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  1. snaredrum

    ph levels

    Originally Posted by Flower No way is the Sg reading what you posted. First recheck the SG. Most hydometers have a safe zone marked right on it. Is your Sg in the safe zone? A PH that low should have the answer of not in the safe zone. That would mean for you to add more salt. This is my...
  2. snaredrum

    Yucky BLACK-RED algae

    Originally Posted by volitan1 I had it about a year ago and have never had it again. This is what i did. To get rid of it follow these simple steps: 1. Make sure you are using RO water when conducting topp offs 2. Increase flow within the tank 3. do 10-15% water change weekly. 4. If...
  3. snaredrum

    How many of you through corals out?

    Ongoing problem with most tanks I see. Healthy tanks with lots of growth. My LFS told me that he would have the same problem if he took all of his customers over growth. I think a lot of it was lack of knowledge on my part when I set my tanks up the first time. I can tell you that I would not...
  4. snaredrum

    too much calcium.. what do i do?

    Really need to see what the other parameters are before you can find the problem. Alk, PH and the such. What is the salinity? I do know that a lot of the new salts will raise the Calcium a lot with higher salinity. I been hearing a stir about bad salt batches also. Sorry I see the Alk and PH...
  5. snaredrum

    ph levels

    I had the same problem. Found out I was buying premixed saltwater for water changes from my LFS and that was the problem. Bought an RO/DI and started mixing my own and now problem solved. The money I'm saving not buying the saltwater and additives has paid for the RO/DI. Just a thought. Also try...
  6. snaredrum

    temperature issue...ugh

    Buy a regular thermo. of some sort. I have one of the little floating one for spot checking. Works great and easy to more over when mixing new water to check temp.
  7. snaredrum

    All Fish Died Within 2 Hours Of Cleaning

    Originally Posted by wfd1008 what did you use to kill the algae? i'm guessing that has a big something to do with it. I'm kind of thinking this question is not being answered for a reason as it has been asked a number of times. We must always remember that there is tons of experience on this...
  8. snaredrum

    Red sea max vs 29g biocube

    After some research, I would go with the 30 gallon finnex. I think that will be my next setup. I have a 29 Biocube now and might convert it to a frag tank.
  9. snaredrum

    Used Red Slime Remover, now having trouble with skimmer

    The skimmer is overflowing because its working properly. Do the water changes and it will clear up.
  10. snaredrum

    is ro/di water needed?

    I work in the water industry and local City water is not good anywhere. Get a good RO/DI unit and save the pain.
  11. snaredrum

    29g biocube nano tank

    Originally Posted by mboswell1982 will a lobster be ok in that tank? and how many hermits and stuff should i have in a tank that size? should i do just hermits or snails and hermits? I don't think I would chance the lobster. Could get nasty. Just build it up slow and stock slow and enjoy.
  12. snaredrum

    Joe-L's bio cube bc29

    You think that filter is doing its job... Look how dirty the pad is and how clean the tank is... Keep up the great work. Tank is absolutely fantastic!
  13. snaredrum

    Ro/di plumbing q's?

    Originally Posted by Keebler So I'm hooking up a bulk reef supply ro/di for drinking and aquarium water. I want to hook it up after my water softener, which I know how to do, but I don't know where to put the waste water??? Where can it go? The waste water from the softener goes all the way...
  14. snaredrum

    Latex Gloves?

    Just get those from Walgreens (unpowdered latex) They are 50 in a box and cheap. Some kind of glasses also would help just in case.
  15. snaredrum

    biocube problems

    Originally Posted by nitschke65 Nice work! Don't give up on your biocube! You'll find all kinds of advice on this and many other, sites; but, most of the fun is filtering through the options you find and combining them into your own unique solution. I've done the following mods to my bc29. 1...
  16. snaredrum

    biocube problems

    Move the carbon filter OUT of its little slots and put it in front of the slots. They designed the filter pad too close to the spillover into the second chamber. I put mine at an angle for even better flow. These tanks should also have a skimmer in the middle chamber. I use a sapphire aquatics...
  17. snaredrum

    agh red slime

    I had major problems with cyno and tried everything EXCEPT more frequent water changes. I started with the 10% per week water changes and problem solved for over 1 year now. You can treat and it will be back. I have found that most problems are fixed with a more frequent water change schedule...
  18. snaredrum

    what should i do next

    Originally Posted by Mr_X i don't think you should have detectable nitrite. i would do a couple gallon water change and wait another couple weeks before adding anything else. Thats My thoughts exactly.
  19. snaredrum

    coralline algae

    Get a piece of Live rock with it already onit and scrap some off with a toothbrush and let it flow around the tank. Thats what it did and it worked fine. Aslo time is needed for sure.
  20. snaredrum

    high phosphates issue

    Bleach = Chlorine. With the live rock I have, I don't see any possible way to remove all the bleach from it to be able to put it back into the tank. One question through. What was the problem to make you bleach it?