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  1. thelogan

    Carnivorous reefsfe fish????????

    Ribbon eel, but not recommended to keep. very low survival rate. snowflake is probably the next safest
  2. thelogan

    Pirate Joke

    Long ago, when sailing ships ruled the waves, a captain and his crew were in danger of being boarded by a pirate ship. As the crew became frantic, the captain bellowed to his First Mate, "Bring me my red shirt!". The First Mate quickly retrieved the captain's red shirt, which the captain put on...
  3. thelogan

    dosing caulk...

    Alright, i dosed caulk today, but look at the result..... what happened!!!!????!?!?!??!?!?!?!?....... lol just kidding, had to through it in there.
  4. thelogan

    Show off some feather dusters

    great as usual DeMartini and great dusters AZ
  5. thelogan


    cool thanks!
  6. thelogan


    Originally Posted by GeoJ You will have to test it is based on how you stalk and keep-up the tank so your saying it just depends on how i keep my levels?
  7. thelogan


    OK, i know i have now FOR SURE decided to start a reef instead of a FOWLR but i had one question. If i set up a 20 gallon tank and use reef crystal salt, will i need to dose Kalk, Calcium, etc. ? Thanks!!
  8. thelogan

    shark pond

    i would be too tempted to go swimming in it lol
  9. thelogan

    new sump installed

    that one hose that sticks out with a close valve (as in its not over the sump) is a great idea for easy water changes if thats not already the reason. sweet sump by the way!
  10. thelogan

    Coolguy's 29g Reef with ALOT of PICS!!

    Hey coolguy, sweet tank! its really come a long way. just had to ask, what filtration do you use, if you don't mind me asking... Thanks!
  11. thelogan

    Lighting Question

    You're good to grow anything with MH's.
  12. thelogan

    Lionfish contest, show off your lions!

    Beautiful Blackfoot! I've heard they're hard to keep alive. Hope it all works out!
  13. thelogan


    hopefully it wont be like in Finding Nemo lol
  14. thelogan

    Fish List

    OK heres what ive got for the list now -Black and White clown pair -Watchman Tiger Goby <or> Pink and Blue Goby -Midas Blenny -Flame Angel And after tank is established well -Copperband Butterfly As far as inverts (not including cleaning crew) -Tiger Pistol Shrimp -Cleaner Shrimp -2 or 3 Emerald...
  15. thelogan

    Fish List

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman A fuge is a seperate body of water away from your tank. Comes from the word "refuge". It can be used to raise pods, macro algaes, etc. Many people (myself included) divide a sump into a sump/refugium. Some Gobies are more sand sifters than shifters. For a healthy...
  16. thelogan

    Fish List

    thanks for the help guys. im still wondering what A fuge is. and these are all invert safe correct?
  17. thelogan

    True or False game

    why would you blame it? it was their fault right? =P next poster is married
  18. thelogan

    The complete NOOB'S guide to SWF acronyms that should help lol
  19. thelogan

    True or False game

    false next poster hates sanjaya (sp?)
  20. thelogan

    Fish List

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman Welcome to the boards! You're being very smart about this... you'll save yourself a lot of time/money/tears by researching up front. We need some more info. Primarily, what size tank? Is it going to have refugium and sump? sorry bout that. it will be a 65g with...