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  1. lost in it all

    Plz Help with Sump

    Your drawings seem a little confusing to me if you could label them or explain a little better what your looking to do? or an actual picture would be great. I was guessing that the tank is in a wall that you can see on both sides but how are the magnums located is the wall hollow on both sides...
  2. lost in it all

    overflow box possiblity-need opinions...

    From what i have heard about overflows do not get one that has a solid overflow section the tube ones seem to work good. If you would like to try a diy. there were some really good plans on here for overflows made out of pvc. i personally bought one with two overflow tubes and the biggest...
  3. lost in it all

    All in one Sump build question

    I am going to ask how well does the water flow mix in the refug chamber since the water is entering the top and leaving the top of it? I ask cause mine enter the bottom of the refuge and exit the top of it. but i have problems with my large sump where the macro algea trys to flow out of the...
  4. lost in it all

    All in one Sump build question

    just a suggestion from my own setup, and i know i could use help with mine along the way. but you may want to put the heater in the middle chamber because of evaporation in your return chamber.
  5. lost in it all

    HELP, What Light Setup Is This?

    i couldnt tell from the picture but are there any led's in your fixture that could be where the last cord goes
  6. lost in it all

    ODYSSEA lighting?

    i read sharkbait9's thread on moding them out and i will probably look into doing that.
  7. lost in it all

    ODYSSEA lighting?

    are these internal ballast that are almost catching fire? What is the difference between UL and CL, what do they mean?
  8. lost in it all

    ODYSSEA lighting?

    i was originally looking at one with just 2 250s in it and the led's. but for a $100 bucks more i could have the compacts in it also
  9. lost in it all

    ODYSSEA lighting?

    Thanks, for the reply i have been trying to figure out why they are such cheap fixtures, but i guess the ones i was looking at only have halides so that would make a big difference.
  10. lost in it all

    help with new RO/DI system

    the way the membrane works on them is there should be some sort or ristrictor in the red line that builds up a preset pressure in the membrane chamber. the waste water will have way more flow then the good water, my 100gpd makes about 3 gal of waste to every gal of good as an example.
  11. lost in it all

    ODYSSEA lighting?

    any one at all use or see these? any info could help me
  12. lost in it all

    ODYSSEA lighting?

    anyone use these or have experience with them? I am thinking my 48" 2x 150 halide with 2 96w pc will not be enough for my 150 so i was thinking about putting a 24" fixture with a 250W 20k light in front or back of the larger fixture. any suggestions,
  13. lost in it all

    WTB 48" light, anyone know any cheap places

    what type of light are you looking for?
  14. lost in it all

    using ro water

    K thanks i figured this was just making sure before i could make another mistake, oh wait they are learning experiences
  15. lost in it all

    my sump design

    that should fix any flow issues, not trying to pick apart your plans or anything cause i am somewhat new to all this too. when i built my sump's i left enought room in the first baffel to place live rock rubel or some type of micron sock if i needed to put any extra filter media in it. here...
  16. lost in it all

    my sump design

    Just my two cents but with the water entering the refug at the top and leaving at the top you could have most of the water flowing over the top if you added another baffel to the left of the first two it would force the water to enter at the bottom and pass completly through the refug. not a...
  17. lost in it all

    using ro water

    I just tested my ro water and i was wondering do i need to add anything to it before i use it for top off water? the ph is right around seven,
  18. lost in it all

    My Work Tank, 40 Breeder

    You should put up a picture or the hood open with the lights off. that is a great idea
  19. lost in it all

    Protein Skimmer Setup Question

    sorry looked at the skimmer set up again, if you isolate the skimmer like that you may end up just re-skimming alot of the same water unless you make sure the water source to the bucket is dumping right at the bottom of the bucket.
  20. lost in it all

    Protein Skimmer Setup Question

    the general ideal should work. you will want to put a ball valve on both lines after the T so that you can control how much water is going into the bucket and to stop flow into the bucket if you need to for maint.