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  1. niskyvaulter

    what substrate

    i finally decided to get some substrate for my 55. i dont want sand for the sake of filtration, just aesthetics, so im goig with 1.5 inches at most. what kind of substrate would be best at this depth. please specify grain size too. also, its an sps tank so its got pretty high flow.
  2. niskyvaulter

    Can too many air buibbles kill fish?

    also air bubbles can get inside sponges and block the maxtrix channels, starving it to death, but thats only a problem if you have them.
  3. niskyvaulter

    Plans for a 90 Gal Reef(First SWtank)

    first, im not sure if a hippo tang would work in a 90. they really need a 6 foot tank. try bristletooth tangs, like the kole, or zebrasoma tangs, except for sailfins. for the mh lights, i would probably do 2x250 with 13 or 14k bulbs, that way you dont need to bother with actinics. you dont...
  4. niskyvaulter

    Would You Rather?

    skinny and dumb. why wont you say yur 200 time. im a distance runner, itll be better than mine. i run a 29.5 for gods sake. my 100, 200, and 400 are almost all the same pace. also, im only a year older than you. would you rather use the urinal between two people or carry a murse (manpurse)...
  5. niskyvaulter

    My 210 Reef

    Originally Posted by Bird Dog My Female Crosshatch that sucks so much. i would hate to lose a fish that expensive. i would never be able to cope with that.
  6. niskyvaulter

    TFH Photograph Winners

    congrats guys. this is definitly some of the best braggings rights thst could be given.
  7. niskyvaulter

    New 75g AGA with Foam rock wall.

    that looks amazing. i wish i did foam for my 55. ive seen so many cool setups and you can do stuff you cant do with rock. im definitly using foam for any tanks i ever do in the future.
  8. niskyvaulter

    Would You Rather?

    alzheimers. "every day is an adventure. i meet new people every day." when i did some volunteer work at a nursing home an old guy told me that. said it was pretty nice, except when he cant remember his family. camfish, whats yur 100, 200, 400 time. btw, my 2 mile isnt amazing, its not even top...
  9. niskyvaulter

    Does my tank look good? Pics inside

    it looks nice. how long has it been up? do you plan on going reef? if so, what kinds of corals?
  10. niskyvaulter

    What's your favorite fruit?

    pomegranites anyone. only being able to get them like two months a year makes them taste even better.
  11. niskyvaulter

    Why I Love Clearwater

    i always imagine what it would be like to live somewhere warm. then i realize most people dont have to live in the northeast.
  12. niskyvaulter

    Would You Rather?

    head on fire, done brick wall before. btw camfish, whats your two mile time. mines 11:29. have no legs or have no arms?
  13. niskyvaulter

    Can I have a BTA?

    first, if you use individual reflectors the four of those lights would be enough to keep whatever you want. everyting else in your tank is fine for an anemone. what are the k ratings on those bulbs?
  14. niskyvaulter

    I Suck!! :(

    if you cant afford an anemone then i cant see how you can afford sufficient lighting. get a job to pay for everything. im 15 and i've been working for one and a half years, including two summers. thats how i paid for my tank. if i could do it, itll be easy for you. all of the high paying jobs...
  15. niskyvaulter

    some help with stocking please

    i might get the clowns first so that they get big enough to not be eaten by the lionfish. at full size theyre fine, but when theyre small they could be a quick meal.
  16. niskyvaulter

    Need to get

    if you dont have a fuge, i would recomend getting one. you can get an in sump one or a hob. they really improve water quality and will save money on copepods long term.
  17. niskyvaulter

    Tank reqs for a Powder Brown Tang

    most bristletooth tangs, like the kole can work in a 75. dont trust the requirements that any fish store says. remember, their purpose is to sell you stuff, so they will tell you what you want to hear to make a sale. i have seen online stores thats minimum tank size for a purple tang was 20 gallons.
  18. niskyvaulter

    Fangblenny - White - Venomous

    if you got it, i might ask an allergist to see if they have a skin test for it. i always do that with any sort of venemous pets, partly b/c my mom is allergic to a lot of venemous animals and i want to be sure im not.
  19. niskyvaulter

    Tangs????? Need help choosing??

    Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish i would get maybe a couple of kole tangs. my fav tang. i dont think that tank is big enough for two tangs of the same genus, let alone species.
  20. niskyvaulter

    tanks size question.

    i wouldnt put the tang in the tank. i have a 55 too and the kole is my favorite tang, but it took me a few weeks to realize i could not get it. i thought "well everyone says 75s and a 55 isnt that much smaller", but then i realize if a 55 was ok, then people would say 55 for minimum tank. youll...