Search results

  1. partonks

    Online ordering?

    The livestock I have received from has been very good. I got all of my inverts from there, and as the very first inhabitants of my tank, they did quite well. I just bought my first fish and coral from them (arrived yesterday) and both were beautiful specimens. I'm still in the touchy...
  2. partonks

    Blue/Linka Starfish and questions

    Nitrites and Ammonia definitely need to be 0 before any additions. Try to keep the Nitrates below 20, or better yet, below 10. Mine stay at about 2.5 regardless of water changes and skimming. I bought a package of snails, crabs, and stars from this site after my cycle was complete. In...
  3. partonks

    Blue/Linka Starfish and questions

    Nitrites and Ammonia definitely need to be 0 before any additions. Try to keep the Nitrates below 20, or better yet, below 10. Mine stay at about 2.5 regardless of water changes and skimming. I bought a package of snails, crabs, and stars from this site after my cycle was complete. In...
  4. partonks

    if i get 5 10-4's im ordering 2 carpets and 5 clarki clowns that a chart says are co

    From everything I've seen, Clarkii are the quickest to associate with any anemone, so not a bad choice there. The question is whether you want an anemone in your tank or not. It was a tough decision for me and I finally broke down and got a carpet anemone. You need stonr lighting and...
  5. partonks

    O. Percula Clownfish

    Mixing clowns is not a good idea, often they will fight to the death. There's probably not enough room in your tank for them to have distinct territories. You'd be best off to trade in the one you have now or skip getting the percs.
  6. partonks

    what is this???

    Along the same lines, I managed to never have a major diatom bloom in my tank during the cycle. However, I am now ravaged with green hair algae. I have a good clean up crew, they just cannot keep up with it. All my water levels are good (including phosphates) nitrates are at 2.5. Anyone have...
  7. partonks

    Conflicting Opinions

    My tank has been up and running for 6 months, I have only had fish in it for about 3.5 months though (I added each 1 month apart except the pair of clowns, they went in together). I do my best to not overfeed, and I see no change in my nitrates over time. My clean up crew does a great job with...
  8. partonks

    info. please....

    I have a similar setup to your ak_reefer and I was looking into flower pot corals. How does yours do under that light. I also have PCs, wrongly listed in my signature as VHOs (my LFS sold them to me in a full setup as VHOs, I just noticed that they're PCs when I replaced them this week). I...
  9. partonks

    info. please....

    I have the Marine Fish book by Scott Michael and I find it very useful. Even when a group of fish (i.e. blennies) are called reef safe, there are members that are not good reef tank inhabitants. Make sure and get a detailed book and ask on and put together a good plan with good...
  10. partonks

    Conflicting Opinions

    Yeah, I have never had my nitrates below the 2.5 number. I do weekly 10% water changes and have made all of my additions to my tank slowly. I think I need to get my water tested at the LFS to see if maybe it's a problem with the test kit. My corals and anemone are doing well, and I'd hate to...
  11. partonks

    Conflicting Opinions

    Thanks for the advice, thus far I have tried to be conservative and I think you're right, maybe I should just let the population be. I was mainly ading the fish for color, which is the wrong reason to add. I will continue to be happy adding corals though!
  12. partonks

    HOw do I acclimate shrimp

    The drip method is exteremly easy and the only way to go. I get the airhose and tie a couple of knots into it. I adjust the flow and check it with a shot glass. I have been most successful when I let the shot glass fill up in about 2 minutes. then I let the water in the bag approximately...
  13. partonks

    Conflicting Opinions

    All of my tank specifics are listed below in my signature, except that my nitrates are ~2.5 and my salinity is 1.024. My question involves 2 things: 1) Some say that I should not add any more fish to this system (I only want to add one), some say I can, what's the general opinion? 2) If I did...
  14. partonks

    Hitchhiker ID

    Thanks, it definitely is the Cerith snail, and they do seem to be multiplying. Thanks for the link. Kevin
  15. partonks

    what kind of anenome

    True Percs (and false for that matter) do not, as a rule, associate with Bubble Tip Anemones. Having said that, there are exceptions. one of my 2 true percs lives happily in my BTA and both are very healthy and happy right now. The BTA really gets on the move from the moment he goes in the...
  16. partonks

    Hitchhiker ID

    I noticed recently some snail-like animals that must have come along with my live rock when it was introduced 6 mos. ago. They have conical shellas that are white with black dots on them. Their bodies also have these dots. I don't have a picture, but I am hoping this will be specific enough...
  17. partonks

    Help me out with a quickie...

    I had the exact same problem. It turned out that my test kit was screwed up. For peace of mind, I took my water into my LFS and they tested it to show 0 ammonia.
  18. partonks

    some suggestions please...

    I'm a broken record on this board, I love my firefish and clowns, but you should definitely look at a Midas Blenny at the store (books don't do them justice). They are a lighter yellow than the Tang, but when healthy and happy, they have a pink or peach undertone to their color. their swimming...
  19. partonks

    Members in the DC area

    I bought my entire set-up from Marine Scene. While it's true some things are more expensive there (I say some, but not all), it is reasonably close to other stores. Also, you're paying for the advice and quality there. I have had extremely good luck with even my first fish and corals in my...
  20. partonks

    Too Crowded?

    I would first of all skip the Sebae, they are very hard to keep. Also, you'll need some live rock in there most likely, at least 1lb per gallon. The tang cannot live in that tank, not even a small tang. There are beautiful smaller fish you can get, but I'd say no more than three fish. The...