This is a list of what is in the tank:
1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 4 green chromis,2 black 3-spot damsels,
1 yellow tail damsel, 1 pseudochromis, 2 Clowns (percula), 2 Yellow clown gobys,
1 bicolor blennie, 1 firefish, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 Cortez ray, 1 coral beauty, 1 dwarf flame angel, 1 sandsifting goby, 1 spotted mandarin, 1 red spotted sand perch,
1 Flame Cardinal,
Nassarius Snails and more snails, 2 cleaner clams, Some blue leg hermits
3 featherdusters
1 cabbage leather, 1 toadstool leather, 1 BTA, 1 Kenya tree, 1 candy cane frag, a hammer coral, a green ricordea, 1 green star polyp, 2 rocks with (lime) green zoas, 1 favia (?), xenia, 1 ORA Purple Capricornis, 1 pencil urchin, 1 pincushion urchin