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  1. rdm

    New Tank Setup Suggestions

    Originally Posted by jkalvoda I guess if metal halide looks better i would rather get that now ... would the following one work fine and is it a good one to get? Outer Orbit Pro Series HQI/T-5/LED Lights Length Total Wattage HQI T-5 HO LED Lunar Lights 48" 529 watts...
  2. rdm

    Pics of my new HQI lighting

    Originally Posted by mcbdz Looks great. As for the particals. Depends on your filteration. Do you have filter floss to help catch them and are you cleaning it frequently? You can run some carban filters and the polishes your water good. I have a floss pre filter in my overflow and another...
  3. rdm

    Pics of my new HQI lighting

    My Outer Orbit 150x2 39x4 T5HO came in today! Attachment 197230 I have a 46bow so the light is just a little big for the tank. I had to rig the legs a bit to work for now. The light will get hung as soon as a have a little more time. The HQI's sit perfectly on either side of my center brace (no...
  4. rdm

    will these lights supports sps?

    Current has an outer orbit 2x250 with T5 lighting for your size.
  5. rdm

    JBL auto top-off

    Mine is silent. I believe there is somethign in the manual about opening the back and swithcing some pins around. Mine came silent when I bought it.
  6. rdm

    Where am I in my cycle?

    My tank has been up and running for about 4 weeks now. 50lbs of base rock. About 20lbs of live rock. 1'' fine sand bed in the DT. Mud and argonite in the fuge along with cheato. I believe I missed the ammonia spike, my readings are still clearly 0. My nitrites have been .1ppm for the past few...
  7. rdm

    Just ordered my new HQI lighting

    Originally Posted by enigma1388 if you don't mind me asking how much did you spend and where did you get it from? I ask because i'm in the market for a good light system for my tank. Around ~$650 but we are not allowed to post websites on this forum.
  8. rdm

    Just ordered my new HQI lighting

    So in my quest to set up my 46g bow right this time, I knew I had to upgrade my lighting. In my past efforts to get this tank going I bought a 192W JBJ PC lighting system. I knew I would like to create a reef tank, but bought this without doing the proper research (this item with be in the...
  9. rdm

    how to connect return pipe to pump?

    Mag 7 has a 1/2'' threaded male on the output and a 1/2'' female on the input. Great pump, I have one.
  10. rdm

    r.o unit ??

    Originally Posted by genzod66 how do you clean filters,like the 3 canisters?? Most are replaceable, not cleanable.
  11. rdm

    r.o unit ??

    Several issues could cause this problem 1. Low input pressure. (do you have a gauge?) 2. Clogged, dirty pre-filters. (Do you have a carbon filter or a sediment filter?) 3. Fouled RO membrane. (Membranes need to stay wet, if not used they need to be stored or flushed frequently) 4. Change in...
  12. rdm

    What size pump.

    I have a little Marineland adjustable 50-100gph pump that does the trick on my ATO. Just make sure whatever pump you buy had a head clearance over what you need. Some small powerheads will not pump water 5' high.
  13. rdm

    Help with my fuge..

    Originally Posted by T316 Is this fuge visable in the room? I still haven't figured out why folks want to set up a fuge with so much detail....lights, etc. Does the cheato need lights Not much detail to mine, just followed what others have recomended. Of corse plants need light. My fuge is in...
  14. rdm

    lets see those RO/DI set-ups

    Originally Posted by prime311 What kind of heater do you guys use in your storage containers? How is it attached? I'm afraid of just putting one in a garbage can cause Id think it would melt the plastic. My mixer tank has a 50w heater just "hanging" in the trash can, never had an issue. They...
  15. rdm

    Help with my fuge..

    So if you have read my past few threads my 46g bow is back up and running. My 20g fuge if filled with about 10-15gal of water, has a 1''' mud bed and a 1/2'' argonite cap. I also have two softball size pieces of cheato. The fuge also houses my heaters, corallife SS, ATO, 18w of 6700k PC...
  16. rdm

    lets see those RO/DI set-ups

    Attachment 196274
  17. rdm

    As requested, pictures of my 46g bow setup

    Originally Posted by prime311 Ya I like that art too heh. Whats the electrical thing attached to the garbage can by your RO/DI? Powerheads to keep the water moving.
  18. rdm

    Plumbing question?

    Originally Posted by T316 I wouldn't even count that as a problem What size tank are you running this mag7 on? You don't won't too much flow, as in blowing stuff around... 20g sump 46 DT. it has a 3-4' rise, so only ~400gph. Nothing appears to be over done...
  19. rdm

    Nitrates! ! Help

    Originally Posted by cafero702 you have to be kidding me what is the problem i checked my nitrates 2 weeks ago and did about a 30 gallon waterchange i have a 140 tank then they bearly went down so today i did a 40g waterchange and just got all done and checked my parameters there all fine...
  20. rdm

    Plumbing question?

    Thanks guys. There is only one real bend in my system, which is the output into the tank. So I guess I am ok with this minor reduction then.