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  1. oceanist

    Clownfish Eggs

    awesome info .... hasent happened to me . but nice to know .. and interesting ... simply f'n awesome
  2. oceanist

    Getting to know you... getting to know all about you!

    jenn here my boy meemo second one it more like he should be called garfield and third one .............. guess who ..... i have a long haired cat to but he is camera shy
  3. oceanist


    yeah if its only 3 days .. your clown is being totally normal
  4. oceanist

    Whats up

    ok here are acctually , my yellow tang and clown , wondering why there seeing therselves on the outside of the tank , and my gramma just sitting pretty ..........
  5. oceanist

    Whats up

    haha i dont know i was bored and wanted to post ........... yeah come to my place watch a movie . 9 feet of high def movies 7.1 surround ...... salt water fish tank ... what a life . ps i was gonna take the pictures then found out my wife brought the camera to work .... i go tthem now though
  6. oceanist

    Whats up

    Hi peoples ....... i just wanted to update to the people who care i added a royal gramma ........ nothing 2 extravegant but , it added color to the tank ill get some pics , give me a few mins.....
  7. oceanist

    maxi jet suction cups

    im not sure if it has to do with then breaking down or if it is because of the slimy feel from the algea .. i do know i rinsed them off and then stuck them to my window and they wouldnt move , then when i went to throw them back in the tank i have the same problem , so people say it has to do...
  8. oceanist


    Ife they are eating with no visual disease they are , fine , my false perc ussually stay in the corner i think that is his area , there may be extra flow there that he likes ... but i qwouldnt worry to much if he eats .... ESPECIALLY if you can hand feed him
  9. oceanist

    Little Things That Irritate Me

    when the cowboys give up a 13 point lead with 3 minutes to go against the redskins , on monday night football the night that emmitt , irvin and aikman goto the ring of honor :mad: :mad: :mad: oh well i expect it im a cowboy fan , all the same poop just a different year
  10. oceanist

    the in-laws

    cant wait , nothing like a samual adams seasonal brew
  11. oceanist

    jacking ur lfs... haha

    nice ^
  12. oceanist

    the in-laws

    you have to get permission from your wife , that like a little kid , haha j/k , its like that with me too OCTOBERFEST KICKS BOOTY!!!!!!!!!!!!! my favorite lager
  13. oceanist

    jacking ur lfs... haha

    Originally Posted by ophiura Wow, where have our morals would be cool, unless you were caught. :notsure: How about "stealing" some ideas on how to own a business or be successful in your own right so you can have the stuff anyway. like you wouldnt capatalize on free stuff like...
  14. oceanist

    Little Things That Irritate Me

    im irratated that this thread is taking up bandwith .......... im irratated that my post got deleted when i was stating simple facts ......... im irratated with this site being out of stock with everything ................. im flat out f'ing irratated.
  15. oceanist

    Little Things That Irritate Me

    Darth tang ive had it with you , your about as irratating as they come , you are still going on with something that happened in a past thread your a simplistic moron , trying edge people on , you need to get a life , if thats all that can satsfy you .your a waste of skin , quit breathing and...
  16. oceanist

    Little Things That Irritate Me

    oooooooo mimzy thats harsh , to bad it wouldnt work on me,,,,, im allready fat (well not fat but , lets face it, i likes me cookies) im in the kevin james area , matter of fact people tell me i look like him ....... you could say youll guilt me out of eating chocolate and ice cream ... that...
  17. oceanist

    if u had a 50 000 gallon tank

    bottle nosed dolphins ..........Id go swimming with them Or I may just put nothing in it and go swimming [hr] all the time oh yeah and id be broke with all of the salt id have to buy
  18. oceanist

    Little Things That Irritate Me

    P.S. ruin THIS thread, and I'll have my people come and kill you in the night. wooooooooah mimzy that could be takin more than sarcasm , i would edit it just for your safety ....... death threats are very very very very very very very against the law kidding or not .... havent you watched...
  19. oceanist

    jacking ur lfs... haha

    yeah that would be great though if you werent caught
  20. oceanist

    DIY 3D styrofoam background

    i think he means the styrofoam would be on the outside of the tank , i have seen this done and it is very cool looking ......... fenner talk about it in the conscientous marine aquarist.... deffinatly a good idea , and awesome looking from the front , all you need is the space on the back wall...