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  1. st3

    HELP! dogface turned black!

    my df puffer turned black when i turned on the light to see him tonight then he turned back to normal. what the heck is goin on?
  2. st3

    prizm skimmer

    does the air hose have to connect to the plastick insert thigie labled (II)? or just leave it hangin???
  3. st3

    Cycling in New Tank

    i put in my damsels and clowns in 3 days and it was fine they r still alive. just make sure u remove the chlorine and chloramine ammonia with chemicals.
  4. st3

    2 kinds of powder tangs together???

    even if there very small? Thanks for the info.
  5. st3

    2 kinds of powder tangs together???

    can a p.brown tang go with a tang???? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
  6. st3

    cow fish

    is it yellow? some cowfish have natural white spots . look at his fins to see if he has ick
  7. st3

    niger and dogface question.

    arnt mandarins foul tasting to the fish? well hes in there and he seems to be fine but well see. got him for a two for one special.
  8. st3


    the people at the pet shop said maybe it would be ok cause i have the most docile of the two species(dogface puffer and niger trigger) both which are very small at the moment
  9. st3

    niger and dogface question.

    thats sweet. tahnx for the info. i gues itll cost me 40 bucks to find out then hey?lol :rolleyes:
  10. st3

    Filtration Question

    u do not have to clean the fluval once a week! it is not recommended. not everything the lfs tells u is true. u only rinse the carbon bags and leave the other media baskets that are full of those white things. (these store all your bacteria). some people just dont want to read the instructions...
  11. st3


    can i put a mandarin goby in with him also if i have lots of live rocl? he hasnt bothered any other fish shrimp or snail or crab yet.
  12. st3

    Seaclone vrs Prism

    Go with the PRIZM its mint and we all know it. its the latest and is perfect for a 90 gallon. i have a 90 gallon and it works wicked. Ajusting the intake valve the first tme is confusing but once u got er goin its a sweet machine. dont be cheap with your fish, spenf the extra cash and invest in...
  13. st3

    niger and dogface question.

    can i put in a mandarin goby with these niger triggers abd dogface puffers? i have alot of live rock for him to hide in.
  14. st3

    niger trigger growth

    are they not supposed to eat brine?
  15. st3

    Puffer food?

    what do dogface puffers eat?
  16. st3


    i got my dogface puffer yesterday and he seems to just hang out at the top of the tank on top of the powerhead. his eyes are green also is this normal? he does not eat.
  17. st3


    does ne body like carabien rock
  18. st3

    dogface puffer

    ouch that sux man. hope mine doesint die.
  19. st3

    puffer daddy

    buy the mag-float. its the best and dont be cheap get the biggest one for the most surface area.
  20. st3

    cleaning magnets

    mag floats are the best!!!!! make sure u pay the extra cash for one that floats so it doesint sink to the bottom! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />