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  1. armageddon

    Do triggers have something against Wrasses

    my niger trigger rarely leaves my harlequin tusk alone.
  2. armageddon

    seargent major

    Is it possible to breed seargent majors?
  3. armageddon

    starting up 90 FO finally...

    Throw some cocktail shrimp in and let them rot. You sure you don't want to run a FOWLR?
  4. armageddon

    garlic? microvert?

    Garlic also boosts the immune system.
  5. armageddon

    ATTN: gasguzzler!!!pics are ready

    I use a powerhead near the water surface to aerate my tank. There is a small gap between the folding glass panel and the tank, so there is some gas exchange between the air in the tank and the room. My fimbriated could never get out the small slit, so i'm not worried. It works well for me.
  6. armageddon

    Fallen Comrades

    I had multiple fish die a few months ago, and I beleive it was a Ph drop that caused it. I dont beleive I had sufficient gas exchange, and the Ph dropped too low. My humu did survive, and is still alive. Sorry for the loss.
  7. armageddon

    i thnk someone just ate something

    A similar event happened to my eel around a year ago. He ripped off part of my feeding stick, and I could see it in his stomach. It was stuck in there for a few days, then I just found it laying out on the sandbed. The only fear I had was the piece of wood piercing through his insides when he...
  8. armageddon

    Undulated + Fimbriated

    I think i'm going to stick with the humu and forget about the undulate. I've had the humu for too long to be able to easily give him up anyways.
  9. armageddon

    PUFFER FISH FOR A 40 gallon ???

    I had a large CBS that would give a valentini a run for its money. I dont know if a valentini would try to eat that monster. He kept eating my hermits so i put him up against a small undulate. Now that was a battle.
  10. armageddon

    how will a pork puffer do with a goby?

    I had a picasso in with a porky and his tail never cured because it would be regularly bitten. During feeding if the puffer was taking the food a quick bite to the side or tail would set him straight. They were not a good mix. Also take into consideration how big a porky will get. If your not...
  11. armageddon

    New tank on wheels . . .

    I have one of those little dual burner stoves. I just run an extension cord right over to the coffee table. Its perfect for cooking or having a few blades while you watch tv.
  12. armageddon

    Sand question

    I like having liner under my sand because my eel burrows right down to the glass. A sudden move sometimes causes a violent shift in the rock, and I would hate for the bottom of the tank to crack.
  13. armageddon

    Undulated + Fimbriated

    How well would a 4" Undulated trigger mix with a 12" fimbriated moray in a 90? I currently have the eel with a 5" Humu Humu. Im not planning on having both triggers.
  14. armageddon

    Some more questions

    To keep pest algae down in my aggressive i keep my phosphates, silicates, and nitrates low. I dont run my lighting very long maybe 8 hours a day. A small humu humu will do fine in a 75 for a while. The thing i have noticed with the humu's i have owned in the past is they are probably the most...
  15. armageddon

    Freshwater myris shrimp +Atlantic scallops

    I have a 5" humu humu, 5" niger, 5" porky and a medium sized SFE. I am going to be getting rid of the puffer soon. I feed a good diet of clams, brine shrimp, squid, mysis shrimp, krill, mussel, and urchin. I accidently bought some freshwater mysis(i was in a rush), and i have some atlantic...
  16. armageddon

    Freshwater myris shrimp +Atlantic scallops

    Would feeding freshwater mysis shrimp and atlantic scallops to Indo-Pacific Aggressives have any negative effects? Andrew
  17. armageddon

    all trigger tank

    Mixing a queen, undulate, and titan plus other triggers would spell disaster shortly if you ask me. I doubt you would find a real titan without some hunting. Several species look quite similar and are often passed off as titans(pineapple, yellowface, and yellowmargin triggers). I think they are...
  18. armageddon

    "Skimmers are useless for FOWLR tanks"

    If skimmers are useless for FOWLR tanks then all the waste i just removed from the collection cup on my skimmer must have no benefit on my system. Andrew
  19. armageddon

    I need a good eel recommendation

  20. armageddon

    eel proofing

    The way i use to totally seal off my tank is i have glass tops that cover every possible escape. All equiptment has to be located in a sump though. Egg crate and mesh could be used also. Just make sure you seal off every possible opening. Andrew