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  1. traib

    Pistol Shrimps?????

    You may or may not see it often, depending where it constructs its burrow. I see mine every day working on their burrows. Depending on the species of pistol shrimp it may or may not pair up with a gobi. Some pistol shrimp a solitary critters.
  2. traib

    pistol shrimp?

    Depending on the size of your gobi, a Randells pistol shrimp would be a good choice. However, if your goby is more than 2 in. long the Randell will be too small to build a big enough burrow.
  3. traib

    what type of RO/DI unit does everyone have??

    Typhoon III. Best bang for the buck. Knowledgable people. See
  4. traib

    Goby Food

    I have 4 prawn gobis and they are all doing well. I feed them freezer bar cyclop-eeze and live brine shrimp. They also manage to pull flakes out of the current once in awhile. I'm more concerned about the shrimp getting enough food.
  5. traib

    New fishes, goby still hiding

    The watchman may hide for several days depending on the species. Also if you have an overflow check that. I've found my gobis in my overflow a couple of times. I've taken measures to prevent them from doing again. They also can be jumpers--is your tank covered?
  6. traib

    Aqua Medic Auto Top Off System

    I just setup an Aqua Medic auto top off system for my tank. The problem is that the peristalic pump knocks when it starts which is every few seconds. Anyone have experience with this equipment? Any suggestions? Aqua Medic does not return my email requests for info! Thanks
  7. traib

    pink spotted shrimp goby

    I've got a pink spot and his favourite food is frozen squid. However, he is not an energetic eater but he goes around picking leftovers from the tank bottom. I wouldn't worry about your's--try the squid and mysis also. :jumping:
  8. traib

    silly fish vs overflow box

    One evening I found my orange banded gobi with his shrimp in the built in (drilled tank) overflow. At about midnight I checked again and the gobi was out in the tank. I figured I'd get the shrimp in the morning. Well, the next morning the gobi was back in the overflow with his shrimp plus an...
  9. traib

    Aquarium Clubs

    Do mean Joe at Fish World? He says no.
  10. traib

    Aquarium Clubs

    Anyone know of an aquarium club in the Richmond, VA area?
  11. traib

    Propagating Xenias

    Can you super glue the cuttings to a rock?
  12. traib

    Nitrates at 80!!What to do?

    Lizzard Re-read the above!
  13. traib

    Nitrates at 80!!What to do?

    Lizzard Ok, lets look at the two choices here. Az-no3- reduces nitrates. Water changes- correct excessive nutrient levels which is the (cause of high nitrates) and high phosphate levels. Plus it will replenish important trace element such as iodine, magnesium, and calcium. I’ll go with the water...
  14. traib

    Nitrates at 80!!What to do?

    I agree AZ-NO3 does not solve the cause of high nitrates, but it improves the quality of your water until you can figure out what is wrong. Water changes essentially do the same; treat the symptoms not the cause. The plus for AZ-NO3 is that its easier to do.
  15. traib

    can i put 2 differnt kinds of pistol shrimp together?

    My two shrimp live within inches of one another. Occationally I hear snapping but I think they are snapping at a large serpent star I have that's got its tenticles into everything.
  16. traib

    Nitrates at 80!!What to do?

    The product AZ-NO3 will reduce nitrates to 0 within a week or so. Just follow directions.
  17. traib

    can i put 2 differnt kinds of pistol shrimp together?

    I have two species of pistol shrimp and they don't interact. One is a Randelli the other is unknown coming from somewhere in the indo-pacific. The randelli has a couple of gobis as partners but the other one is a loner so far.
  18. traib

    Emerald Crabs

    Will Emerald Crabs eat macro algae as well as bubble algae in a reef tank.:notsure:
  19. traib

    Algae on sponges

    You can't clean a sponge without damaging it. Put it in the darkest part of the tank, or with live rock create a darkly shaded spot.
  20. traib

    Advantages of Titanium Heater?

    I have two Via Aqua heaters and they are no problem. Been running for about a year.