Search results

  1. dana&pj

    Flame angel in a reef?

    My flame angel is one of my favorite fish. I don't have zoos yet, but I have lots of mushrooms and stars and He isn't interested in either of them. Mine has always behaved ... well... like an angel! I say go for it. great fish with lots of color and a fun personality.
  2. dana&pj

    Corals grow but not the shrums

    I think shrooms can get too much light. I also think you may want to consider the light that was available to them prior to your purchasing them. Perhaps too drastic a change is giving them a "sunburn". Try moving them to a lower or shady spot in the tank. I also got some zooplex by kent...
  3. dana&pj

    mini horseshoe crabs

    Is having the sand stirred up bad? I thought that helped the tank.
  4. dana&pj

    mini horseshoe crabs

    What experience has anyone had with horseshoe crabs? How much send does one have to have in order to supply them with an adequate food source?
  5. dana&pj

    Garlic in fish food

    I mince the garlic into the tiniest pieces possible. Add it immediatly to the food and then set it out (if the food was frozen) or in the fridge (If I'm using fresh food) for thirty minutes to an hour. I try to cut the garlic so small that the fish eat it as well. I also add vitamin...
  6. dana&pj

    New QT tank

    OK, thanks for your help. Old plan out. New plan under construction.
  7. dana&pj

    New QT tank

    My Hippo has ich. The rest of the tank has not succumbed to the problem, just the small hippo who was new to the tank when the problem was introduced. My plan (which I am willing to revise) is to fresh water dip him and then house him in the smaller tank until he is cleared of the problem for...
  8. dana&pj

    New QT tank

    I am going to set up a small (5 or 10 gal) QT tank this week. I intend for it to be FOWLR I am going to get a Hang on back filter. (I am not sure what kind and suggestions would be appreciated) My question is: If I opperate the filter on my established 100 gal reef for a day or so first, use...
  9. dana&pj

    Help with QT tank

    I would imagine that nobody has any "for sure" answers on this one, but any thoughts are welcom and appreciated.
  10. dana&pj

    Garlic in fish food

    From what I have researched, the part of the garlic that has healing properties is released when the garlic is cut. This is the plant's way of preventing infection. So, the best way to get the good stuff into the fish (short of rubbing them in crushed garlic) is to mince it and add it to food...
  11. dana&pj

    How much live rock is needed for 100 gal?

    I agree, 2 pounds per gallon is a good number.
  12. dana&pj

    blueleg and scarlet mating?

    Sometimes it helps to get a few extra shells of various sizes and put them in the tank.
  13. dana&pj

    Help with QT tank

    I am going to set up a small (5 or 10 gal) QT tank this week. I intend for it to be FOWLR I am going to get a Hang on back filter. (I am not sure what kind and suggestions would be appreciated) My question is: If I opperate the filter on my established 100 gal reef for a day or so first use...
  14. dana&pj

    Coralife 48" PC Light for sale.

    SOLD! paypal sent.
  15. dana&pj

    30gal w/ top&light

    Dimensions ? manufacturer? willing to ship?
  16. dana&pj

    To RBTA or not?

    I just read that bubble tips are one of the easiest to keep as anemones go and that included the rose tip. The article called bubble tips "difficult" and Sebaes "more difficult" Good luck
  17. dana&pj

    Score one for the gramma

    The coral-vital that I use to aid the coraline algea growth slows the growth of algae - including bubble algae, but I kind of like them, Is there something dangerous about them?
  18. dana&pj

    Fish food

    I posted this in the reef room but I'm not getting much feedback I sure would like some input. What are you feeding your fish/inverts. I have been using Frozen shrimps (mysis and brine with HUFA), as well as bloodworms and zoo plankton. I also add DT's per directions. I understand it's possible...
  19. dana&pj

    Brown flakey stuff on surface

    I'd love to hear the answer on this BUMP
  20. dana&pj

    DSB versus no substrate

    I have had both and I really like the DSB better mostly because of the appearance, but also for the filtering purposes.