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  1. crashlk

    PUffers and other fish

    Yes. My puffer made short work of them in the past
  2. crashlk

    What kind of Puffer is this!

    Your Dogfaced spotted puffer would do fine with a pinktail, bluejaw, or niger. Each dogfaced temperments are diff. and will vary. Mine is verry mellow and needs to be watched during eating, because more aggressive fish will take his food and forced him into one of the bottom corners of the tank.
  3. crashlk

    Niger Trigger

    You will be upgrading soon, or the picasso will be making short work of the niger. Once the picasso starts maturing, he will be going after the more peaceful niger (yes the niger is peaceful compared to the picasso)and it will be from behind where size will not be an issue for the picasso. Keep...
  4. crashlk

    Picasso Trigger, how aggressive?

    The aggression will increase with age. I had to give my picasso away, because had killed off half of my tank in a few days. he was starting to push around the other fish in the tank and testing how far he could go with his tankmates. One day he just snapped, and that was the end. This was in a...
  5. crashlk

    are cleaner shrimp safe with picasso triggers?

    Your triger will love the treat.
  6. crashlk

    puffers and lions

    My dogface and 2 dwarf lions are fine together. They have diff. eating habits and the dogface is peaceful. Should not be a problem based on my fish and being in a 125. Their could be issues in a smaller tank.
  7. crashlk

    Skilter 250 Pump Noise

    2+ years. I think you can get replacement parts like other mag style pumps, but usually the parts are almost the same price as a replacement unit. You may want to wait for it to fail and replace the whole unit. Another cause of the sound could be the alignment of the water column and the outlet...
  8. crashlk

    Mag drive started rattling

    You may want to change to a flow diverter (mixing) valve configuration instead of just a ball valve restriction. If you divert some of the flow back into the sump, then you can control the flow back to the tank and not create any additional backpressure. Put a Tee inline and use the ball valve...
  9. crashlk

    Skilter 250 Pump Noise

    It souds like it is, but first thing to do is to tear down the pump section. You may have something in the section causing the sound, but most likely the pump is tearing itself apart. Another possibility, is the vibration of the pump maybe increasing, which could be causing the increased sound...
  10. crashlk

    Clean up Crew?

    I have the same question, but I have a Neiger Trigger and a Dog Faced Spotted Puffer. What can I use for a crew?
  11. crashlk

    DIY Electrical GFCI powerstrip

    Based on the GFCI, this will work. You have to check the wiring instructions with the unit and wire it as if it were in the middle of a line. This wil give you unlimited # of outlets as long as you stay within the power rating of the unit. The GFCI needs to have provisions for this requirement...
  12. crashlk

    Feeding question: Puffer

    I feed my dog faced, Silversides, dried krill, shrimp, clams, and some live food.
  13. crashlk

    Sargassum Trigger

    I was just reading up on triggers, and this trigger and the bluejaw are the only herbivorous triggers and the lest aggressive of the triggers. I would agree that it is reef safe, but this is not based on first hand knowledge.
  14. crashlk

    female bluejaw trigger pics?

    Bluejaws are becoming very popular and hard to find larger examples. The males are twice the price of females.
  15. crashlk

    female bluejaw trigger pics?

    *********** has pictures of both male and female bluejaw triggers. The picture you posted looks like a female. The male has yellow edege fins and the blue patch under its lower jaw (Bluejaw). You can get a lot of info by searching under it's proper name Xanthichthys auromarginatus I am...
  16. crashlk

    Dogface puffer!!

    The other tank mates can take the food away from puffer. Depending on the day, he will go to the corner of the tank if the activity in the tank is heavy and fast during feeding. Sometimes I will feed the others in the tank and then feed puffer. Part of the issues is how much he has eaten in the...
  17. crashlk

    dwarf owners

    I have the same question, but I also have a puffer in addition to 2 dwarf fuzzy lions. What can I use for a cleanup crew?
  18. crashlk

    Dogface puffer!!

    I have had a Spotted Dog faced Puffer for over a year, and the family loves him. He will eat too much and sit on the bottom and not move. His name is puffalump thanks to my two year old son. You do have to watch other tank mates during feeding. He likes to eat food at the overflows, but is...