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  1. emm0909

    First corals in tank. Need sme wisdom

    Just got two gorgs and something else in the mail. I acclimated them and got them in the tank. The yellow gorg has a whitish film over it. The blue spindly one has some flesh missing on one of the arms. There is something else on the plug. I'm not sure what it is. Like a hard piece of white...
  2. emm0909

    Mushroom Control

    Perfect solution. Take a rock or two back to your LFS. Trade them for store credit and a new piece of rock. If they want to put it n consignment, then still do it!
  3. emm0909

    mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it

    You don't NEED to have a piece of the mouth/eye. BUT if you do have part of the center the regeneration process is much faster. Without a piece of the mouth the frag must grow, getting energy entirely from photosynthesis. With part of the mouth they can eat and use photosynthesis. This was just...
  4. emm0909

    Octopus Filosus

    What are you using for equipment? Lets hear the list. Do you have the tank completly sealed off? Is this your first?
  5. emm0909

    Ricordias, can i move them?

    Cut the head off and just put it where you want it. Let the base grow a new.
  6. emm0909

    mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it

    What ever happened to this experiment? Where are the updated pictures?
  7. emm0909

    Nitrites, How? Answer asap

    Just do a water change and move on.
  8. emm0909

    Calcium Reactors

    Can someone lead me to a good thread or article about calcium reactors and their importance/function?
  9. emm0909

    How hard is it to get out an emaerald?

    HAHA. They seem slow but just wait till you try to catch it. You'd be better off spearing him with a needle on the end of a dowel. Whats the matter with leaving him in there? I knew a guy that had a real bad bubble algae problem so he dropped a whole bunch of emeralds in. The algae disappeared...
  10. emm0909

    Pics of Fragging of My Pink Millipora~Before and After 07.16.07

    Why mount horizontal?
  11. emm0909

    Lets see those RICORDIA

    That a lettuce nudi? This is going to be a good thread. I'm psyched.
  12. emm0909

    Does anyone have an Invert Tank?

    I am a huge fan of inverts. But they are something that you have to pick and choose while you enjoy the rest of the hobby. I have tell myself that I can only have certain species and certain amounts. Otherwise my tank would be crawling with critters. They are a secondary piece to a tank that...
  13. emm0909

    mushroom in a blender, I'm going to prove or disprove it

    Originally Posted by reefkprZ one of these days I am going to strap an M-80 to this camera and blow it to the moon. Next experiment - Strap an M-80 to a mushroom and see how many frags that makes?
  14. emm0909


    NOOOO!!!!! You're not done! You have all the equipment. Just set it up and start from scratch. Redesign your tank and do something different. If I had frags to send I'd do it in an instant.
  15. emm0909

    Best growth to money corals

    Farming has to start with a total love for what you are doing. Without that draw to grow these animals you will be overcome with the startup cost, matienence cost and labor/attention that needs to go into it. I'm working on my first REAL tank right now. It's a 75 gal. I have several other tanks...
  16. emm0909

    Is there any way to separate the two?

    I agree, they look like they are enjoying their ride. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I actually think it's kind of funny. Just pay attention to it. You don't want it dropping them behind any rocks and getting lost.
  17. emm0909

    green coraline algae

    I've had rock with blue, yellow green and two shades of purple on it. In the end it'll all turn to purple most likely. Unless you can actually prevent purple algae from getting in your tank.
  18. emm0909

    Hitchhicker ID

    I've got one too. He just bombs around the tank. I like him.
  19. emm0909

    Nitrate at 0ppm

    Originally Posted by teen The nitrate gas is escaping the tank before it has time to build up, which is what you want. How does the nitrate gas escape faster in some systems? How do you increase this?
  20. emm0909

    aragocrete ?

    You looking at the GARF Aragocrete? I'm pretty sure those guys know what they are doing. You can place any plain rock into your system and allow it to become 'LIVE'. It just needs ample space for critters to hide and needs to be seeded correctly. I think it's great not using anything directly...