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  1. shnookums

    How to LOWER PH?

    i would definitely test the test kit, test the source water before making saltwater, then test the saltwater, process of elimination. we used to use the tablet form of ph test kit, it always tested 8.6, went to the same brand test kit to liquid form and that tests at 8.3. go figure. good luck...
  2. shnookums

    green star polyps dying???

    I have a small peice and a large piece in my tank at the office and at home. the smaller pieces were ok at the beginning, but the smaller ones have also closed up. not sure why either, maybe someone will have an idea.:(
  3. shnookums

    Calcium, Alkalinity, And Reef Builder

    i had the close to the same problem awhile ago, I had high alk, constantly low ph and low calcium. I too was using the reef builders to no avail. the alk and calcium and ph all fall into the same category. one effects the other. use R/O water, try not using the reef builder, use 8.3 buffer and...
  4. shnookums

    VHO's - will in-canopy lighting damage tank?

    i agree, especially with the fans. :)
  5. shnookums

    could some one let me know if you can get to my site

    it worked ok for me nice photo of the tank, let us know when you get the rest up:)
  6. shnookums

    Live rock problems...

    sounds like your still in the cycle. I would do a water change with a light vaccuum of substrate. too much will really spike the nitrates. the red slimy stuff is slime algae, you can get stuff to get rid of it at your LFS. this too i feel is part of the cycle. I went thru it too. but haven't had...
  7. shnookums

    Live rock problems

    lol, don't you hate it when you ask a question and get a question, i also am wondering with a question, what supplements are you adding to your tank? no algae is good depending if its a reef or FOLR tank. let us know.:)
  8. shnookums

    suggestions on 125

    i would definitely not get a yellow tang lol. i think your tank is to small lol
  9. shnookums

    Ballast for 75watt VHO

    on the advance ballast it lists what and how many bulbs the ballast will allow. We use the biggest one at lowes its $38 for which is good for up to 2 110 watt bulbs. HOpe this helps.:)
  10. shnookums

    anybody of good pic's of there sump/filter setups

    i'm with ya salty nutz, sumps are easy, get a tank, get some pieces of plexiglass and aquarium caulk, make compartments, get overflow box get tubing at lowes if needed. no drilling here.:)
  11. shnookums

    Problem with MH please help

    some metal halides take a while to strike when they are NEW. continue to either unplug and replug in or leave them plugged on and they will finally strike. ;)
  12. shnookums

    Need an opinion

    i have a 150 tank, and i have 3 175 MH in it with 4 vho actinics. we started with 2 mh and we got this dark V in the middle of the tank from the stretcher on the tank. put a middle one in and it looks better. we did the mh DIY and bought m50 ballast at light store,($60 each) and ordered the...
  13. shnookums

    MH covers

    no, we have ours 12" off the water. keep an eye on your water temperature. these bulbs are hot.:)
  14. shnookums


    we have one at our office (the boss bought it). we can only turn it up a tiny little bit. It does skim well (lots of thick yuk in the cup) and it is loud. We are using it on a 55 gallon tank. we have had it about 2 months still can't turn it up, and when we add top off water, half of it ends up...
  15. shnookums

    First Test Readings

    IMO, I think your still cycling, because you didn't have a kit earlier on you weren't able to see the "spike". No problem, just read in your test kit about the "cycle" it will give you info on what happens. I think it would be best to wait it out for another couple of weeks or at least until...
  16. shnookums

    How do I set this up? 30Gal

    in my opinion, I would lose the crushed coral and get the really small coral aggregate. depending whether you are going to have corals, live rock, fish only etc. we need more information, to get a better idea of what you want out of this tank. Don't forget it takes 6-8 weeks to cycle your tank...
  17. shnookums

    Well Water

    no, r/o water is the best. i started with well water and have since changed to r/o water. well water contains bad things, just like city water. r/o water IMO is the purest. talk to your LFS about r/o water and what is required (chemicals to use) when using r/o water. I currently use r/o water...
  18. shnookums

    BTA and Percula Clown

    i have a percula in my tank with several anenomes and he likes the frog spawn better. Maybe in time he/she will warm to it. its a hit or miss. good luck, keep us posted.:)
  19. shnookums

    Ready to give up.

    We have a toadstool leather that was beautiful about a month ago, he too slumped over, algae grew on it, it was nasty, but i made the hubby keep it in the tank, two days ago, it decided to come back out. they are tempermental. we have two colt corals, the oldest was looking funky, and we moved...
  20. shnookums

    anemone questions

    my tomato clown is in a bubble tip. In my opinion (IMO), go to a LFS and when you see a clown in a anenome, that is what you buy. I have a percula that likes frogspawn and my hammer. he doesn't play in it hard, more like under it. I purchased my clown with the anenome. they have been together...