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  1. sawillia

    hard algae, eaters

    Straight razor blade and 25 mins of your time :scared: :happyfish
  2. sawillia

    Three year old tank 2 year old problem

    some batches of Oceanic salt have been found to sky rocket your calcium levels. If you don't have a high load of calcium needing inhabitants. Don't use a calcium additive. from what I've read calcium should be around 450.. Usually just doing a water change will be all you need if you have a...
  3. sawillia

    Shooms and zoa placement under MH's

    Wanna Frag 3-5 blues and 1-2 greens to 28262? :jumping: ???
  4. sawillia

    Canopy Cooling

    Sorry mike... the link was for the 4in fans... for the canopy they are 120v and easy to wire....Catalog #: 273-241 The fans are 29 or so here in NC The sump clip ons you can get from homedepot or Wal-Mart
  5. sawillia

    Canopy Cooling

    What kind of lighting and how close to the fans/// If I understand you right... why not put the 4in 110v fans from radio shack in the hood Clip the fans onto the sump and let it blow there... Let me know... if you don't want the fans to...
  6. sawillia

    ASM Slimmers

    "turning" the skimmer up do you mean raising the outflow pipe.. The instructions tell you to break the skimmer in at the begining level just level with the neck... then adjust to your tastes... If you still have it at the begining level and you aren't satisfied with teh skimate you're getting...
  7. sawillia

    coral banded shrimp

    I've got 1 CBS 1 Cleaner 2 Peppermints The CBS will chase the cleaner once in a while but they move well :):happy:
  8. sawillia

    How can I remove a mushroom from a rock

    If you mix kalk into a liquid then inject it into the stem it will kill them or "prune" them back for the PC of us. I hear lime/lemon juice works well... The strong the kalk... the fast the wilt... becareful not to prune to many at one time... an overload of kalk could move your alk quickly HTH...
  9. sawillia

    Guessing game

  10. sawillia

    anyone got a clue (id please)

    How are these worms different from Mausa Head worms? I see the madusa diving I didn't know they where in the hobby. had someone not told me I would have hought his too was a madusa... maybe I'm being told wrong whilst diving too? arunk?
  11. sawillia

    Bound to fail

    CDN_Beaver: I'm guessing you're on Base and that's why RO isn't an option. ----'s seller does have an option to hook your hose up to an RO filter. You could attach the filter to the hose and use the run off water for washing your motorcycle, Car or clothes if you have a washer... If you're...
  12. sawillia

    Snowflake Eel?? Help Please

    Will flakes eat hermits. I noticed some carnage but didn't know who was the culprit. I blamed it on a big blue leg I have.. :notsure:
  13. sawillia

    Snowflake Eel?? Help Please

    over the past 4 days... I started testing when he didn't eat and I saw the blue spot. Ammonia went from .25 to 0 ates were .1 or lower now are 0 ites have stayed at 0 PH is around 8.2 I haven't checked it lately. I'll do so when i get home. 90 gallon tank with 30 gallon sump 3 900 Maxijet PHs...
  14. sawillia

    Snowflake Eel?? Help Please

    My snow flake isn't eating. and hasn't for almost a week now. He has this light blue spot on the end of his nose and looks to be labored breathing... I've checked the levels all thru the weekend and I've prepared to make another water change. 2nd in a week. Everyone else in the tank look to...
  15. sawillia

    Cina. Clown WIERD.. Bang Guy?

    Ok I have two clowns. One of them is balancing peebles on it's nose and moving them... it's done it 5 or 6 times now in 30 mins.... Is it making a nest?:eek: :eek: :eek: :nervous: Look!! its fanning the coral with it's tail.... HMMMM making a nest? Is this normal?
  16. sawillia

    Bad case of Hair Algae

    I too had a hair problem. I added 10 more Astrae snails (sp) and a LMB. They are doing a good job... Fowever I have cylindrical filter on my overflow stack. I noticed it was excessibly clogged with Green algae, I remove it weekly and clean it with fresh water... then replace the cylinder...
  17. sawillia

    Burgandy Linkia issue

    I haven't taken him out. I cam home today from work and turned the lights on... He was still close to where I left him... he has turned a darker Red... I thought he was KIA but, he moved so I left him alone.. His little sucker tube feet under his arms are still active so he lives another day...
  18. sawillia

    Light Conversion ??

    She's B E A utiful... but, she rules the roost.... I almost wanted to fry her up when she started pickingon the LMB and the Burgandy star. I didn't even get them to the bottom of the tank... She is surely a QUEEN
  19. sawillia

    Feather Duster Question

    Sounds like a good idea... I did see one or two in the never regions of the my rock today... I'll look a the LFS for that stuff. Would ZOE that I fee the Angel for HLLE do the same thing?
  20. sawillia

    Burgandy Linkia issue

    I tested the PH at 8.2 at the last water change on Friday... I turned the lights off again today to see if it makes him happy... Do you need an airstone for Fish on the drip method? For now on I'm Dripping... Thanks:happy: