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  1. moto757

    Feeding a wrasse

    I would try shrimp with garlic extract or live brine. My lunar eats like its his last meal every day and rips shrimp out of my eels mouth and triggers mouth he is diefintlly the wildest fish in the tank.
  2. moto757

    Trying to find friends for TESS. Suggestions??

    Tessalata morays get pretty big and if your getting a 125 new your not going to upgrade any time soon so I would maybe lool into getting a smaller eel. Also they are known to pretty much eat any fish they want.
  3. moto757

    substrate ?

    I don't have any inverts my trigger will eat any I put in the tank . I use filtered water run a uv and a fuge no problems.
  4. moto757

    substrate ?

    Do the change to sand the cc holds so much crap in it and run a uv and a fuge and you should be good that is what I do and do water changes every week. Oh yeah and watch the overfeeding and you should be all right.
  5. moto757

    Help stocking my 125g.

    well If you want a trigger you wont go wrong they are very active and move around alot. My huma is a nut coming up and rubbing against my hand and biting fingers during feeding along with my lunar wrasse who is even more acitve. They feed really easy anything hitting the surface is going to be...
  6. moto757

    eel advice please?

    The tesse would eat your fish if you are putting a couple in there I have had my zebra for almost a year now and he doesn't bother any of my fish. Maybe a zebra and a snowflake would be great for the tank you wouldn't have to worry about upgrading cause they get to big for the tank plus maybe a...
  7. moto757


    Try none I already tried like one of everything but my humu thinks they are expensive snacks just use the money on a uv and ro water and maybe a refuge that helped my tank out alot.
  8. moto757

    skimmer options??

    Get a Aqua c or a Euroreef its like getting a mercedes or a bmw for cars that is the performance you get out of these skimmers
  9. moto757

    tigger fish with starfish?

    My hummu and any invert equals expensive dinner most trigger owners would agree its just not worth it.
  10. moto757

    zebra moray

    I try ever day or ever other day if he is hungry he will come out and get it if he doesn't want any when I feed the other fish he doesn't come out
  11. moto757

    zebra moray

    mine only likes shrimp I tried other stuff but he only will eat shrimp I just soak it in selcon and feed until he doesn't want anymore.
  12. moto757

    Tesselata moray

    Second that. Try a zebra or a goldentail or a banana or a golden all really nice looking and less agressive towards fish any eel that has a sharp nose and teeth like daggers doesn't work well with fish look for a round head they like inverts.
  13. moto757

    Tesselata moray

    I am pretty sure they eat anything that is going to fit in there mouth so get really big fish or no fish
  14. moto757

    2 Protein Skimmers In One Sump???

    I'm going to try to answer this most sumps have a setup on the way the water will flow through. For example the drain goes down on mine hits the skimmer and the heater then goes through some baffles goes to my uv and return pump and my refuge is all the way on the other side. I think if they are...
  15. moto757

    Gas prices pissing you off?

    Sport bike 40 mpg usually if I don't get a little crazy plus I have lower gearing which hurts it a little more then normal I ride every day it is nice back and forth to work and anywhere else I need to go. pwfff what gas prices ???
  16. moto757

    what is the most aggressive

    Defintly some type of full grown trigger say a blue line or a queen or a undalte or a clown. They are not scared of nothing and everything is a meal to them.
  17. moto757

    I finally got my Zebra!

    I feed mine until he doesn't want any more works pretty good for me. Once he is full he just doesn't except no more.
  18. moto757

    How to clean aggresive tank

    A uv sterlizer is a uv light that has water go around it in a tube and kills bacteria and parasites. Arefuguim is a slow moving water area great for growing good algaes and plants that feed off of nitrates and keeps them down in your main tank do a searchon either there is some great info on both.
  19. moto757

    How to clean aggresive tank

    If you going aggressive don't waste money on clean up just run a uv and a refuge it made the biggest difference when I did that.
  20. moto757

    Zebra Moray

    I got moon lighting and it is really nice I had it already in my lighting so I just run both of them on timers and it makes it really nice.