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  1. leftyblite

    puffer personality...

    Mine would only eat if he was hand fed. I tried a couple of times to feed in a hurry and just drop it in the tank, but he would just look and then swim away. They are a very smart fish and each have their own personalities.
  2. leftyblite

    puffer personality...

    Sounds the same to me. When I would clean the tank, Spike would get mad and spit water if I didn't pet him at least a couple of times. they are just like puppies.
  3. leftyblite

    can a v lion and a foxface share a tank peacefully?

    I'm not sure about V. lions but I have a Fuzzy dwarf lion and a foxface in my 150G tank and they seem just fine. The other fish in my tank seem to know to givve the lion its space. When I got my porc puffer about a year and a half ago I think I only paid about $20-$30 for him at about 2 inches.
  4. leftyblite

    Newbie here with a few puffer questions

    Mine was so personable, that after just a couple of days he wouldn't take anything from a stick. It HAD to be hand fed to him. An he was a notorious begger. His stomach would be bulging and he would still be wanting more.
  5. leftyblite

    Newbie here with a few puffer questions

    Welcome to the boards!!! My proc puffer loved the frozen clams I got from the LFS. Probably cheaper than the market. Plus mine loved to hunt and snack on my snails and hermit crabs I kept as a cleanup crew. It really helps to keep their beak down. Good luck!!
  6. leftyblite

    Lion question

    I finally got my lion to eat. First I put a freshwater feeder fish in the tank(Please I know thats not a good idea but let me finish), then while he was stalking the fish I put a silverside that had been soaking in garlic into the tank on a feeder stick. I waved it around near the other fish and...
  7. leftyblite

    It's not the LFS fault

    There are some LFS that are really good and some that are really bad. Asking questions and looking at the tanks usually will help determine the good from the bad. It helps to be kowledgable about a certain fish that you are looking for BEFORE you go into an LFS. That way if they tell you...
  8. leftyblite

    Pkipne Puffer not lookin good!!!!

    What are your water parameters? And also what 3 fish were added? Maybe one of them is picking on the puffer. I had a niger trigger that pounded on my puffer and completely stressed him out. Needless to say the trigger went back to the LFS.
  9. leftyblite

    please id

    I saw one exactly like this yesterday at the LFS I went to. They had it in freshwater and it was identified as a puffer. It was about 8 inches long.
  10. leftyblite

    Lion question

    Thanks all for the advice. I fed the others first today and then soaked a piece of clam in garlic and waved it around near him. He came over and looked but didn't go for it. I have read in this forum that its not unusual for them to go for awhile without eating and I'm not going back to the guppies.
  11. leftyblite

    Lion question

    I wasn't planning on putting another puffer in for now. My 5 yr old still cries when she walks by the tank. She helped me buy the lion today and is trying out different names for it. What would be a good idea to stick feed to get it over the freshwater guppies?
  12. leftyblite

    Lion question

    Found a fuzzy dwarf lion about 3 inches long today at the LFS I mentioned above. They fed him while I watched and he ate with no problem. The only thing I'm concerned about is that they were feeding him freshwater guppies and I know this is not good for him. My new question is, how do I get him...
  13. leftyblite

    Lion question

    Thanks V-Lioness, I'm not sure that I have the expertise to care for such a small creature at this time as I've only been doing saltwater for about 1.5 years and very little experience with such a small fish(Raised my 2in porc puffer). I'm not sure I want to bring it home and then...
  14. leftyblite

    Lion question

    V-Lioness, besides ghost shrimp what else would be good for a lion that small? If I get it I want to make sure I know what I'm doing to keep it healthy and happy. It will be in my 20G QT tank for awhile and longer if necessary to help with what you described above. Thanks for the advice.
  15. leftyblite

    Lion question

    I've researched some more on this site and others and most all say 6-8 inches. If I go back in the next couple of days, I'm going to want to see him fed first. Also that being that he would be smaller than the angel, I not sure. Would it be better to wait and get one that is approx the same size?
  16. leftyblite

    Lion question

    How big do dwarf lions get? The LFS told me that they only grew to about 3-4 inches but, my research has found they get to approx 7 inches. The LFS had one today but it was barely more than an inch and would have been alot smaller than the angel. I wasn't sure so I didn't get him until I had...
  17. leftyblite

    Lion question

    Well my puffer died a couple of days ago and I still haven't figured out why and probably never will. I was thinking about getting another fish, but i have a question first. My wife and daughters want a lion and they are my second favorite fish behind the puffer. I currently have a foxface, blue...
  18. leftyblite

    Puffer died and I dont know why

    The puffer and the foxface accidently got together once when feeding and the puffer got stung. He was out of it for a couple of days and then was fine. At that time I noticed a broken spine on the foxface and the puffer and a swollen spot on its side. This time there was no broken spine and no...
  19. leftyblite

    What can go w/a porcupine puffer?

    Once the puffer gets big enough, if it can catch the pseudo it will say Thank You for the snack.
  20. leftyblite

    Puffer died and I dont know why

    The puffer got stung a few months ago by the foxface and was ill for a couple of days. I checked the puffer for any marks like what showed up last time he got stung but there were none. I also checked the foxface for broken spines but again there were none. I had my water checked by my LFS and...