Search results

  1. barry769

    50/50 24" no

    yes, the colors will look better, but other than that, there is no real benefit
  2. barry769

    Coral Beauty or Flame Angel?

    I used to have a flame angel, and now I have a coral beauty. Their personalities are very similar, and I always used to think that the flame angels were better looking fish, however when I saw this particular coral beauty at the store I had to have him and now greatly prefer him over the...
  3. barry769

    Everyone's Favorite : A Lighting Question

    Ok, so here is my lighting question. I have a 30 gallon tank that I hope will be able to support even the most light demanding inhabitants like clams and sps. I have a slightly flexible $500 budget to spend on my lighting. What kind of lighting system do you recommend, and where is the best...
  4. barry769

    Protein Skimmer

    It has to be a hang on type.
  5. barry769

    Protein Skimmer

    I accidentally broke my Prism Protein Skimmer, which i'm not all that sad about because the thing didn't work well at all, and am looking to buy a new skimmer for my tank. What is the best skimmer on the market right now for a 30 gallon tank that is under $250.
  6. barry769


    That bulb is 4000k which is too low for a SW aquarium, unless you plan on an algae tank.
  7. barry769

    lps/softie lighting

    They don't say how long it will take to ship, and shipping looks like it will be expensive...I have heard from other people that say they are trustworthy, but I think I'm going to keep looking to see if I can't find a cheaper source. I'll keep you posted if i find anything. -Scott
  8. barry769

    lps/softie lighting does ship internationally, it can get to be annoying trying to use their translater to change all of the german to english, but as of right now, it looks as though this is how I am going to get 24" t5s
  9. barry769

    lps/softie lighting

    Go with T5's if you can find it, it is a better alternative to VHO and if you don't have a deep tank it can compete with MH.
  10. barry769

    T5 Lighting

    I am about to buy some good lighting for my tank and have decided that T5HO lighting is the best supplement for MH. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with getting them in the US -Scott
  11. barry769

    can i add all these?

    I put a vote in for no Coral Banded, I have one in my tank right now, and am minus one Banggai Cardinal, and it is chasing my cleaner shrimp around the tank looking for another meal. Hopefully this afternoon will see his return to the lfs.
  12. barry769

    This is a nicer section

    sorry if this sounds rude, but am I the only one that doesn't believe this is a real post. Or is it just a coincidince that the person managed to hit every point that causes people to get mad on this board in such a short paragraph. Tangs in 55, why wait for cycle, butterfly fish, i don't...
  13. barry769

    " snow storm in your area " how many inches "

    I just hope that some of these people have some sort of backup plan for their tanks, they say there are record power outages in some areas and that power won't be restored for almost a week.
  14. barry769

    FLAME ANGLE!!!!! is it reef safe

    For the most part what I have heard is that the majority of flame angels are fine with reefs, but you can occasionally get a bad one. However, I just started a thread yesterday about keeping a flame in my 30 gallon tank and was told that a 30 isn't big enough to keep a flame happy and that you...
  15. barry769

    Dwarf Angel in a 30 gallon

    Ok, I have a 30 gallon tank, and I was looking at live aquaria's recommendations, and I saw that they said that coral beauties and flame dwarf angelfish can be kept in a 30 gallon tank. I would really want to get one of these two fish, but that doesn't seem right to me because I think they...
  16. barry769

    OT any lawyers here I have a question

    If you do go through escrow, just make sure that it is something legitamate like There are lots of cases now where the seller tries to make himself trustworthy by offering escrow, but instead sends you to a fake escrow site which the seller owns. Then you not only end up paying...
  17. barry769

    fish cant feel pain, scientist conclude

    Feeling pain, Feeling touch, and knowing your F***d are all extremely different. There are people who can't feel pain, but can still feel touch. Its extremely dangerous for them too, they can be shot with a gun and would feel as though they were just shoved and not realise that they are dying...
  18. barry769

    OT : New Virus going around

    with adaware, you can delete pretty much everything it tells you to. The worst that could happen is that some free program like kazaa wouldn't work because you deleted the ad software they bundle with their program. In this case you can either redownload kazaa or adaware saves and quarantines...
  19. barry769

    OT : New Virus going around

    If that doesn't get rid of your problem, there are other ways you can get rid of programs that startup with windows, but they are quite a bit more complicated. tell me if that works and if not, I'll try to help you out as best I can.
  20. barry769

    OT : New Virus going around

    If you are having a problem with any type of stupid ad programs on your computer, the best program that I can suggest to you is Ad Aware 6.0 . It deletes almost all of those stupid programs that you never remember installing, plus it gets rid of other programs that are spying on your internet...