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  1. cheryl

    Do I need a protien skimmer

    How do you know if/when you need a protien skimmer? (and what kind would you get? We have a 40 gallon, with 35lbs LR, 2 o. clowns, pygmy angel, 6 line wrasse, long nose hawkfish, some mushroom polyps, feather duster, linkia starfish, cleaner shrimp (yes.. the hawkfish ignores it!) atlanic...
  2. cheryl

    Six line Wrase

    We have had a six line (flipper) for about a month and he/she has never demonstrated that behavior. Ours loves to swim in and out of the rockwork, nipping constantly at the rocks and mushroom polys we have. I'm not an expert but those that are usually recommend checking water parameters and...
  3. cheryl

    Hawkfish attack

    We have a long nose hawkfish and a peppermint shrimp (also some small gobies). I have also been told that hawks will go after shrimp. Ours attempted the first day and now leaves the shrimp alone. In another post someone recommended that if we keep the hawk well fed and train it to "beg" for...
  4. cheryl

    Can I put a flamehawk in w/cleaner and fire shrimp?

    We just purchased a long nose hawkfish. It wasn't acclimated 10 minutes and made lunge toward our peppermint shrimp. Missed the first time, but he looks pretty persistant! I hope this helps, all fish have different personalities. I just posted a similar question on the fish forum and got some...
  5. cheryl

    long nose hawkfish

    OK...we made the executive decision and got the long nose. (paid $40.00 so far our most expensive fish) He spotted the peppermint shrimp and lunged at it(thankfully missing!) And our little gobies are kinda hiding in our barnacles. We'll do a wait and see today. I guess I could always try to...
  6. cheryl

    long nose hawkfish

    Hmmmm now I'm not sure what to do! The fish is really fun to watch, but I guess it wouldn't be great if it hunted and ate the gobies! We also have a peppermint shrimp! If anyone else has experience with the hawkfish, I'd love to hear about it Thanks <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif"...
  7. cheryl

    long nose hawkfish

    Looking into a long nose hawkfish but already have some small goby's (about 1 to 1 and 1/2 inches long). Does anyone know if the hawkfish will have them for lunch? Will the hawkfish bother anything else (inverts?) Thanks...
  8. cheryl

    Got my first fish!

    Congrats on your new addition. Our first fish were two ocellaris clowns. They are doing great and such fun to watch swim about the tank. Best of luck to you! :p
  9. cheryl

    Clownfish-should I be concerned?

    Hi Molly: I'm not sure if this will help but...We have two ocellaris clowns. The smaller of the two has always had a bit of blackish color along his back (I say his because with a pair of clowns the larger will be the female). We have had them for two months and their colors have stayed...
  10. cheryl

    newbie question!!!

    Hi Saltwaterdave: I am no expert but can share our experiences. I have two kids that were breathing down my neck to add fish when we started (7 and 9 years old). We kept a chart of the water levels, added live rock (which was fun to pick out and then to see what was growing on it), then after...
  11. cheryl

    Strange Clown Behavior

    Thanks everyone for the helpful info!! Only the clowns are acting! Everyone else in the tank are acting the same they always do. We did have a feather duster shed it's crown yesterday. Don't know if that is related. I think they shed to grow (does anyone know if that is a...
  12. cheryl

    What kind of fish is this?

    Your new acquisition sounds like a pygmy angel. We have one that fits that description. Good Luck and I hope the little guy pulls through ;)
  13. cheryl

    Strange Clown Behavior

    We have two common clowns. I know they are amusing swimmers... but yesterday the smaller of the two started swimming to the top of the tank and actually poking his head out of the water! The bigger (female I suppose) started "copying" him. Is this "normal"? They have been with us for one...
  14. cheryl

    Emrald Crabs

    Thanks you guys. I'll probaly get 1 or 2 more. thanks again, em
  15. cheryl

    New here

    Hi Carrie: We had considered a mandarin but are waiting for our tank to mature longer (37 gal only 5 months old with 32 lbs of live rock, live sand, etc) Do you know how long a tank would need to mature before considering a mandarin? and any other infor you could provide would be appreciated! Thanks
  16. cheryl

    Do I have room for more fish?

    Thanks for all the help. I looked at a pic of the six line wrasse...a beauty. OUr pygmy angel loves to dart in and out of the rock. DO you think she /he will be territorial if we introduce a wrasse that also likes to dart in and out of rocks? The grammas are also nice looking Wish us luck...
  17. cheryl

    inverts molting or dieing??

    Our alge eating, scarlet and emerald crabs all are pretty active during the day. The emerald is less active but it is fun playing hide and seek with him. The most active during the day are the alge eater crabs :p
  18. cheryl

    Do I have room for more fish?

    Baron VonKlyff: Our tank is 5 months old. Introduced the clowns at month one, pygmy at month two and gobies at month three. I would hate to get rid of the clowns (my kids LOVE them) Fun to watch, etc. What if I get rid of the gobies (should be interesting catching them!!) <img...
  19. cheryl

    Do I have room for more fish?

    Hi give me fish First and Foremost.........awesome sounding TANK! My kids (and I) would die to see all that! Anyway...We get our stuff from a place called Coral Reef in Seekonk, MA (not too far of a drive for us fortunately). It looks like a little hole in the wall but her fish, LR, etc have...
  20. cheryl

    inverts molting or dieing??

    We've experienced both molt and death. When our scarlet and blues molt it's hard to distinguish between molt vs death. The molt has a more transparent appearance (legs and parial body) and are light so tend to sway in the current more. We also recently had a scarlet that had been pulled from...