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  1. frankl15207

    Bubble algae, the final thread...

    Just an addition to Aileena's suggestions: Don't get frustrated if it starts to form again, just get on it quicker to keep it from reestablishing itself. In cases where I couldn't get inside of the rock to clean it out completely, a hot soldering iron did the trick (available at Radio Shack for...
  2. frankl15207

    ALK and CA Question Again

    Kalwasser took care of it for me too.
  3. frankl15207

    PH Control

    Try dosing with Kalkwasser in your makeup water, dripping if possible (Mine is added through an automatic top off system in my sump). Once I started using it my PH and calcium stabilized and I haven't had to add any buffer of any kind since. Alk is at 11.8, calcium is always in the 430-460...
  4. frankl15207

    Do these test #'s sound right?

    Your temperature is fine. Here's the link referred to above:
  5. frankl15207

    salifert calcium test??????

    Make sure it changes to blue and not purple and then do the reading. Once it changes to blue, the results should be completed. Do the reading then and clean out the tube.
  6. frankl15207

    Troubles with Red Slime Remover

    No problem with it when it was used but... There is a warning on the bottle that cautions that the product may cause a sudden drop in ph and oxygen levels. Since cyano generally forms in low current areas, the problem may be due to insufficient circulation and low saturated oxygen levels. I...
  7. frankl15207

    cant order!!!!!

    I had a problem once so I called by phone. I think they tracked the problem down to credit card computer verification problems (verifications weren't going through). They processed the order over the phone with no problem and I had it the next day.
  8. frankl15207

    RO/DI unit- is it good

    I bought mine in August and it works great. 100 gpd unit that jbeck has. jamesurq's unit is from the same company.
  9. frankl15207

    tomato clown

    What kind of anemone? Not all anemones will host clownfish. If the clown is tank bred it may not go to an anemone at all.
  10. frankl15207

    Pinpoint Monitor or Controller

    American Marine: Pin Point PH Controller PINPOINT pH Controller™ is an inexpensive yet rugged controller, which includes the appropriate probe and calibration fluids. This device will automate another electrical device such as a calcium reactor or magnetic solenoid for the addition of CO2 into...
  11. frankl15207

    mushroom help

    Animal. They are anemones. Some further links to complete your original question:
  12. frankl15207

    mushroom help

    Generally a lower light area with indirect current. However, mine are in the lower portion of a 75 with 440 watts of VHO over them and they open more when the lights are on, so I think you may be on the low end with only 160 watts. Even the ones that are under ledges have moved out more into a...
  13. frankl15207

    aptaisa...... which fish?

    If they are large, inject them with either a strong kalkwasser or pickling lime solution (1 tablespoon pickling lime to 2 tablespoons of water, mixed and microwaved for 30 seconds). Even a copperband will avoid the large ones. See under aquarium pests for more details...
  14. frankl15207

    VHO length question

    48 inch will BARELY fit inside of an All-Glass brand aquarium canopy. 46.5 are more difficult to find, but most major mail-order companies that carry VHO bulbs have them. Locally I haven't seen them around this area.
  15. frankl15207

    Too many conflicting opinions on Equip board.. I trust this one. PC life question!

    Rule of thumb that I use that is in direct relation to both of the above replies: Manuafacturer's maximum recommended life (as listed by Javatech) divided by 2 = Bigmac's 9 months.
  16. frankl15207

    Maxi-Jet Power Heads

    I have mine on a wavemaker. That seems to keep them from getting too hot. I can't remember if I was told 1/2 degree or 1 1/2 degree on the heat factor for the powerheads. I replaced two 1200s with two 900s. Not a lot of difference in circulation, but as Thomas pointed out, big difference in...
  17. frankl15207

    Visi-jet Protein Skimmer

    The FREE one that someone gave me wasn't worth what I paid for it :) . Don't skimp here. In the long run it will cost you more.
  18. frankl15207 ordering

    Several orders in both summer heat and winter and they are always packed properly for the temperature and weather in the area at the time of shipping.
  19. frankl15207

    adding rubble from l/r vats from lfs

    I ask my LFS for some every month or so. Usually it's right before I sign the check, so he gives it to me.