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  1. jthomas0385

    Refractometer Recalibration

    How do you recalibrate a refractometer?? How often should this be done?
  2. jthomas0385

    got a 135 gallon oceanic tank yesterday

    I wouldn't go with a HOB filter, especially for a tank that size. Your best bet would be a wet/dry sump, if this is not possible I would also say a good canister filter.
  3. jthomas0385

    Copperband Butterfly

    The last fish that I add to my tank is going to be a Copperband Butterfly. What are some of the methods people have used to get these fish to eat?? I have about 8 months before I get one, so I'm making preparations now. Thank you.
  4. jthomas0385

    All Fish Died Within 2 Hours Of Cleaning

    I would say it was something you added to your tank. If you stirred up your sand bed good enough you may have had a huge nitrate spike, causing the fish to die. However, I don't think that a nitrate spike due to stirring your sand bed would kill the fish that fast. What size tank do you have...
  5. jthomas0385

    pics of my 110gallon zeovit/vodka mixed reef

    Well I wish my tank looked that good. I'll read into the Vodka dosing, thank you. I don't think I have good enough balance to stack my rocks like that..
  6. jthomas0385

    pics of my 110gallon zeovit/vodka mixed reef

    Really?? How does that work?? How much do you use?
  7. jthomas0385

    protein skimmer / filter

    You need both. I would buy the best of the both you can afford. If there's two things you definitely do not want to skimp on its filtration and your skimmer.
  8. jthomas0385

    Snowflake Eel Question

    Thank you for the responses. I think the Snowflake is going to be the Eel I decide on. Thank you.
  9. jthomas0385

    pics of my 110gallon zeovit/vodka mixed reef

    Also, what do you mean when you say you dose with Vodka??
  10. jthomas0385

    pics of my 110gallon zeovit/vodka mixed reef

    Sorry to get off topic but how do you get your rocks to stay up like that?? I've tried to do that and they always fall. Tank looks amazing by the way..
  11. jthomas0385

    Snowflake Eel Question

    What kind of CUC would be okay to keep with a Snowflake Eel? I know they'll eat crustations , so would Urchins, Snails, and maybe even hermit crabs be okay?? Thanks
  12. jthomas0385

    Tomato clown diving me crazy...

    What do you mean by neurotic??
  13. jthomas0385

    Turbo snails dying?

    I would also say starvation. Every turbo snail I have ever bought died within a month of adding it to my tank.
  14. jthomas0385

    Sand not settling

    I just set my new 75 gallon up 3 weeks ago and it took a week to settle. I kept my powerheads off. I started to run my skimmer on the 5th day and that seemed to help a lot.
  15. jthomas0385

    Foxface with Bacterial Infection?

    I don't know about the redness but my Foxface changes colors all the time. While the lights are on he's a normal yellow color, but after the lights go off I noticed that he turns different shades of black to white all over his body.
  16. jthomas0385

    suggestions please

    I don't mean to keep starting threads that sound repetitive, I simply cannot make up my mind about what to do with my aquarium.... Maybe some suggestions could help me make up my mind. Here's my setup, 75 gallon bow front, 120 LBS of LR, 100 LBS of LS, 48" Nova Extreme T-5 fixture. Should I do...
  17. jthomas0385

    Hang on protein skimmer

    I have a coralife super skimmer that works well. I've had it for a year now and it's still working well.
  18. jthomas0385

    How does my stock list sound now??

    I already have 2 clowns, 2 chromies, 1 foxface. I want to add six line wrasse, kole tang, dwarf angel (maybe flame or coral beauty) some kind of gobie, and maybe a fairy wrasse.. My tank is 75 gallon bow with around 130 lbs of LR and 100 LBS or LS. Thanks for the input.
  19. jthomas0385

    lighting hours

    I only run my lights for 8 hours. The rest of the time nothing is on.
  20. jthomas0385

    lighting hours

    I turn mine on 15 minutes before and they stay on 15 minutes after. An hour sounds like a long time.