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  1. sistrmary

    Starting a Reef(ish) tank..

    Perhaps a bubbletip, but really do sit on the idea for a while. Let your water establish. They run anywhere from 30-45 dollars in a LFS, so it's a costly thing to hurry. If you're talking about a sebae anemone (It's early, and at the moment, that's the only response that came into my head with...
  2. sistrmary

    Another stupid question

    I agree. I love looking at them, which is why I refuse to get one. I couldn't stand watching it die, knowing that I was the cause of it.
  3. sistrmary

    Empty crab shells

    Last time I ordered, you have to order 75 dollars worth of stuff. (which, as irritating as it can be, does make sense, they pay for the shipping, unlike most places with 25 dollar box charges, etc) You could order 75 dollars worth of crab shells! You'd have the happiest hermits in town. :D I've...
  4. sistrmary


    Not always :D But usually when I'm wrong, it's confusing something with something else. Or it's a personal opinion, which I guess shouldn't be considered wrong...just different lol BTW Jillian, I don't mean to sound like I'm telling you what to put in your tank or what not to. I mean, it's, as...
  5. sistrmary

    Another stupid question

    It depends on the butterflyfish. Most of them are expensive and die within a week or so. Or they'll slowly starve to death. In nature, they're corrallivores, meaning they live on eating corals, anemones, etc. They eat a lot of them. Very few will take to frozen foods, and most starve to death...
  6. sistrmary


    Hold off on the anemones as well as they require established tankwater and high (i.e. expensive lighting) and still die 99.9% of the time. If you're looking for cleaner fish, go with either cleaner shrimps or neon or sharknose gobies. Cleaner wrasses, while widely available, rarely survive. I've...
  7. sistrmary

    Shipping Caulerpa

    /me raises hand All of the above please :D I have some halimeda, but for some reason, caulerpa has escaped me. Shipping wouldn't be too much since I live fairly close to you :D If you're serious, email me at please :D or I can give you my zip to figure S&H, (79556)...
  8. sistrmary

    Need help, it seems my green bristle star eating my fish

    Linckias are pretty and fairly reef safe. They're a bit high priced, but worth it IMO My purple linkia is one of my favorite things to watch when its out.
  9. sistrmary

    new tank - coral/fish compatibility

    Some people consider fish that eat shrimps/crabs, etc (like lionfish) as not reef safe. I guess it just depends on who you're talking to. Personally, when I think of "not reef safe" I think of corallivores like angels and butterflies. But, thats just me. I'd also reccommend Marine Fishes by...
  10. sistrmary

    tonights pics :)

    I know! The only one of mine that comes out is the tiny one that came in on a coral I bought. "Come back in a couple of months you sorry little bugger! Then I'll take your picture!" (Not really, but my gigantors who I would *love* to have a picture of are always hiding. I did, however, finally...
  11. sistrmary


    Which heniochus? I know it's a bannerfish, but there are several with white and black on them and two that look almost exactly alike. (which the only difference that this really makes is if you want a reef system I guess) Add the bannerfish first, if the yellow tang picks on them, you'll want to...
  12. sistrmary

    another aquarium (maybe)

    fu mans have short fins, they won't draw as much attention as a volitans with the long flowy fins. I've never had one myself (because triggers are evil) and I've surely never mixed the two, but I've heard a lot of people have had the meaner triggers chomp on the lionfish fins. But aside from...
  13. sistrmary

    200 RR stocking

    I'm rather fond of raccoon butterflies (although they eat anemones as well) myself. (probably *the* most hearty of all butterflies with the exception of the corallicola, but not a whole lot of people like them. I do, but most people think they're so-so) If you're wanting a larger fish...
  14. sistrmary

    just seeing if you all will want this when it is time

    It depends on the fish of course, but for the most part, I don't think it would be too hard. Especially the live rock if you sell it at a decent rate.
  15. sistrmary

    totaly new fish

    It's an antennata lionfish :D And you'll have to pick between that and the porcupine puffer. The puffer will nip the lionfishes fins, and it will stress out. You don't typically want to mix boxfish/puffers either, one or the other or the lionfish. :D You'll want to stick to one eel as they'll...
  16. sistrmary

    200 RR stocking

    I'm hoping that you mean the batfish is being added to the 200...the thing gets 18" long and at leas that high. As for the could try it, but add the yellow first and the PBT last. And watch for fireworks. PBT's are *really* not team players in concerns to other tangs. Especially...
  17. sistrmary

    clown rejects anemone

    Nope. It's learned behavior. A lot of tank raised fish won't take to an anemone. In the wild, clownfish need the anemone during their larval stage. They just get used to being around it, find protection in it, etc. Feed the anemones chunks of squid, krill, etc. Just stick it on their oral disc...
  18. sistrmary

    Does a CBS east parasites??

    He had parasites in his mouth when I first got him. I couldn't even see them (how often does a healthy fish sit with its' mouth open?) until the CBS walked over towards the radiata. The CBS was about two inches away, and the radiata slung open its' mouth and waited for the CBS to come pick him...
  19. sistrmary

    psuedo fish

    Yep! They're all the same fish. They call them pseudos, grammas and basslets. Apparently, this type of fish warranted 3 different names. The particular fish you're talking about has been called many things (Especially "You little f#%@er!") Magenta, strawberry, raspberry, purple...
  20. sistrmary

    $3k Pair of Clownfish at my LFS!

    Negative sir! The larger one is the female! :D The guy was probably right. Being mated adds up the dollars. You missed about a hundred ;) Nah, but quite a few. Some aren't as popular in the aquarium trade, but are still clownfish :D Sebaes aren't actually the same thing as clarkii, but they'll...