

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by travelerjp98 http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411575
That was an interesting video.. even though it kind of changed my mind about it a little, I still don't like that there have to be fish in the tank during either an ammonia or nitrite spike, no matter how little they may be.
Do you think that in our little glass cages that we keep these fish in that they are never exposed to ammonia or nitrite at all whether a tank has completed it's initial cycle or not? It's a continuous process. Ammonia is produced and broken down over and over again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411588
Do you think that in our little glass cages that we keep these fish in that they are never exposed to ammonia or nitrite at all whether a tank has completed it's initial cycle or not? It's a continuous process. Ammonia is produced and broken down over and over again.
Fortunently...... at a much fast rate than the initial cycle.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411592
Fortunently...... at a much fast rate than the initial cycle.
Fortunately yes. But think about what these fish go through say when someone purchases one off of a website and they get packaged and shipped to us over the course of a day or two and what the concentrations of ammonia is in the bags that they show up in. The true morality of the situation is that if people really cared for the well being of these animals than we would leave them in the ocean where they belong truly belong. Keith, you wouldn't kidnap somebodies child out of an environment that they were perfectly fine in just because you thought you could give it a better home would you?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411594
Fortunately yes. But think about what these fish go through say when someone purchases one off of a website and they get packaged and shipped to us over the course of a day or two and what the concentrations of ammonia is in the bags that they show up in. The true morality of the situation is that if people really cared for the well being of these animals than we would leave them in the ocean where they belong truly belong. Keith, you wouldn't kidnap somebodies child out of an environment that they were perfectly fine in just because you thought you could give it a better home would you?

well, that depends on how well they behave? Lol.... no, no I wouldn't. I'm not disagreeing with you Cory, When I first started this hobby, I read some posts on this site where someone was adding water, salt and fish within one day, he got his butt ripped up and down. For a long time i feared posting anything! The point here is everyone is knocking these two guys for their buisness, building tanks, nice ones at that, to some degree it may be up to them to educate their clients on proper tank responsibilities, but it isn't, it's up to the clients to learn about their caged critters.
I also agree on the fact some of these fish need to stay in the Oceans. with all of this technology we have today why can't we breed them in farms, same with these rare corals or corals period. We frag and swap all the time in this hobby, why pull these animals out of their homes in the big ol' blue. The fact sir remains....... they do and people buy them. same with this show, people pay these big dollars for a nice DT and the fish that go with it...... they just do, right or wrong. (lets atleast comment on some of the ideas these guys have for tanks. Atleast their good at something)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411600
well, that depends on how well they behave? Lol.... no, no I wouldn't. I'm not disagreeing with you Cory, When I first started this hobby, I read some posts on this site where someone was adding water, salt and fish within one day, he got his butt ripped up and down. For a long time i feared posting anything! The point here is everyone is knocking these two guys for their buisness, building tanks, nice ones at that, to some degree it may be up to them to educate their clients on proper tank responsibilities, but it isn't, it's up to the clients to learn about their caged critters.
I also agree on the fact some of these fish need to stay in the Oceans. with all of this technology we have today why can't we breed them in farms, same with these rare corals or corals period. We frag and swap all the time in this hobby, why pull these animals out of their homes in the big ol' blue. The fact sir remains....... they do and people buy them. same with this show, people pay these big dollars for a nice DT and the fish that go with it...... they just do, right or wrong. (lets atleast comment on some of the ideas these guys have for tanks. Atleast their good at something)
Well and that's my point. Everybody here plays a roll in the demand that requires these animals to be taken out of the wild to satisfy our own desires. So in some shape or form we are all contributing to the abuse and miss handling of these animals. We can chose to close out eyes to the facts by saying "oh well I saved this helpless fish from the store where it was surely going to die". That's bull. You're contributing to the demand of the hobby that leads to the collection of these animals. So we're all fish torturers and murders. Think about that next time you'er at the local fish store looking for Nemo's distant cousin to toss in your tank. And remember the fact that you'll never be able to give it a better home than where it came from. So the stance of taking the higher moral ground seams rather pointless to me. JMO
Idea wise, I wish they would show more about the actual building process that goes into these system. Because that's what I'm really interested in. All you see and inquiry into the commission of a system, a few small tidbits of what goes into building it and then the set up process which takes all of about 5 minutes. I want to see more of the filtration tanks, and I want to steal some of their methods of acrylic fabrication. Is that better for ya Keith?

Oh and I liked the feeding tube idea.


Active Member
I would really hate to see you in the LFS....... buzz kill....Lol
Edit: But yes thats better, I like the ideas these yahoos have. They nned to focus more on the tech builds and fabrications.
your still a buzz kill tho


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411611
Ya........ I do really try tho to buy ora fish sometimes its hard to tell and my lfg can't really tell either unless he orders straight from them
Well that would help. At least you'd know you're getting your fish from a sustainable source. Unfortunately there are very few marine fishes that breed well in captivity. Here's hoping to progress in those regards.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411604
Well and that's my point. Everybody here plays a roll in the demand that requires these animals to be taken out of the wild to satisfy our own desires. So in some shape or form we are all contributing to the abuse and miss handling of these animals. We can chose to close out eyes to the facts by saying "oh well I saved this helpless fish from the store where it was surely going to die". That's bull. You're contributing to the demand of the hobby that leads to the collection of these animals. So we're all fish torturers and murders. Think about that next time you'er at the local fish store looking for Nemo's distant cousin to toss in your tank. And remember the fact that you'll never be able to give it a better home than where it came from. So the stance of taking the higher moral ground seams rather pointless to me. JMO
Idea wise, I wish they would show more about the actual building process that goes into these system. Because that's what I'm really interested in. All you see and inquiry into the commission of a system, a few small tidbits of what goes into building it and then the set up process which takes all of about 5 minutes. I want to see more of the filtration tanks, and I want to steal some of their methods of acrylic fabrication. Is that better for ya Keith?

Oh and I liked the feeding tube idea.
I agree with you on that.. some people call me obnoxious in some fish stores, but I'm just doing what's best for the long run (hopefully)


hmm just found this thread.. will check it out regardless of bad reviews lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3411614
as your walking out of the store with several bag fulls right? Lol....
LOL!!! I'm obnoxious in a fish store either by yelling TRUE stuff about the tanks (ie. "Look at ALL OF THESE FISH! THEY ARE ALL DISEASED! HOW IS THIS STORE STILL IN BUSINESS WITH THE WAY THEY TREAT THEIR ANIMALS") or by as you almost said, LOL... walking out with so many bags of stuff that I'm getting in everyone's way..


Active Member
Had sort of a very absurd thought, spawned from another thread....
If it weren't for the average aquarium service company, and the generally poor fish environment/health of the fish most of the tanks they care for have, leading to needing frequent replenishing of fish, how many of YOU would be in the hobby?
How many people here would still have a SW tank if these companies weren't around and damsels cost $75 each? Yellow tangs $250, any really nice large angels $1000+? It's sad to think of these fish as a necessity to be led to slaughter, but if it weren't for these companies, I really don't think we would have the established collector/distributor/wholesaler/retailer chain we have today, and the prices we currently see on many fish/corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///t/387359/tanked/100#post_3412506
Had sort of a very absurd thought, spawned from another thread....
If it weren't for the average aquarium service company, and the generally poor fish environment/health of the fish most of the tanks they care for have, leading to needing frequent replenishing of fish, how many of YOU
would be in the hobby?
How many people here would still have a SW tank if these companies weren't around and damsels cost $75 each? Yellow tangs $250, any really nice large angels $1000+? It's sad to think of these fish as a necessity to be led to slaughter, but if it weren't for these companies, I really don't think we would have the established collector/distributor/wholesaler/retailer chain we have today, and the prices we currently see on many fish/corals.
okay it's rather late here and this should make sense, but........ yes intresting true but...... just can't see it, feel it,.......or phathom it
But yes, yes I would still be in the hobby.


Staff member
I wonder what % of the market makes up that population?
The abuse and morality rate that fish get subjected to just through the new hobbyist learning process is considerable in my view. What makes us upset over TANKED is that these guys supposedly should know better.
However, it is true that if we really cared that much, none of us would be hobbyists at all. I guess we are mostly hypocrites. Same could be said for the puppy mill industry where many pet shops get their dogs. Truthfully, you can say that for many pet industries. I have some snakes, one of which I am certain got snatched from Africa (not bred). There are a lot of practices of reptile breeders that I am not happy about.