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  1. gixxer54

    My new cat. :)

    wow reefkprZ.. what do you charge for admission to the petting zoo? lol!!
  2. gixxer54

    Pets sleep with you?

    I dont let my dog sleep in the bed... but when i fall asleep in my chair watching tv, i usually wake up to find him sleeping on me. theres a pic of him in the pet pic contest thread.
  3. gixxer54

    Car People? Post Your Ride!!!

    Originally Posted by socal57che I bet your neighbors just love you, don't they? At least the burnout leads away from your garage door! :scared: nice looking chevelle,btw ps is that a firebird fender protruding into the shot? firebird fender? i'm gonna guess monte carlo ss nice camaro...
  4. gixxer54

    Car People? Post Your Ride!!!

    heres my ride.. 02 Expy.. 4" lift, 33" tires, flowmaster 40 series... the other is a 02 GSXR1000, sold it last summer though... miss it like crazy
  5. gixxer54

    Hartford/Springfield peeps

    funny you say that.. i deliver for the home depot... theres two over that direction.. fish frenzy in indian orchard.. and james tropical fish on page blvd(rt 20 east) and berkshire rd. yea.. im waiting to get some money together to get some stuff.... i got my tank, stand, filters.. now i...
  6. gixxer54

    car people: something to laugh about

    i agree.. but the 600 or 750 is a good size to start... the 1000 is a monster.. the front wheel would go up in the first three gears. it would pull like crazy up to around 50 mph.. feel like a flat spot till around 60-65mph.. then not stop pulling till around 180. after i sold it, the guy...
  7. gixxer54

    car people: something to laugh about

    Originally Posted by teen why'd you sell it? didnt like it? im thinkin of getting one, so thats why im asking. the bike was awesome... fast as anything.... my work schedule had me barley riding it, so i sold it rather than let it sit around collecting dust..
  8. gixxer54

    car people: something to laugh about

    sorry.. i missed his post... i just reread it... yea, i read why you were doing it.. and that post didnt make much sense.... lol.. but he left out the supercharged fuzzy dice, and the nitrous laced
  9. gixxer54

    car people: something to laugh about

    dont get me wrong.. im not saying anyone is dumb/ or buying all sorts of body panels for a $200 car.. the thread was car people: something to laugh about... so i thought people would get a laugh from what i told... not trying to offend you here reefkprZ... and.. yea, i had a gsxr 1000... sold it...
  10. gixxer54

    Thinking of getting a tatoo.

    artists with "heavy hands" defineatly hurt more. i can feel the raised lines on my tattoos from those artists. i have tats on my back, arms, leg, and i am currently working on a sleeve on my right arm... close to half done.. my artist now doesnt have heavy hands and the work came out great...
  11. gixxer54

    Radio stations

    when i liven in NH i listened to, when i moved here (Chicopee, ma) I found, but with the radio, 1) way to many comercials 2) the morning guy on wccc drives me crazy I have sirius satelite and i love it... VERY little to no comercials and a huge selection... I dont...
  12. gixxer54

    Hartford/Springfield peeps

    thanks renogaw... just getting into this, not sure where all the lfs are yet..
  13. gixxer54

    Pet Pic Contest

    ok everyone... dont make fun of my small weiner..LOL!! this is hunter.. 8 mos old.
  14. gixxer54

    Hartford/Springfield peeps

    where is aqua dreams? and the corral reef? that one is in southwick right? is it on rt202?
  15. gixxer54

    analogies and metaphors from high school kids

    these are a riot.. i like this one 10. McBride fell 12 stories, hitting the pavement like a Hefty bag filled with vegetable soup.
  16. gixxer54

    stupid videos

    its just like a .. a... mini mall!! yea!! the close ups on that guy look like he is gonna make you buy something, or pull out the axe...
  17. gixxer54

    car people: something to laugh about

    makes me think of this guy in springfield, mass. he has an old bmw (he as in mid to late 40s) it is black or dark blue.. and he screwed in white ground effects from different cars (painfully obvious because they are all different and dont fit right) and this homemade spoiler that is the...
  18. gixxer54

    Blue Angel #6 Crash

    i live in western mass and the thunderbirds come here every year.. when i was a kid i remember some really cool manuevers, but when i saw them a couple years ago they just did basic safe things.. then i found out that it was because they had a crash from doing some of the more dangerous...
  19. gixxer54

    Am I the only one that didn't know about this??

    just got a hd tv in feb.. i have direct tv(lousy service).. they gave me the hd reciever, and saturday was the sixth time of trying to get a dish put on the house. after 2 hrs, the nstaller and a supervisor.. who btw said he wasnt climbing the ladder that high (then why is the ladder on his...
  20. gixxer54

    quick question

    thanks for the info.. so much info on this site to still read.... thanks again!!