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  1. tidepool

    2 part Ca, Alk dosing

    Wait a minute, I misunderstood you mean between the two bottles, sorry. I give it a few minuets to make sure the stuff has been well diluted. I also do each one SLOWLY over a period of about five minutes.I've irritated a few things by pouring the ALK side in too fast!:(
  2. tidepool

    2 part Ca, Alk dosing

    Test your ALK/CAL levels. It depends on the number of corals and how much coraline algae you have. the more you got the more this stuff gets depleted.You may want to test daily until you get a feel for it. I have to add about half a cap full each daily to keep my levels up, because of my...
  3. tidepool

    Where do they sell sea weed salad?

    Oriental markets or health food stores usually carry nori.
  4. tidepool

    CPR Bak Pak Skimmer

    I've got one and it works. I've been running it for 4 months with out a problem.I've heard some bad things about the RIO pumps that run it though.I was told by one guy at my LFS to change the pump once a year regardless.
  5. tidepool

    I got ripped off !!!!

    I've orderd from GARF. that grunge stuff is cool, it will clowd your tank for a few days but after it clears, you get an awesome looking substrate!
  6. tidepool

    coraline algae

    It took me about two months before I started seeing it.About a month ago I started using REEF-VITAL and it really started taking off!You have to keep a good eye on your cal. and alk levels,coraline thrives on these.
  7. tidepool

    Water changes ?

    Small frequent water chanes are the way to go.I do about five gallons a week.some times twice a week if I'm getting alot of surface scum.
  8. tidepool

    How Often Do You Feed Your Fish?

    My routine is when I get a fish home from my LFS is to feed it as much as it will eat at any one time. My experience has been that fish stores dont feed the stock a whole lot so they're scrawny when I get them home.Then after they've put on some weight I'll feed them a little twice a day,maybe...
  9. tidepool

    Marc Weiss Supplements?

    I dont know about ordering, sorry. But I've been using Coral-vital for about three weeks and I've noticed my coraline algae take off.My soft corals like zenias have been spreading like crazy.I dont know if its from this stuff or the usual trace elements that we all dose with.I bought mine from a...
  10. tidepool

    What was your very first S/W Fish?

    Cherub angel, cause it was there and beautiful! it died though :( .
  11. tidepool

    Bonded buddies?

    I've got a Royal Gramma and a black clown that follow each other around.The gramma nips the clown every now and again but the clown does'nt seem to notice.
  12. tidepool

    mandrin goby vs. hermit crab

    Copipods(spelling?) are the little guys that inhabit live sand beds and help clean things up.They also serve as food for some fish like gobies and some blennies.
  13. tidepool


    I use a aquaclear 500,Although I heard its not good to carbon all the time. Because it sucks up alot of the trace elements along with the bad stuff.Life is choices.
  14. tidepool

    backup power for blackouts

    Thanks thats something to look into.
  15. tidepool

    backup power for blackouts

    Does anyone know about somekinda idea for like a back up battery or something along that line for reef tanks.I'm not looking for something to power the whole tank, but just to keep a powerhead running for a few hours or a day. Its scary to think how much time, effort and money we put into this...
  16. tidepool

    B-Ionic Question

    A gallon is a gallon. I bought the smaller size bottles they were filled to the top!This stuff is not like cereal that settles during shipping. I would talk to the owner of the shop and see what the deal is.
  17. tidepool

    how old are you

  18. tidepool

    Best Beginner Corals

    Shrooms and polyps work for me. I noticed to get the best looking shroom development put em in a place with as little current as possible or crinkle and pucker up! Polyps on the other hand love current, I have chunks of liverock covered with them, and they look like little hillsides covered with...
  19. tidepool

    Raising alkalinity

    Yeah, I think your right about just adding the alk side of the b-ionic equation. I do add the amounts equally so the consumption rate is the issue.I Talked to the owner of my lfs who is very succsesful with his in-store reef tanks. He said not too worry about pushing the Alk too high because...
  20. tidepool

    Raising alkalinity

    My alkalinity seems to be on the low side like 7.6 - 7.8. I heard it should at least be 8.0. My calcium is at 500+. I use b-ionic A and b.Now one of these is for the calcium and the other for alkalinity, has anyone ever tried using just the A or the B by themselves or do these have to be used in...