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  1. glinton

    texas panhandle salties

    Any of you guys in the texas panhandle have any coral frags I can buy? I would trade, but I have nothing to trade. I do have a bunch of polyps, so maybe I can spare a few of those, if you could tell me how to cut them off. I have 110 Watts over a 30gal. So, it would need to be coral that needs...
  2. glinton

    green in sand?

  3. glinton

    green in sand?

    I have got something green in my sandbed. I can see it amongst the sand in my DSB. It looks like maybe a green liquid? Can anyone tell me what it is?
  4. glinton

    OT- Anyone else on this Atkin's Diet??

    I am not personally impressed with the diet. There is no "silver bullet" when it comes to losing weight. Eat a healthy diet. If you eat carbs, eat complex ones which the body uses more energy to break down. The change you are looking for needs to come about by a change in lifestyle (eating...
  5. glinton

    Fish suggestions for a 29 gallon reef?

    I have a bicolor blenny in my 30. He is pretty cool. He was a little shy at first, but now he is all over the place. Sometimes my clown gives him a little trouble, but he can hold his own. The great thing about him is that he helps clean up the tank by eating algae.
  6. glinton

    feather duster farm

    How do I find out which kind it is? No, they are about an inch tall, not an inch in diameter. They are growing quite fast, and there are a lot of them. If they are going to be a nuisance, I am going to try to get rid of them.
  7. glinton

    feather duster farm

    I have got literally dozens of feather dusters growing in my aquarium. I looked tonight and there were probably 20-30 in one area alone! Can I take some of these, after they are bigger, and sell them? If so, would the best way be to take them to my LFS? The biggest ones are about an inch or so tall.
  8. glinton

    michael TX

    Hey guys- I also live in the pan handle (Plainview). I was up in Amarillo last week and happened to stumble across Fish Pros. It looks pretty nice, although I will have to admit I am partial to Aqarilease. Although Fish Pros did seem to have better prices. Rabid frog, have you bought anything...
  9. glinton

    Snails and hermit preferences?

    Don't go with blue leg hermits. They may be cheap, but IMO you get what you pay for. I have lost about 3-4 already due to fighting. I have heard that red legs are much better. Personally, I am going to go hermit-less. Hope this helps.
  10. glinton

    DSB Cleaning Help??????????????

    Two days ago I bought a sand sifting star and so far he is doing a great job. He has already made a huge difference in the tank.
  11. glinton

    feather duster

    The only other things I have growing are some polyps that are multiplying like crazy. They too were hitchikers. I am 99% sure they are feather dusters. They have the calcareous tube with the "feathers" sticking out.
  12. glinton

    feather duster

    I have about 9-10 small feather dusters growing in my tank that came with the LR. I have searched the forums here and found that some suggest feeding feather dusters and some say not to. My thoughts would be that the feather dusters would pull food out of the water column from feeding, detrius...
  13. glinton

    blue or red leg crabs?

    I would definitely agree with cosmo. I have witnessed two murders already. I tried to break one fight up, but they wouldn't let go of each other. The blue legs are definitely too agressive. When I get a chance, I will return my blue legs and get some red legs.
  14. glinton

    lr and ls

    I have a 30gal and I used about 30#dead rock and seeded it with about 15# live rock. It took a while, but now (2 1/2 mos. later) I have the previously dead rock beginning to grow coralline algae. If you don't have the money, this is a great way to go, it just takes patience.
  15. glinton

    After the crash- pic and suggestions

    I think what Broomer is trying to ask is this-What is the root of your problem? If you don't figure it out, you may risk having another crash, even though things look great now.
  16. glinton

    SeaClone skimmer

    From what I hear, SeaClone has modified the previous version of their skimmer. For those who have the new version, does it really work better?
  17. glinton

    WTB protein skimmer

    I just broke my protein skimmer tonight :mad: Not too happy about that one. If anyone has a used CPR BakPac for sale, let me know. Or I might look at another brand, it just depends on price. Thanks!
  18. glinton

    Reef lights

    I bought an All-Glass 2X55 Watt PC strip light. It works great and was really inexpensive. I bought it used from this site for about $75. The bulbs last about 1 year and are about $25-30 bucks each. I am also going to use my 30W NO strip light as well. BTW, I have a 30gal also. That is 140 watts...
  19. glinton

    Button polyp reproduction

    What do you feed your polyps? Do they just get some "juice" from your fish food or is there something specifically for polyps? I have a few in my tank and I want them to spread.
  20. glinton

    cc mixed with sand

    Thanks saltyrich, I appreciate it (your advice, but not your choice of a football team). You are right, you guys look good this year. BUT, somehow the underdog (and visitor) always seems to get the upper hand. Remember last year how we were the heavily favored ones? It's time for PAYBACK!! We...