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  1. darthgoby

    please help

    This might be kind of cold hearted but the easiest thing is probably to leave the light off in the tank and just go away. The only thing in your tank that would get hurt is the coral but everything else in your tank would be okay.
  2. darthgoby

    was i worng for this

    If you want a puffer, there are several smaller puffers called tobies. I have one like this in my 55 gallon tank and he is a lot of fun: I know several people who keep a Valentini like this one...
  3. darthgoby

    Esmerald crab

    My emeralds don't eat any of that stuff, including the bubble algae. I had one of them that even might have had red slime algae growing on his leg.
  4. darthgoby

    I'm thinking of getting rid of my Green Chromis

    I just removed my chromis myself. One of them was pretty agressive and tended to pick on the other fish. I tried the trap and a bunch of other methods. I ended up taking out each piece of live rock, putting it in a bucket of water, and continually trying to trap the chromis. I was able to get...
  5. darthgoby

    im back =O

    Whatever you do, I would do it slowly. If you were looking at fish, I would suggest having a wide variety of fish. For example, you could do -2 clowns -1 royal gramma or chalk basslet or orangeback basslet (on sale at SWF.Com) -1 wrasse (sixline, fairy or flasher) -1 goby or blenny You could...
  6. darthgoby

    Yellow Candy Hogfish

    That's mine except the top and bottom fins aren't nearly as large. In fact, it doesn't have a lot of fins on the top and bottom. I will go look at him when I get home. I haven't had any problems with him picking my other fish yet. One of the cool things he does is back himself into a hole in...
  7. darthgoby

    Yellow Candy Hogfish

    Has anyone kept a yellow candy hogfish?
  8. darthgoby

    CPR Overflow Boxes

    Thanks. If you don't mind me asking, how did you connect the pipe from the overflow to the sump?
  9. darthgoby

    CPR Overflow Boxes

    Does anyone here use a CPR overflow box? If so, has it worked out okay or has anyone had any problems?
  10. darthgoby

    Crazy Clowns & a ?

    When I had clowns that were rubbing themselves on rocks, it meant that they had ich. Rubbing on rocks is one way for fish to try and dislodge parasites.
  11. darthgoby

    Questions about stocking 50g

    I think the porc puffer is going to get way too big for that tank. I've read that they can get to be over a foot long. If you want a fish with a similar personality, you can get a sharpnosed puffer who acts much the same way. I have a blue spotted one and it's a great fish. Here is the one I...
  12. darthgoby

    DIY Sump/Fuge baffle height

    I'm currently building a sump have cut mine so that they are 8 inches tall. I will set some of the bottom of a 12" tank and some towards the top. I'm keeping at least 2 inches between the top baffer and the top of the tank.
  13. darthgoby

    coral angel question

    Mine moves around a lot and swims through the rocks but isn't often out in the water column. He will come out to feed and swims around like a mad person.
  14. darthgoby

    Canopy pole

    I have a full hood with the lights attached. Does that qualify?
  15. darthgoby

    Switching from Canister Filter to Sump/Refugium

    I've decided to spend my weekend converting my tank from a canister filter to a sump/refugium. I'm in the process of converting a 15 gallon tank into a refugium and have ordered some supplies for my fuge. I have an existing HOB fuge that I'll be using materials from as well. What I wanted to...
  16. darthgoby

    Need very pink fish

    I believe when the previous poster said "herim" he meant "harem". There are several fish that do well in groupings of 1 male to 3-4 females (his "harem"). Some of the anthias and some of the flasher wrasses fall into that category.
  17. darthgoby

    Refugium Kits

    I was thinking about using a 10 gallon tank that I have sitting around. I was looking into getting the baffles cut by someone else since it was a PITA cutting acrylic for my home-made HOB filter. I didn't think about getting a glass company to precut the glass. I'll look into that. Can anybody...
  18. darthgoby

    Refugium Kits

    Hi there, I'm looking to convert a 10 gallon tank to a refugium and saw this kit for sale on ----. I was wondering if anyone used one like this and if so, how did it work? *Link Removed*
  19. darthgoby

    5 pep shrimp in a 55?

    I have a blue spotted puffer who hasn't touched my shrimp. He leaves them alone and doesn't bother them.
  20. darthgoby

    5 pep shrimp in a 55?

    I have six peppermint shrimp in my 55 and they are thriving. They eat the little bits of food that my fish don't eat and do a good job at keeping the tank clean.