My New Refugium

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok my first comment. Ummm is that thing in the lower right of your tank an artificial plant. and what does utoh mean


utoh..I was kidding thinking what have I done wrong...LOL
Yes, it was really big, I cut half of it off, I plan on taking the rest out, BUT my little yellow clown gobies sleep in it. I was trying to find other plants, but SW plants are scarce...


I know, believe me it is less than half of what it will be going soooon

Seriously...this weekend I will take it out...I had other fake things and they are all gone already...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Now your rockwork, if it was my tank I would remember that when choosing LR or any rock to go into my tank. First I want rock with some level areas to stack other rocks on also as a place to put corals. By stacking you will give yourself the opportunity to place corals that do well at different levels of light intensity

florida joe

Well-Known Member
can you respost a close up of your tank and remember your rock will cover over with coriline so you need not pit rock based only on its coverage. have to run my son is helping the high school wrestling team get ready for regionals I will be back soon.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Before we go any further I want to remind you, and if you look at any of my old posts were I helped someone and it turned into an almost one on one I have said this. Im opinions are just that my own. This is your tank and your ref. My suggestions are just that. Think about them but in the end it must be YOUR Decision


OK, I really like the left has lots of different levels, and places for the fish to go thru.....the right side I like too, BUT if I change it I want to go up...I have to buy some more rock for that though, and remember I have to order everything, so I lose the benefit of picking out pieces myself

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I personally like rockwork that flows and can give the elusion of depth in a tank. If I were to due my tank over I would start by making my rockwork in a semi circle starting at the right side close but not up against the front or the side of the tank then continue the rock work around the back close and even touching if you like. Continue around stopping either short or longer then the other side. You are forming a cave with out the top. This will allow you to build up and toward the center. I think vertical lines look so much better then strictly longitudinal ones. Nothing in nature grows on straight lines. Or at least in my eye. Give this some thought


I think IF I were starting over I would do a lot of things not put the rock touching on the back or the sides, BUT since I have what I have, I think the best I can do is build on the right...I have to leave my open spaces for my ray...


This is a list of what is in the tank:
1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 4 green chromis,2 black 3-spot damsels,
1 yellow tail damsel, 1 pseudochromis, 2 Clowns (percula), 2 Yellow clown gobys,
1 bicolor blennie, 1 firefish, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 Cortez ray, 1 coral beauty, 1 dwarf flame angel, 1 sandsifting goby, 1 spotted mandarin, 1 red spotted sand perch,
1 Flame Cardinal,
Nassarius Snails and more snails, 2 cleaner clams, Some blue leg hermits
3 featherdusters
1 cabbage leather, 1 toadstool leather, 1 BTA, 1 Kenya tree, 1 candy cane frag, a hammer coral, a green ricordea, 1 green star polyp, 2 rocks with (lime) green zoas, 1 favia (?), xenia, 1 ORA Purple Capricornis, 1 pencil urchin, 1 pincushion urchin

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
This is a list of what is in the tank:
1 sailfin tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 blue hippo tang, 4 green chromis,2 black 3-spot damsels,
1 yellow tail damsel, 1 pseudochromis, 2 Clowns (percula), 2 Yellow clown gobys,
1 bicolor blennie, 1 firefish, 1 lawnmower blennie, 1 Cortez ray, 1 coral beauty, 1 dwarf flame angel, 1 sandsifting goby, 1 spotted mandarin, 1 red spotted sand perch,
1 Flame Cardinal,
Nassarius Snails and more snails, 2 cleaner clams, Some blue leg hermits
3 featherdusters
1 cabbage leather, 1 toadstool leather, 1 BTA, 1 Kenya tree, 1 candy cane frag, a hammer coral, a green ricordea, 1 green star polyp, 2 rocks with (lime) green zoas, 1 favia (?), xenia, 1 ORA Purple Capricornis, 1 pencil urchin, 1 pincushion urchin
are you sure thats all
we will talk later


Originally Posted by florida joe
Yes I would wait and before I got the acrylic go to your local hardware store and buy a glasscutter. They are under $5. Goggle cutting glass its real easy practice on a few pieces I am sure you can do it yourself. All you need it the cutter the glass a straight edge alcohol and a ruler If i can do it anyone can
right here


are you sure thats all we will talk later far as I know, although the other day I saw some weird thing, posted it in the hitchhiker forum, and was told some sort of Nudibranch....haven't seen it since though.
I just started on the corals