The Sobering Facts


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
I found this sentence in a law guide.
To constitute a birth, so as to make the killing of a child murder, the whole body must be detached from that of the mother; but if it has come wholly forth, but is still connected by the umbilical chord, such killing will be murder.
So if the baby is killed 5 minutes prior to being born it is considered an abortion and is legal?
Well that sure sounds like what the law is saying. Is it right or wrong? I personally will choose to sidestep that debate since I have no interest in it.
One interesting thing I have seen is people can get charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
One interesting thing I have seen is people can get charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman.
I never thought of that. So, what our society is saying: It is considered murder to kill a fetus unless you have permission from the mother.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
One interesting thing I have seen is people can get charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman.
I wish that the law was at least consistent...

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
I never thought of that. So, what our society is saying: It is considered murder to kill a fetus unless you have permission from the mother.
LOL well said


Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Well that sure sounds like what the law is saying. Is it right or wrong? I personally will choose to sidestep that debate since I have no interest in it.
One interesting thing I have seen is people can get charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman.
Yeah, I dont understand why this can be illegal and the other is not?

clown boy

Active Member
My question is: Why do people call it a fetus??? It's an unborn child, not a fetus! It can move, it has it's own brain and heart... just because it lives off of it's mother does not make it part of her body.


I agree Clown boy. Maybe by calling a little baby a fetus somehow makes abortion easier to live with because the baby is not seen as a person but an object or an it. Hard for me to see my kids as it's. Science I suppose.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
My question is: Why do people call it a fetus??? It's an unborn child, not a fetus! It can move, it has it's own brain and heart... just because it lives off of it's mother does not make it part of her body.
Because that's the technical name.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Because that's the technical name.
A name is a name. We call something a certain name because that is the name we give it.


Active Member
I think people are missing the point of the abortion issue. No one is pro-abortion. No one thinks it is a good thing or should be used as a birth control measure.
The real issue presented is really just a choice of the lesser of two evils. Aborting a fetus is not a good thing under any circumstances. However, forcing a woman to carry a child to term and give birth to an unwanted child is also not a good thing. Neither are back-alley, coat hanger abortions. And the reality is that anyone who believes that most people will remain abstinate until marriage is kidding him/herself.
It's called pro-choice not pro-abortion. I believe that a woman's right to choose what she will do with her body is greater than the right of a FIRST TRIMESTER embryo. JMO.


I always liked the bumper sticker, it's a child not a choice. 1st trimester 2nd, 3rd whats the difference?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
I think people are missing the point of the abortion issue. No one is pro-abortion. No one thinks it is a good thing or should be used as a birth control measure.
The real issue presented is really just a choice of the lesser of two evils. Aborting a fetus is not a good thing under any circumstances. However, forcing a woman to carry a child to term and give birth to an unwanted child is also not a good thing. Neither are back-alley, coat hanger abortions. And the reality is that anyone who believes that most people will remain abstinate until marriage is kidding him/herself.
It's called pro-choice not pro-abortion. I believe that a woman's right to choose what she will do with her body is greater than the right of a FIRST TRIMESTER embryo. JMO.
Pro-Choice? That's a lie! Babies don't choose to die!
So your saying that it's better that a child be killed then have a hard life?
You all must face it... we are talking about a child here. Not a fetus. Not an embryo.
At 5 years old, is the child a human?
At 2 years old, is the child a human?
At 6 months old, is the child a human?
At 7 days old, is the child a human?
At 1 day old, is the child a human?
At 1 hour old, is the child a human?
At 5 minutes old, is the child a human?
At 1 hour before birth, is the child a human?
At 3 months before birth, is the child a human?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Pro-Choice? That's a lie! Babies don't choose to die!
So your saying that it's better that a child be killed then have a hard life?
You all must face it... we are talking about a child here. Not a fetus. Not an embryo.
At 5 years old, is the child a human?
At 2 years old, is the child a human?
At 6 months old, is the child a human?
At 7 days old, is the child a human?
At 1 day old, is the child a human?
At 1 hour old, is the child a human?
At 5 minutes old, is the child a human?
At 1 hour before birth, is the child a human?
At 3 months before birth, is the child a human?
Soooo, lets here it. The punishment for getting an abortion should be...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Other then that, did these groups do anything else to help the mother or the baby or was it just a tatic to shame them?
lol, there not trying to shame them there makeing the woman more knowledgable before making a harsh decisionunlike planned parent hood . there educating them and make them understand the sicological pain they will suffer from aborting a human child. theres alway people out there that want to adopt


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Pro-Choice? That's a lie! Babies don't choose to die!
So your saying that it's better that a child be killed then have a hard life?
You all must face it... we are talking about a child here. Not a fetus. Not an embryo.
At 5 years old, is the child a human?
At 2 years old, is the child a human?
At 6 months old, is the child a human?
At 7 days old, is the child a human?
At 1 day old, is the child a human?
At 1 hour old, is the child a human?
At 5 minutes old, is the child a human?
At 1 hour before birth, is the child a human?
At 3 months before birth, is the child a human?
Sorry man but I don't agree that this is a child with all the same rights. A first trimester embryo is little more than a collection of genetic cells. It does not have a gender, is not self aware, does not have a developed brain, does not have any developed senses, etc. It's unfortunate that they are sometimes destroyed but I do think that's a lesser evil than the alternative.


Originally Posted by crimzy
Sorry man but I don't agree that this is a child with all the same rights. A first trimester embryo is little more than a collection of genetic cells. It does not have a gender, is not self aware, does not have a developed brain, does not have any developed senses, etc. It's unfortunate that they are sometimes destroyed but I do think that's a lesser evil than the alternative.
So at what point to you make the distinction?


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Sorry man but I don't agree that this is a child with all the same rights. A first trimester embryo is little more than a collection of genetic cells. It does not have a gender, is not self aware, does not have a developed brain, does not have any developed senses, etc. It's unfortunate that they are sometimes destroyed but I do think that's a lesser evil than the alternative.
they do have a heartbeat


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Sorry man but I don't agree that this is a child with all the same rights. A first trimester embryo is little more than a collection of genetic cells. It does not have a gender, is not self aware, does not have a developed brain, does not have any developed senses, etc. It's unfortunate that they are sometimes destroyed but I do think that's a lesser evil than the alternative.
Do you believe partial-birth abortions should be legal?