Rich people and biggots always vote Republican

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
doesn't address the schools in urban areas... yes some will choose to ship kids out... but it doesn't address the problem with the school in the community... Why not bring the resources and the teachers in? This solution doesn't address the problem.. it just gives private schools money and takes away from public.
To do that on a national level is impossible. You have to do it locally. Who is your superintendent? Who serves on the board? Who is in the PTA? How much does the state budget for the schools?Only 20% of the people (at the most) in those districts can answer all of those questions. Yet you make it a national issue...It is not. It is a local Problem...Cities make more revenue that townships, yet repeatedly townships out rank city public education....has nothing to do with the national outlook and everything to do with how the LOCAL money is spent and the local population view education.
For years/decades this country survived education being done by most teachers never having a college education. Only the past 20 years has this come more so to the forefront. But Geez, is it that hard to explain Algebra? If you know spanish, can you not teach it to someone? Sorry, but public education is just a set up for college to give you the basics in daily life and a bit extra. The problem with urban schools is not the schools but the children with in them. Some can't read. Are you trying to tell me it is because their teacher does not have a master's in English? Give me a break. Basic skills tests are not rocket science....some can't add? That is because the teacher teaching math does not have a master's degree. No, the problem is the parents and the children...

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
the burden of proof is on the people that are making crazy statments... you basically are telling me that all or even most welfare or social aid recipiants are driving around in $40k-$50k vehicles...
I find the claim to be a drastic misrepresentation... and if you believe it to be true... you show me... because the documentation or statistics I would provide would show the income level in which these people are trying to survive and that their records are based off of work statements and so forth... I am not the one making accusations based off of something I think I saw... or probably didn't and am just saying because I have that point of view.
and the small % that do abuse the system... I gave you another interpretation... Another thing that you don't understand is the "poverty mindset" .. look it up

So when multiple people tell you that they have personally witnessed this you still refuse to believe it ? Sounds like a conspiracy to me then. After all why would multiple people from multiple states and income brackets have the same complaint.
But then thats right you did politely call us all liars because we have never seen this and we just have that mind set . So I guess thats it, case closed RYLAN is right we are all just lying rich bigot white men that vote republican
because we can't back up our claims with documented youtube proof of welfare recipents driving Blinged out SUV's .

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I never said it wasn't.... nevertheless it seems that you all won't admit that the vast majority of people in the system are of need.

And yet the vast majority of those in "need", purchase items they do not need.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I never said it wasn't.... nevertheless it seems that you all won't admit that the vast majority of people in the system are of need.
You mean like clemsons grandpa ? God forbid his family help him out . Especially when the collective can do it instead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
so poor people don't drink or smoke? Research will tell you that poor people use drugs and alchohal more than wealthier people... and why is that... to cope with them being poor.
and what does this have to do with them riding around in escalades with 24 inch chrome rims?
How poor can they be when they can come up with the cash for smokes and booze?
I remember one incident very clearly. I am in line buying soup and spam for my groceries and the guy in front of me says he forgot something and asked if I could watch his cart. He comes back with two bottles of wine. When he loaded his steaks and other items on the conveyer he held the wine and a few other items back. He gave them food stamps for the food and pulled out a wad of bills and peeled off a 100 for the wine and stuff. He left in a Infinity or Lexis one. This was a pretty small town (Coure D' Alene Idaho) and the clerk said he was a regular and ate a heck of a lot better than she did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You just moaned that city schools are not equal. But give the people a choice to go somewhere else, and you are against it.
they are not... and I want someone to address it.... but I disagree that the solution is to ship some students out... and leave the others with less than they had to begin with.. as far as resources.. If a city public education system can have some schools with 96% master degreed teachers... and others with 33%... something is wrong... especially when the schools are on the complete opposite ends of achievement. I agree do what is best for your child... but at the same time I am not blind or can ignore the plight of the school I did not send my child to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I believe that vouchers can be part of the solution for special needs children or ones with special abilities.... but this is not the solution to a failing public education system...
The solution is for the many inner city parents who wont supervise their little heathens to step up and be a parent so the good teachers wont be afraid to teach at those schools and the school budget isn't eaten up paying for vandalism, theft and extra security.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
they are not... and I want someone to address it.... but I disagree that the solution is to ship some students out... and leave the others with less than they had to begin with.. as far as resources.. If a city public education system can have some schools with 96% master degreed teachers... and others with 33%... something is wrong... especially when the schools are on the complete opposite ends of achievement. I agree do what is best for your child... but at the same time I am not blind or can ignore the plight of the school I did not send my child to.

Do you need a master's degree to teach algebra? How about english? How does a master's degree curb the HIGH drop out rate at those schools? How does it prevent kids from cutting class? explain that to me and I will see your argument.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
they are not... and I want someone to address it.... but I disagree that the solution is to ship some students out... and leave the others with less than they had to begin with.. as far as resources.. If a city public education system can have some schools with 96% master degreed teachers... and others with 33%... something is wrong... especially when the schools are on the complete opposite ends of achievement. I agree do what is best for your child... but at the same time I am not blind or can ignore the plight of the school I did not send my child to.
You don't just dump more money into something that is broken despite the money pumped in. At the high school I went to. They taught kids on 4000 dollars a school year. and I was light years ahead of kids in good schools with 20k a student to spend. Why force kids to stay in schools where even with 20 to 40k to spend per student doesn't get them a good education. They have the $$. They just don't have the system in place to handle this. While many private schools do. And with vouchers they have the access to these schools.

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
and what does this have to do with them riding around in escalades with 24 inch chrome rims?

If you can afford an SUV that blue books over 24,000$ (2002 Escalade) . Then add in rims that cost between 1000-4500$ a piece . Then add in a killer stereo that costs upwards of 2000$ . Your driving around in a car thats worth between 30-40,000 dollars and your expecting everybody else to help you buy groceries for your family . Maybe you need to sell the bling bling and give up some "street cred" and learn to have some "FAMILY RESPONSABILITY" . Feed your own family and drive a car that you can afford to own .

bang guy

Originally Posted by Rylan1
they are not... and I want someone to address it.... but I disagree that the solution is to ship some students out... and leave the others with less than they had to begin with.. as far as resources.. If a city public education system can have some schools with 96% master degreed teachers... and others with 33%... something is wrong... especially when the schools are on the complete opposite ends of achievement. I agree do what is best for your child... but at the same time I am not blind or can ignore the plight of the school I did not send my child to.
I'm cool with public schools being equally funded. I believe that's a flaw in our public education system. We won't ever have EQUAL schools because involved parents contribute massively to the well being of a school.
Buffalo, NY, where I work, has a school budget of $875 Million with 41,000 students which is about $50,000 per student per year. Less than half of these students graduate and the district is considered to be near the bottom academically within the state.
Warsaw, where I live & pay school taxes has a budget of $7.8 Million with 960 students at a cost of about $8,000 per student and is consistently in the top 5% in the state when school districts are ranked.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
so poor people don't drink or smoke? Research will tell you that poor people use drugs and alchohal more than wealthier people... and why is that... to cope with them being poor....
Could it possibly partly be the other way around? Could it be drug and alcohol abuse lead to poverty?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Could it possibly partly be the other way around? Could it be drug and alcohol abuse lead to poverty?
His statement rates up there with the increasing capital gains will increase investment.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
His statement rates up there with the increasing capital gains will increase investment.
We are dealing with the capital gains tax issue on a few properties we bought in Kansas City. Neighbors are furious that we bought them and are being childish. Offloading them will cost us unless we are able to do an approved exchange(?). We are meeting with our CPA to discuss it next month.
Anybody here have info on the process...feel free to post or PM me.