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  1. culp

    Ever wish you had more room?

    yea i agree. looks like its time for you more on up to a bigger house. and with the housing market today its a great time to buy, not so much sell.
  2. culp

    What does everyone look like on here?

    Originally Posted by jackri Yep, that was really me when I got an incentive ride in an F-16. 8.6G's and broke the sound barrier Nice. you probably woke a couple people up from there afternoon nap. every time a jet breaks the sound barrier here. it always seems to be when i am babysitting...
  3. culp

    How do Frag Swaps work??

    they have to put the corals in the tank a couple of hours before the swap starts so that the coral open up fully when people show up.
  4. culp

    What Is This?

    yea its cyano, you will need to increase flow where its growing and water changes should take care of it. thats if you can get phosphates to zero.
  5. culp

    rebuilding saltwater fish only aquarium

    for a 39" deep tank you would probably need a 400 watt metal halide just to get good algae growth on live rock when you put it in your tank.
  6. culp

    High water temperture

    for me last summer my tank got up to 86 in the day so we turned the AC on and it went down to 78
  7. culp

    Crazy Clown Behavior. Help?

    it almost looks like they are making out like a teenage couple in a movie thread. i don't think it looks like fighting to me.
  8. culp


    the only info i could find on keeping toadfish in a aquarium is that they need large aggressive tanks.
  9. culp

    My ThreeFifty

    also what light did it come with. from what i see in the picture is maybe 3 VHO bulbs. is that right or is there more to it?
  10. culp

    My ThreeFifty

    how much live rock do you have in that tank now?
  11. culp

    heat wave came thru, tank is hot.

    for such a small tank with little amount of water surface area that is probably covered with a hood with built in light you. the only things i can think of is put fans on and around the tank. that can help keep it cool. other things that could help if your not already doing is. place the tank...
  12. culp

    mixed reef lighting?

    the 36" 4x39W Powermodule T5 High-Output Fixture. the ATI Powermodule fixtures are the best T5 fixtures on the market.
  13. culp

    Which One?

    i like D
  14. culp

    Piranhas and Cheap play sand

    i always just pay for aquarium sand. never had a problem with it.
  15. culp

    OPINIONS on Light

    even when my tank was a FOWLR tank i still ran a 4 x 65 fixture to give the rocks some nice color.
  16. culp

    NFL draft thread!!! ESPN reports, Stafford's the guy...

    and the lions signed stafford.
  17. culp

    Lighting research

    i wanted to put some lunar lights into the canopy i'm building but there is no room left after deciding to go with 7 bulbs instead of 6 bulbs.
  18. culp

    What does everyone look like on here?

    Originally Posted by Bang Guy I'm so ugly that if I posted my picture Sep would ban me. no you don't get out of it that easy.
  19. culp


    i don't have any kids but for how much i babysit for my brother he might as well be mine.
  20. culp

    What does everyone look like on here?

    here i am with my cat Tony. don't mind the red eye.