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  1. nss11110

    Cycle:Lost coctail shrimps in tank.

    i cycled my tank with a cleaner crew. i figured they would eat the dead or dying stuff off the liverock when needed. it seemed to work for me. but thats just my experiance
  2. nss11110

    dead clearner shrimp

    the shrimp shell will be totally empty when it sheds you can tell this by a real close look. the snail will come out of its shell when picked up and shook alittle, if dead it loses its hold on its shell and will fall out, it also stinks bad.sometimes hermits die and come out of their shell also...
  3. nss11110

    poll school help

    5'10 size9
  4. nss11110

    did i get ripped off

    good price from judging from the prices aroung here.
  5. nss11110

    OT: Favorite TV Show

    NYPD Blue, The Shield, Third Watch, Crossing Jorden, C.S.I., and others
  6. nss11110

    What books?

    Corals a quick referance guide by Julian Sprung. the ones mentioned above also. The Marine Aquarium by **** Mills. Its good for fishes for the aquarium.
  7. nss11110

    OT: Just curious what kind of people are into reef tanks

    my name is scott i work for the electric company here in CT. i am married with 2 kids. i am into my tanks, i have both fresh and salt. i like to read sci fi and work in my yard.
  8. nss11110

    star polyp prop help

    imo the way its arranged it should do good. the lighting needs for it range from 3-10 on a scals of 1-10 so theres quite a big room for the lighting and thats from Julian Sprungs book on corals. does the 3rd side get no light of just aliilte? if its none you might lose that side. if just alittle...
  9. nss11110

    29 Gallon Reef

    i use 2 65w smartlamps pcs on my 20 high reef they work good. i dont see why you should have any problems doing your tank with pcs. just keep track of the water perameters since a smaller tank dont have room to make mistakes as a larger tank does. the tang wont do good in the 29. trade it in and...
  10. nss11110

    cpr bakpak 2 or 2r

    i have used both. the one with the bio seems to also collect crap on the bio mass which after awhile restricts flow, the one without seems not to have that problem
  11. nss11110

    quartz sand for DSB

    i dont see why it wont. if its the only sand you can get then you dont really have too much choice. but i could be wrong. anyone else have ideas?
  12. nss11110

    Raising calcium levels

    i use instant ocean and my cal. is allright.. get a different test kit and retest, could be bad kit.
  13. nss11110

    Cycling Question?

    when i did my tank i put the rock in and some hermits in at the same time. the hermits servived but i was probably lucky. they also ate the dying material off the rock. but like i said i was lucky. first time i did a sw tank. wouldnt do it again
  14. nss11110


    you cant just upgrade the bulb, you need to upgrade the hood. if you do I would go with hamilton power compacts. I would go with 2 55wt smartlamps. more than enough to grow anything in there you want.if you dont want to 1 will work but if you want to later get more light loving corals 2 is...
  15. nss11110

    who's gonna stir up my sand?

    sand shifting stars, cucumbers,narcissious snails, some gobies (my watchman does), other fish bury themselves at night so that keeps it stired up. you got to look those up dont know which off hand.
  16. nss11110

    filter questions

    well imo if what you do works dont change. you might want to add the mircle mud system to see if it helps but thats your decision. could be benifits to it havent tried it myself yet. someday i will
  17. nss11110

    Acropora, Maxima, etc...?

    its enough as long as its in the right spectrums
  18. nss11110

    It's true; jawfish WILL jump your tank

    sorry to hear about your fish :( I was thinking about getting some for my next tank. i will take the neccary precautions
  19. nss11110

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    peppermint shrimp worked in my tank. get a couple and they will be gone in short time
  20. nss11110

    colt coral

    i always had mine under pc's but i dont see why not