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  1. jumpfrog

    clown fish & coral instead of a anemone

    One of the interesting aspects of this hobby is that the animals will do what they please. I have a perc clown that moves from a hammer to my alveopora to my torch and even hangs out at the bottom of a large colt. I have no control of where the perc goes and I just hope the corals are ok with it.
  2. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    Some new candy cane I added last week. Have a great weekend and War Eagle!
  3. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    My 2 year old rock anemone. Still one of my favs
  4. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    A leather that I've had for over a year. Still have no clue as to what type but it has 3 babies growing under it.
  5. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    My branching flower pot, alveopora is still doing great
  6. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    Another of the perc
  7. jumpfrog

    It's not SEC Football but it's a 6 pack!

    My tank just looked good to me tonight so I thought I'd share. Thank God Auburn FINALLY won a game! Here's my perc checking out a relatively new torch!
  8. jumpfrog

    COTW: Galaxy Coral

    Over, thanks for the research. My galaxia has been in the tank for over a year. I've had a couple pieces break off and fall to the substrate. They're still going strong. Here's the main piece. I have it toward the bottom and the current makes sure the feeders head toward absolutely nothing.
  9. jumpfrog

    anouther porkky question

    There's always the toby puffers like the valentini or fiji. Beautiful fish with lots of character.
  10. jumpfrog

    Food for Puffer?

    Krill is my dogfaces' favorite but he will take large silversides. Just keep trying different things and in time he may change. In the mean time, soak in zoe and selcon so he gets some extra vitamins. Mine will eat some Formula 1 as well. Good Luck!
  11. jumpfrog

    Ok, what is wrong with my Spectrum??

    New/stronger zooanthella? I have no clue but I'm curious too.
  12. jumpfrog


    What a great idea. Did you just put the suction cup next to the branch and let it attach naturally or did you cut and paste? Also, do you know if coraline on the glass will keep the xenia from attaching? I bet when it starts to take off it going to look great!
  13. jumpfrog

    Any danger of aiptasia in a FOWLR tank?

    Yes, aptasia will eat small fish. But we're taking really small, like feeder guppies. I have some in my 10 with a hawkfish. I actually like the way they look and of course they can't harm the hawk. I'll give the hawk a treat of guppies once in a great while and I've seen the aptasia eat two...
  14. jumpfrog

    What is this??

    Beth, it looks exactly like the redspotted sand perch in Scott Michael's "Marine Fishes" book. Page 324
  15. jumpfrog

    FOWLR Lighting Upgrade

    Sounds like you're doing everything right. They should be fine. I too would love to see a pic. Do you have a before and after. I'm lighting my 125 with 3x40, 2x30, 1x18 all NO and although it's "ok" I think I'd like more light. Just looks "dull" next to a reef tank. Be curious if you see...
  16. jumpfrog

    White Bubble Coral?

    bumpity bump^ Just want some input before I buy.
  17. jumpfrog

    what to stock my 125 with

    Of the group my only concern would be the angel. They tend to need really good water quality and it's just hard to maintain with an aggressive set up of messy eaters. The others will do fine though. You won't see a whole lot of movement with that group. The wrasse and the naso will stay...
  18. jumpfrog

    White Bubble Coral?

    One of LFS has a couple of white bubble corals. They're extended and I don't see any tissue recession. I'm just wondering about the "white." I don't mean a little white. I'm talking complete lack of color. Is this thing healthy you think? Shouldn't there be some zooanthella present?
  19. jumpfrog

    New tank ?

    It can certainly be done. While you're waiting for cycling and such it's a good time to research fish. Remember some will eat inverts, corals, etc. A good stocking plan goes a long way. Good luck and keep us informed!
  20. jumpfrog

    Yellow Corris Wrasse.... Concerned

    From your description I'd say you have a canary wrasse and they don't get to but about 5". It's not unusual for them to stay buried for awhile. I'm sure he'll make an appearance soon. Wrasses in general take a while to acclimate. I brought a fairy wrasse home that promptly disappeared...