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  1. robchuck

    lighting info

    250W HQI lighting is fantastic! PC vs. VHO is debatable. Personally, I like the appearance of VHO actinic 03 vs. PC actinic 03. VHO is not quite as bright, but corals seem to fluoresce more under VHO than PC.
  2. robchuck

    Return pump how can i cal size???

    I'm a little confused on how your overflow is setup with the dimensions you provided. Is this a syphon overflow, or is the tank drilled on the back or the bottom?
  3. robchuck

    HPS light?

    As long as the light is acclimated to the tank properly, I don't think it would cause any harm to the anemone. Though the spectrum that HPS bulbs put out could lead to some nasty algae blooms.
  4. robchuck

    135g filter options

    A good protein skimmer wouldn't hurt.
  5. robchuck

    Have You Heard of this pump brand?

    I have heard of that brand; generally in good terms.
  6. robchuck

    Metal Halides

    It could be a bulb/ballast incompatibility issue, but is more likely a bulb positioning problem. Try rotating the bulb until the [hr] inside the bulb is between the 10 and 2 position. Though the problem may also be the result of just running a new bulb. When I installed 3 new bulbs a couple...
  7. robchuck

    High temps

    There is less oxygen in the water as temperatures get warmer. I would think that your fish would stress from limited O2, which would make their ich worse. Plus, 90* water for any prolonged period would likely stress inverts to death.
  8. robchuck

    scummy scummy scummy

    I second the use of water+distilled white vinegar. Without knowing what the tank is constructed out of, I would be hesitant to recommend a cleaning tool; a brillo pad would scratch the heck out of an acrylic tank.
  9. robchuck

    Extremely Loud Pump

    Yeah, the eggcrate mattress padding is what I was talking about (typically a yellow foam). I wouldn't place any of the material on the back of your stand; that would cause heat problems and starve your pump of air.
  10. robchuck

    If you had $50 to spend.....

    If the $50 were mine, I'd buy a nice LPS colony; either frogspawn or candy cane.
  11. robchuck

    Lighting Question

    That would be a great light and allow you to keep just about anything. Though you would have to be careful when acclimating lower-light corals.
  12. robchuck

    This Or That???

    Checkers Cap'n Crunch or Lucky Charms?
  13. robchuck

    Extremely Loud Pump

    Two tricks that I've learned for quieting loud external pumps is to set them on a mousepad (making sure that they are firmly screwed to a hard surface below the mousepad) and to plumb at least 2" worth of soft tubing (either Spa Flex PVC or vinyl hose and hose barbs) on both the inlet and outlet...
  14. robchuck

    Tenecor Acrylic Scratch Remover

    I've never used the Tenecor kit, but I used the Rainbow Lifeguard kit to remove a few scratches on an acrylic tank I recently set up. The process was easy, but took a little while to progress through the various grit sizes of the sandpaper.
  15. robchuck

    black PVC pipe?

    You can get black Sch. 40 fittings and pipe from Savko.
  16. robchuck

    Coral Placement

    GSP can go about anywhere, but they have a tendency to spread quickly. So unless you want a tank full of GSP in a year or two, place them in an area where they can't spread easily (an isolated rock for instance) or where their growth can be maintained.
  17. robchuck

    I've missed you all

    Hey there! Glad to see you around here again, and sorry to hear of your loss.
  18. robchuck

    Good Skimmer for 180gallon

    For about $450 or $500, I would say that the ASM G4X would make a great skimmer for a 180. The least expensive Deltec I know of is $600 or so and would likely be outdueled by the aforementioned ASM. Or a My Reef Creations MR-2 (rated to 300 gallons) Beckett skimmer with a Gen-X PCX55 pump can...
  19. robchuck

    Good Skimmer for 180gallon

    Needlewheels are a type of impeller that are used in the pumps of needlewheel skimmers (ASM, ER, Geo's Reef, Deltec, etc. are some examples). The pump takes air in along with water and the needlewheel chops it into very fine bubbles. Beckett-injection is just another way to mix air and water...
  20. robchuck

    All Dead!

    Originally Posted by The Claw Heck, its a great way to kill Aiptaisa anyway. J/K. As they say, every cloud has it's silver lining. And as I mentioned earlier, I'd be glad to share frags from my tank to help out; don't be shy to ask when you're ready! And that's great that Mojoreef is local to...