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  1. shnookums

    Calcium not cooperating

    I use AquaChem Pool calcium in my tank, instant results, I suggest 1 tablespoon for your tank, you are going thru a balance issue with alkalinity and ph and calcium, until your alk is between 7-9, you will have ph and calcium bounce.
  2. shnookums

    Mantis Shrimp

    I dont remember I did a search on mantis shrimp and found it.
  3. shnookums

    Mantis Shrimp

    Thanks jon, I know i could'nt believe it either but i say it with my own eyes. And when i was researching the mantis shrimp they mentioned the sally lightfoots and said not rule her out. I guess they were right.
  4. shnookums

    Mantis Shrimp

    No I dont think so all of my fish were doing really well. Never were sick or anything like that. The one he got last night was the very first tang i had put in my tank hes been in there for along time. Like i say they were all doing really good. At night while they were sleeping she would jump...
  5. shnookums

    Deflated Brain

    What kind of fish do you have in your tank? I had a green brain that was doing great. I bought a flame angel and a few days later noticed that my brain was not coming out so i watched a the flame was picking at it. Just a thought.
  6. shnookums

    Mantis Shrimp

    I got it!!!!!and I dont know if you guys have ever heard of this happening but i did some research on it and last night i got her!!!!! It was my Sally Lighfoot she caught my last tang last night and i seen her doing it. I could not believe it but its true they say if you have a Sally dont rule...
  7. shnookums

    I need everyones advice please.

    10k is the whitest, but complimenting with your blue actinics is good. i currently have a 150 gallon, with 4 vho blue actinics with 3 175 mh. at first we had 2 white vho's and 2 blue but it seemed to look yellow, i switched all vho's to blue and it had made a great improvement. the tank really...
  8. shnookums

    Adequate Ca and alk?

    IMO, everything looks good, most people try to keep alk range from 7-9 DKH so your in pretty good shape, it will come down over time keeping your calcium at a stable number. good luck ant keep us posted.:)
  9. shnookums

    lowering high nitrites

    our tank at the office has nitrates of 20-40 for years. eveyone is happy and healthy. We do monthly water changes of 5-10 gallons. if your nitrates are higher than 40 you definitely need to do a large water change, 10% probably won't cut it. the solution to pollution is dilution is my saying:)
  10. shnookums

    Pistol shrimp?

    the watchman goby and the pistol shrimp are a pair. the pistol shrimp is blind. they live together in the cave. the shrimp makes the cave and the watchman watches for danger. I am so glad that someone has a pair and they are doing well. I have wanted to hear from people to see if they do pair...
  11. shnookums

    Pictures of LR??

    since i don't know what your setup is, here are a few things i do to my tank. test water weekly, including calcium, alkalinity, phosphates add strontium & essential elements, make sure calcium is 400-450 i add solid calcium monthly water changes if you have an algae problem, cut your lights back...
  12. shnookums


    you can easily scrape it off with a good razor blade that has a handle. the local hardware store has them. then paint it what ever color you like. my first tank i bought the foam board at walmart and taped it to the back. that way i could peek behind the rock. but i have since painted it black...
  13. shnookums

    Pistol shrimp?

    yes, Pistol Alpheus sp [hr] Max Length: 2 inches Reef Safe: Yes. Food: Algae, flake, detritis. Care: Excellent for cleaning up. :)
  14. shnookums

    Big Pile of Rubble!

    i would try some crabs, a sand sifting star does a great job if your crushed coral is finely crushed. i have 2, look into the gobies and blennies, some of them sift sand and stuff. goos luck and keep us posted.:)
  15. shnookums

    White specs on back of tank glass?

    i have them too, i believe they are calcium deposits, they are hard. i leave them alone, they aren't bothering anything. :)
  16. shnookums

    How often does everyone change their VHO bulbs on a reef?

    at home and the office we change bulbs every 6 months:)
  17. shnookums

    Ideal reef chemistry

    IMO, i think your alkalinity is too low, 7-9 is what i have read, after a couple of months of getting it to that my calcium, ph and alkalinity has really never wavered. ph 8.4, calcium 450, alkalinity 7, hardness .02:cool:
  18. shnookums

    loss of head

    i have 2 feather dusters that ive had for 6 months. one lost all of its feathers and has grown them back. my other one did the same a couple of weeks ago and has since grown its feathers back. I read somewhere when they want to reproduce they sent out the eggs and then lose theyre feathers so...
  19. shnookums

    Many questions on new set up

    I see no one has answered your questions yet, so i will give it my best shot. these are my opinions: 1. your temp is fine, salinity 1.23, ph 8.3-8.4, alk 7-9, calcium 450-475, phosphate less than .3, ammonia 0, nitrates less than 40. when cycling your ammonia, nitrites will spike then drop, then...
  20. shnookums

    RO/DI units?

    i got my Ro/unit at Lowes ($200 includes tank). i have it under the sink in the kitchen. pretty easy set up for a DIY-er. It makes a gallon per hour at 45 psi.