10 -20 hermit crabs and some pepperment shrip, they are good at eating anything that dies and keeping the crap cleaned up. looks good so far, the lighting in it should be more than plenty for anything you use in it. good luck
  9. vsandme

    White floaty stuff?

    none clear enough to really see it :-/ They look like tiny bubbles or something though, appears to be coming off the live rock
  10. vsandme

    White floaty stuff?

    In my 24gal Odysea I notice alot of white small particles floating around can anyone tell me what it is?
  11. vsandme

    Beware NanoReefers!

    I have an Odysea B-series 24gal, its been good to me, dunno if they still sell em, could be ancient lol, but its been good, I dont know much about the others
  12. vsandme

    New 2007 JBJ 28 Gallon Specs - comments?

    they are different dimensions right? id get the one suitable to your needs, like if the tank is tall and narrow would be perfect to stack high, or short and wide like the biocube is good for stacking out....if you do liverock of course, i think they are all decent tanks, i have a 24gal Odysea...
  13. vsandme

    14G Biocuber

    the noisy fan probally isnt an issue, I have a 24gallon that doesnt make the noise but my 12gallon does for a minute every time i turn the lights on, the cooling fan motors will do that I assume, i though it was a dying motor, but months later no problems
  14. vsandme

    Oceanic 29 Bio Cube fish getting in filter

    A trick I have heard of is taking the water proof silicone and putting a type of screen on the intake, if that works for your particular intake, downside is it has to be checked daily to make sure it doesnt plug up, You could always try stacking rock to try and block it from the fish, or if its...
  15. vsandme

    1 month old 28! First Pics!

    I may be wrong but those hitchhiker anemones, are from my understanding bad, but the easiest way to get rid of em is let loose a few peppermint shimp, maybe look into that Good luck, looks great too
  16. vsandme

    not enough LR

    Sorry for the double post, as well as the poor quality of the picture, all I had to snap the shot was the Cell phone, here it is
  17. vsandme

    not enough LR

    Ill have pics soon, To be hones it doesnt look like 100lbs, but its tightly packed rock with few cracks and holes where the anemones reside, but Ill be more than happy to show pics soon
  18. vsandme

    is redoing rockwork good for a tank?

    I must say I like to Move things around abit, but i have about more per gallon than most seem to have to i leave the base rock alone and just move around the outter and upper layers, also keeps the water somewhat clean and ive had no problems with it...Just becareful not to crush anything hiding...
  19. vsandme

    help choosing fish for 24g!

    Really, IMO the best thing to do is go shopping, the fish you see that you really like ask a trusted person itll do. I made the mistake of putting a yellow tang in my 24gal Odysea...traded him back in..Clowns are the best bet, I have 2 Percula and 1 pink skunk, introduced at different times and...
  20. vsandme

    not enough LR

    you can never have enough live rock IMO, i have a 24gal Oddysea cube with over 100lbs, If you get coral and more livestock id say get another 30lbs in it and stack it loosley, so you have alot of holes to put corals in and whatever you want, and so if you get livestock that like to hide youll...