

Active Member
I think you guys are takin' it a little too far... even though yes, TANKED is misplaced by being on animal planet (it should be on like Bravo or Lifetime).. that hillbilly show is not that bad. It's much better than overfishing etc. etc. Even though it's personally not my type of show, I think that it is good in the aspect that it encourages people to go outdoors and enjoy nature, and better yet, respect the environment... it's not like their polluting the rivers, which imo is the wost you could do.


Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/387359/tanked/60#post_3411316
You know what is really disheartening is that this is on Animal Planet. I suppose I expected this network to represent respect for animals, or documentaries on wildlife. Not how not to set up a fish tank featuring submerged record players and old shoes, or "hillbilly" fishing either. That hillbilly fishing show is disgusting IMO to be on a network that should be dedicated to advancing respect for animals. More like: "We hate fish channel. Lets torture them! Yippee!"
When is the dog fighting show going to start?
OMG..when I saw the advertisiment for the Hillbilly fishing show I was astonished.....I know I WILL NOT be turning that on...not even out of curiosity


Active Member
Besides, animal planet still has (and had) some great shows... such as Whale Wars and animal cops. I think that they made those more drama-type late night shows to just get more people to go onto their channel.. and hopefully watch the other shows that are more about being careful and nice to the fish... and the other animals.
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411334
OMG..when I saw the advertisiment for the Hillbilly fishing show I was astonished.....I know I WILL NOT be turning that on...not even out of curiosity
Hand fishing has been done for hundreds of years and not alot of those fish are wasted (catfish is quite tasty)


Staff member
It looks like they are having too much fun torturing fish. I turn it off when the commerical comes on.


Active Member
I'm surprised at that y'all are shocked at this. Really, a show on Animal Planet that teaches and preaches on the health of FISH. Please, this sorry excuse for what some call Reality T.V. is a joke and when I first saw the previews I already had an idea it was going to raise some serious flags with hobbyist. I am still amazed tho that there is no disclaimer regarding the proper handling and caring for the critters we call our pets.
I believe that someone stated earlier in this post that some people on here are just as bad. Something about QT'g I believe. What about the ones that overstock or put tangs in small overstocked tanks or Lion fish in with clowns and chromis's, (ya I read that funny post on another site, how do you respond to that?)
For someone to say they are going to "stop watching" just because of the way the critters are being treated is okay, we do after all have our standards, but really, who's job is it to research and learn about the fish in these incredible tanks, the guys who build them and want to get rich? Who have multiple clients and tanks to build in a day? No....... it is the clients responsibility to learn about the fish that are going into these tanks. With that said, I would probably fall down in shock if a client on this show called the tank guys out on there stocking choices or maybe a client choosing for themselves what fish they want in there lil oceans, and debating with the York brothers about there stocking overstocking and acclimating practices.
I too disagree with the direction of the show is going but to be honest with y'all, it's just a show and a very good show to show off the very interesting tank designs. Very creative and gutsy stuff there, I still love the tube feed idea!! Wow.


WHY....is it so difficult to expect to see some common sense in stocking these tanks....do you mean to tell me you can't design an amazing tank and fill it within reason....with fish that go in that size tank
if it was impossible to do so...wouldn't all of our tanks look like crap....or be overstocked


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411373
I'm surprised at that y'all are shocked at this. Really, a show on Animal Planet that teaches and preaches on the health of FISH. Please, this sorry excuse for what some call Reality T.V. is a joke and when I first saw the previews I already had an idea it was going to raise some serious flags with hobbyist. I am still amazed tho that there is no disclaimer regarding the proper handling and caring for the critters we call our pets.
I believe that someone stated earlier in this post that some people on here are just as bad. Something about QT'g I believe. What about the ones that overstock or put tangs in small overstocked tanks or Lion fish in with clowns and chromis's, (ya I read that funny post on another site, how do you respond to that?)
For someone to say they are going to "stop watching" just because of the way the critters are being treated is okay, we do after all have our standards, but really, who's job is it to research and learn about the fish in these incredible tanks, the guys who build them and want to get rich? Who have multiple clients and tanks to build in a day? No....... it is the clients responsibility to learn about the fish that are going into these tanks. With that said, I would probably fall down in shock if a client on this show called the tank guys out on there stocking choices or maybe a client choosing for themselves what fish they want in there lil oceans, and debating with the York brothers about there stocking overstocking and acclimating practices.
I too disagree with the direction of the show is going but to be honest with y'all, it's just a show and a very good show to show off the very interesting tank designs. Very creative and gutsy stuff there, I still love the tube feed idea!! Wow.
I don't know which is more entertaining. The show or this thread?
At least on the last episode they spoke about the importance of acclimating the fish and showed the fact that they were performing drip acclimation. But I agree this shouldn't come as a shock. And a lot of what is going on in the show is no different then what is happening at LFS's, dealers, public aquariums and peoples homes all over the country. Not to mention I'm sure that if folks had any idea of how these creatures were captured and treated during transport before they made it to thier homes they might think twice about being in this hobby. I mean, you wouldn't expect to have a builder build you a house and then decorate it for you too would you? It's pretty easy to shoot the builder but no one seems to be taking aim at the people who are purchasing these tanks who you would think the real responsibility of stocking a tank should fall on. Just another example of folks who have too much money and don't know what to do with it so they pay people to do things for them. If you don't like it then don't watch it. Pretty simple really.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411377
WHY....is it so difficult to expect to see some common sense in stocking these tanks....do you mean to tell me you can't design an amazing tank and fill it within reason....with fish that go in that size tank
if it was impossible to do so...wouldn't all of our tanks look like crap....or be overstocked

all due respect Meowzer..... this hobby isn't common sense. You see, we have people on this site with many years of experience and have made these common sense mistakes and they, like you, teach to others, your clients sort a speak, the do's and don'ts. And why do you ask......... because yooooooou do care. And thank you and spanko, and Joe for the advice given. There is a whole lot of talent on this forum, maybe some of these clients of ATM need to sign up and start posting some questions and concerns on SWF.


Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411378
I don't know which is more entertaining. The show or this thread?
LOL......just gotta laugh with it......nothing else to do...
I won't be watching again though.....and the problem with the people is they are spoiled rich folks.....they pay people to build, decorate....and care for these little luxuries....
we do this for the love and challenge of the hobby.....although I wouldn't mind a tank boy once in a while


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411378
I don't know which is more entertaining. The show or this thread?
At least on the last episode they spoke about the importance of acclimating the fish and showed the fact that they were performing drip acclimation. But I agree this shouldn't come as a shock. And a lot of what is going on in the show is no different then what is happening at LFS's, dealers, public aquariums and peoples homes all over the country. Not to mention I'm sure that if folks had any idea of how these creatures were captured and treated during transport before they made it to thier homes they might think twice about being in this hobby. I mean, you wouldn't expect to have a builder build you a house and then decorate it for you too would you? It's pretty easy to shoot the builder but no one seems to be taking aim at the people who are purchasing these tanks who you would think the real responsibility of stocking a tank should fall on. Just another example of folks who have too much money and don't know what to do with it so they pay people to do things for them. If you don't like it then don't watch it. Pretty simple really.
ya.... what he said...... thank you


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411383
LOL......just gotta laugh with it......nothing else to do...
I won't be watching again though.....and the problem with the people is they are spoiled rich folks.....they pay people to build, decorate....and care for these little luxuries....
we do this for the love and challenge of the hobby.....although I wouldn't mind a tank boy once in a while

thought you had a tank boy? Oh whats his name????????


Staff member
Hobbyists, such as the ones on this forum are always going to take the high moral ground. That is why people here who see outright ignorance or disrespect for the animals raise hell as if they have witnessed child abuse. If we weren't obsessive about marine tanks, we wouldn't spend so much of our time here arguing about a YT who is in 72 gal tank with a hippo; or damsels used to cycle; or crushed coral used instead of sand. Or setting up fish tanks without QTing the fish first.
Truth is all of us have done wrong at some point to the marine animals we've kept. Either by ignorance, or carelessness. The measure of an intelligent and careful hobbyist is what s/he does with those mistakes, what is done to learn more, to be better, to excel.
TANKED crew know better, and still choose to do very inappropriate things to the fish they set up for the sake of money and a reality show. What exactly do they do to cycle their tanks? Nice to acclimate, but doesn't mean much when you acclimate a truckload of fish to a tank that hasn't cycled.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Kiefers http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411373
I'm surprised at that y'all are shocked at this. Really, a show on Animal Planet that teaches and preaches on the health of FISH. Please, this sorry excuse for what some call Reality T.V. is a joke and when I first saw the previews I already had an idea it was going to raise some serious flags with hobbyist. I am still amazed tho that there is no disclaimer regarding the proper handling and caring for the critters we call our pets.
I believe that someone stated earlier in this post that some people on here are just as bad. Something about QT'g I believe. What about the ones that overstock or put tangs in small overstocked tanks or Lion fish in with clowns and chromis's, (ya I read that funny post on another site, how do you respond to that?)
For someone to say they are going to "stop watching" just because of the way the critters are being treated is okay, we do after all have our standards, but really, who's job is it to research and learn about the fish in these incredible tanks, the guys who build them and want to get rich? Who have multiple clients and tanks to build in a day? No....... it is the clients responsibility to learn about the fish that are going into these tanks. With that said, I would probably fall down in shock if a client on this show called the tank guys out on there stocking choices or maybe a client choosing for themselves what fish they want in there lil oceans, and debating with the York brothers about there stocking overstocking and acclimating practices.
I too disagree with the direction of the show is going but to be honest with y'all, it's just a show and a very good show to show off the very interesting tank designs. Very creative and gutsy stuff there, I still love the tube feed idea!! Wow.
I agree with you kiefers... 100%


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Beth http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411455
Hobbyists, such as the ones on this forum are always going to take the high moral ground. That is why people here who see outright ignorance or disrespect for the animals raise hell as if they have witnessed child abuse. If we weren't obsessive about marine tanks, we wouldn't spend so much of our time here arguing about a YT who is in 72 gal tank with a hippo; or damsels used to cycle; or crushed coral used instead of sand. Or setting up fish tanks without QTing the fish first.
Truth is all of us have done wrong at some point to the marine animals we've kept. Either by ignorance, or carelessness. The measure of an intelligent and careful hobbyist is what s/he does with those mistakes, what is done to learn more, to be better, to excel.
TANKED crew know better, and still choose to do very inappropriate things to the fish they set up for the sake of money and a reality show. What exactly do they do to cycle their tanks? Nice to acclimate, but doesn't mean much when you acclimate a truckload of fish to a tank that hasn't cycled.
I agree with you Beth and not arguing the passion that people here have for their livestock. There are lots of tank owners out there and not all of them are on forums such as this. So agreed that the folks who are here are passionate about their livestock and passionate about learning and expanding their knowledge to be better caretakers for their pets if you will.
Certianaly not arguing that there hasn't been some questionable activity on the show. Especially like the playing with the puffer fish incident. But that doesn't mean that what they are doing can't be done. We haven't seen everything that goes into what they are doing. And just because they don't cycle the tanks the traditional way doesn't mean it can't be done quickly. It's just not recommended for beginners. Perhaps they're using a product such as this...
Long but interesting vid.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 2Quills http:///t/387359/tanked/80#post_3411567
I agree with you Beth and not arguing the passion that people here have for their livestock. There are lots of tank owners out there and not all of them are on forums such as this. So agreed that the folks who are here are passionate about their livestock and passionate about learning and expanding their knowledge to be better caretakers for their pets if you will.
Certianaly not arguing that there hasn't been some questionable activity on the show. Especially like the playing with the puffer fish incident. But that doesn't mean that what they are doing can't be done. We haven't seen everything that goes into what they are doing. And just because they don't cycle the tanks the traditional way doesn't mean it can't be done quickly. It's just not recommended for beginners. Perhaps they're using a product such as this...
Long but interesting vid.
That was an interesting video.. even though it kind of changed my mind about it a little, I still don't like that there have to be fish in the tank during either an ammonia or nitrite spike, no matter how little they may be.