The Sobering Facts


Active Member
BTW, Jmick brought up an excellent point. If the church would educate about birth control rather than blindly hope that people abstain, there would be much less abortion.
Also Clown Boy, not to single you out but in a previous post, you implied that you are not a virgin but you are also not married. How can you suggest that OTHER people should abstain until marriage?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Do you believe partial-birth abortions should be legal?
Partial birth abortion is a HIGHLY misunderstood issue. This occurs late in pregnancy (it is misleading because the birth has not begun). It is also only an option where the mother's life would be threatened if labor occurred. Under the circumstances, it is unfortunate but also probably the lesser of the evils.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jovial
So at what point to you make the distinction?
Therein lies the true question... I really don't know where the line should be drawn. I believe that the law prohibits an abortion past the 12th week or so (I may be wrong). I guess this line, while arbitrary, is as good as any.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Therein lies the true question... I really don't know where the line should be drawn. I believe that the law prohibits an abortion past the 12th week or so (I may be wrong). I guess this line, while arbitrary, is as good as any.
have you ever seen the expression on a babys face whyle it was getting aborted?


Originally Posted by crimzy
Partial birth abortion is a HIGHLY misunderstood issue. This occurs late in pregnancy (it is misleading because the birth has not begun). It is also only an option where the mother's life would be threatened if labor occurred. Under the circumstances, it is unfortunate but also probably the lesser of the evils.
I have heard otherwise in Dr Tillers case.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
have you ever seen the expression on a babys face whyle it was getting aborted?
Depending on when the abortion occurs, most of the time the embryo does not have the facial muscles to form an expression.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
BTW, Jmick brought up an excellent point. If the church would educate about birth control rather than blindly hope that people abstain, there would be much less abortion.
Supporting birth control would go against many of the Christian teachings.
However, even though I'm Christian, I'd much rather have people using birth control than abortion. Heck, I can't say I'm perfect myself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Depending on when the abortion occurs, most of the time the embryo does not have the facial muscles to form an expression.
well at 10 weeks they do ive seen it and its not pretty , but yet its still legal

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Also Clown Boy, not to single you out but in a previous post, you implied that you are not a virgin but you are also not married. How can you suggest that OTHER people should abstain until marriage?
Hang on a second...
{looks up Virgin in the dictionary}
Oh! LOL!! Yes, I guess I am a Virgin. Sorry, I thought that Virgin meant a maiden.


Active Member
Kind of interesting that we are talking about an issue that deals with a womans health and choice and it's all men talking about it.
I'm curious here, why is the church so against birth control? Is it because they want christains to have as many children as possible to fill their churches? Is --- for the sole purpose of pleasure deemed a sin? I can only assume that autoeroticism is also a sin? Is heavy petting and getting to third base a sin? What about kissing before you're married, is that a sin?

clown boy

Active Member
Birth control isn't a sin, pre-marital inappropriate relationships are. That removes the need for birth control.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Kind of interesting that we are talking about an issue that deals with a womans health and choice and it's all men talking about it.
I'm curious here, why is the church so against birth control? Is it because they want christains to have as many children as possible to fill their churches? Is --- for the sole purpose of pleasure deemed a sin? I can only assume that autoeroticism is also a sin? Is heavy petting and getting to third base a sin? What about kissing before you're married, is that a sin?
i think your mainly talking about catholics , i dont see anything wrong with birth control i sure as hell dont want 20 kids. my faith talks more about abstanince,God gave us --- for pleasure.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
an issue that deals with a womans health
Whoah hold on here... abortion is TERRIBLY unhealthy for the woman! It has actually been proven that bearing children before the age of 25 removes the risk of several diseases.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
well at 10 weeks they do ive seen it and its not pretty , but yet its still legal
Have you ever seen a baby addicted to crack? Have you ever seen a baby that has been abused to death?
Having a child can be a blessing. It is also difficult, emotional, expensive and a sacrifice. My wife and I planned both of our daughters and were blessed enough to have healthy children. They are the best things in my life but having babies is also very difficult.
To force an unwanted baby upon an under-age girl, or a drug addict, or a violent criminal, or a homeless woman, is not a blessing. That child doesn't have a choice in the abortion, nor does it have a choice to be born into that situation. Check the statistics on all of the children who starve to death, or who are killed by abuse, or who are born addicted to crack. Those are sobering as well. Like I said before, lesser of two evils.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Is it because they want christains to have as many children as possible to fill their churches? Is --- for the sole purpose of pleasure deemed a sin? I can only assume that autoeroticism is also a sin? Is heavy petting and getting to third base a sin? What about kissing before you're married, is that a sin?
No, yes, yes, yes, not necessarily.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
i sure as hell dont want 20 kids
And WHY NOT??? I do!! Hey, have them all and give 'em to us!!!

I fully plan to have just as many kids as I can. Did you know that Muslims have an average of 6 kids? That's why they increase so fast.


Active Member
So no one else wants to share what a proper punishment should be? It seems there are a lot of people certain that it should be illegal but only a few are willing to offer a punishment suggestion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
Have you ever seen a baby addicted to crack? Have you ever seen a baby that has been abused to death?
Having a child can be a blessing. It is also difficult, emotional, expensive and a sacrifice. My wife and I planned both of our daughters and were blessed enough to have healthy children. They are the best things in my life but having babies is also very difficult.
To force an unwanted baby upon an under-age girl, or a drug addict, or a violent criminal, or a homeless woman, is not a blessing. That child doesn't have a choice in the abortion, nor does it have a choice to be born into that situation. Check the statistics on all of the children who starve to death, or who are killed by abuse, or who are born addicted to crack. Those are sobering as well. Like I said before, lesser of two evils.
yes ive seen babies addicted to crack what about it, ive seen babies born disabled in many many ways as well should they be killed because there different

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
That child doesn't have a choice in the abortion, nor does it have a choice to be born into that situation. Check the statistics on all of the children who starve to death, or who are killed by abuse, or who are born addicted to crack.
And not give it a chance to live? This is worse than Terri Shiavo...