Search results

  1. midwest reefer

    Amquel + ????

    IMO it wont hurt... but it want solve your problem. Using any chemical to cure your water will simply remove whatever it is your trying to remove(if it works), however chances are in the future you will have the problem again. The best thing to do is to find the source for your poor water...
  2. midwest reefer

    ballast question

  3. midwest reefer

    ballast question

    I am seriously looking into upgrading to a vho or mh lighting system, but im not sure about ballast differences yet. I just dont get the difference between an "electronic ballast" and a standard ballast. Also, when Im looking I frequently see ice cap ballast offered as an option. For...
  4. midwest reefer

    Research paper help....

    Lance would be easy to do. So if I dont find anything else thats what Ill do. Ghandi would be easy too, but boring! Atleast IMO. Rudy was mayor during 9-11. That would be a very good start. I figured I could write a majority of the paper on that. Anyone got anything else... thanks for...
  5. midwest reefer

    Research paper help....

    Need help on the person to do my paper on. It has to be on a famous person who has been through conflict. The paper is strictly on conflit, thats where Im having trouble. I have to write a whole paper elaborating on what a person went through and what they did about it. (not too hard, just...
  6. midwest reefer

    good coral?

    If you find some rare zoo's you could get them. They grow pretty quickly and are fraggable. Also if you get nice ones you'll have no problem trading or selling them. Same with ricordias. Colt corals grow quickly and are easy to frag as well.
  7. midwest reefer

    Water Quality

    the angel was the only recent addition
  8. midwest reefer

    Water Quality

    Also, I lost a maculoses angel today. He was covered in parasites. I tried to FW dip him but was unsuccesful. He had parasites (or what I believe to be) for a while, and so far still the only inhabitant to show any signs of illness. Was the poor water quality a reason for this?
  9. midwest reefer

    Water Quality

    Not sure exactly where to post this, but I figured here would be the best. I have a 125g FO tank. It has been setup for years. Lately I have been having bad nitrate/nitrite problems. I have been increasing water changes, and it hasnt helped. Just recently(today) I added LR. Been meaning to...
  10. midwest reefer

    One year old...

    your tank is incredible
  11. midwest reefer


    Are you looking for in sump or hang on? If your looking at in sump most people say euro reef's are the best. Probably the most reccomended hang on would be the CPR bak pak.
  12. midwest reefer

    Clean Up Crew For Agressive Tank

    my puffers dont seem to bother the two cucumbers I put in... Ive also had luck with large hermits, but Im not sure how the trigger will do with those.
  13. midwest reefer

    TO much PC lighting??

    If its the 75g tank your talking about that would give you 10.2wpg. From what Ive been told that is about ideal for clams and such. However, Im not sure if you would get other benifets using higher output lights like MH or VHO.
  14. midwest reefer


    Im pretty sure aragamilk will boost your alkalinity as well. When I used it my alk was way up and my calcium stable at 340ppm. So I stoped using it and just started using liquid calcium(much easier) and got my levels to par. Now Ive switched to B-Ionic, but I wouldnt consider it a shortcut...
  15. midwest reefer

    New Skimmer....comments

    Originally posted by traib Get a Remora. I conquer.... Bak paks are decent too. Bad thing about skimmers is that when you try to save $ you always end up losing because the cheapies never work right. JMO.
  16. midwest reefer

    Chicago land area trading club
  17. midwest reefer

    Chicago land area trading club

    Count me in. I live in bloomington, but make the trip to chicago alot with my dad just to go look at fish stores. Not much to see down here.
  18. midwest reefer

    How long do you guys/galz leave your lights on????

    I used to run mine 12 hours a day until I started having bad algae. Then I did lots of research on how to get algae to go away and one thing it said to do was to cut the lights back to 6-8 hours a day. So I cut back to 6 for a few weeks then up to 8 and eventually I got rid of my algae...
  19. midwest reefer

    T5 Lighting

    Thanks... The only reason I asked was because the T5 fixtuer is half the price than the mh, and it is only about 1.5 wpg less. But I think the MH would be a better choice and probably the one Ill go with.
  20. midwest reefer

    T5 Lighting

    Has anyone ever heard of these or used them? The reason I ask is because Im looking to upgrade my lights so I can keep a clam or possibly some acro. I found a t5 fixture that was 8x54w, which would be 7.8wpg. Would that be enough?