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  1. gregzbobo

    Snail ID please

    Nassarius sp. perhaps? Its a caribbean snail according to another webstie, but I don't see why it couldn't be a bit further north.
  2. gregzbobo

    Finish this sentence: I knew I did a opps when?

    When I first got into the hobby 4 years ago with a 29 gallon tank. Brought home the 5 pound live rock I bought and washed it in the sink with a toothbrush under running water. OoOoPs!
  3. gregzbobo

    cutting acrylic question

    a good plywood or veneer blade will work, plastic cutting blades are made also. But n2deep is right, the key is tooth count and don't go slow. Go as fast as you SAFELY can. And the masking tape is definitely a good idea.
  4. gregzbobo


    Sent you an email broomer5.
  5. gregzbobo

    Clam and others on live rock.

    I agree with mnreefman about the bottom pic, as for the top one, Details are a bit hard to fudge out, so I haven't a clue, perhaps someone else with better eyes can make it out?
  6. gregzbobo

    Cleaning acrylic....

    If its just hardwater deposits, try plain vinegar in an inconcpicuous spot, and if it doesn't etch the acrylic (shouldn't), then vinegar is the way to go. Make sure to wash it out REAL well afterwards of course. :)
  7. gregzbobo


    broomer5, is that timer the same as the one this link leads to? If so, I am getting them from Home Depot, instead of paying nearly twice as much from the lighting website.
  8. gregzbobo

    Clam and others on live rock.

    those flower things COULD be polyps of some sort, or perhaps mushroom anemones. Wild guess though without a pic to go by. As for the clam, it probably isn't a tridacna sp., rather one of the benthic varieties that just sits there filter feeding all day. It may make it, it may not. I have one in...
  9. gregzbobo

    Seaclear System II Overhaul

    I agree with the other posts, slowly over a period of time remove the bioballs. A fluidized bed filter Does the same thing as bioballs, namely mineralizing nitrites and ammonia into nitrate. If there is room in the back of that filter, put some small pieces of live rock in it to replace the...
  10. gregzbobo

    Silt in wet dry...

    Its just in the dark. It didn't have much in the way of algea on it when I bought it, so I figured it'd work just as good in the sump as it would in the tank, and I'd not have to look at it all that much, saves room for the nice rock in the tank.
  11. gregzbobo

    powerhead question

    I have a Marineland Penguin 550 in my tank. I've had this thing in several different tanks for going on 4 years now. Excellent pump, and quite inexpensive.
  12. gregzbobo

    Silt in wet dry...

    Should not be a problem. Some people even put a layer of sand in the sump, to complement whats in the display tank. I personally have about 15 pounds of base quality live rock in my sump and a thin layer of silt and some pebble from that in the bottom.
  13. gregzbobo

    SW fish screen saver.

    I bought this when it was still in the beta testing phase, and think it looks DANG good. The gentleman that wrote it is currently working on a freshwater version, after which he will be writing a 3D background and an addon pack with more creatures, there is rumored to be an octopus in a future...
  14. gregzbobo

    Need Addvice?

    I use a Secalone 100 myself, one of the older models, and it works fairly well right out of the box, once you get it tuned. But I found a link on this board to a site that shows how to modify it to make it work bettter, and I did those mods, works MUCH better. If you DO decide on the seaclone...
  15. gregzbobo

    Will dead sand turn into live sand if it is with live rock?

    I think you mean a detrivore kit. I'd also go ahead and spring for a few pounds of good live sand too.
  16. gregzbobo

    The Shrimp Bussines

    The shell should be peeled off if you use that kind, it won't decompose very quickly like the flesh will. And as for frozen, I would think that'd work too, but I'm not sure, I used 1 good sized fresh one in my 65. I would think 1 would be sufficient in a tank your size as well.
  17. gregzbobo

    Salt Mix Poll

    I used Coralife Sea salt to first fill my tank, but use IO for water changes.
  18. gregzbobo

    Electronic Ph tester

    To store the probe in when its not being used. Have to keep the electrode wet. If it dries, it will be VERY unlikely that the probe can be calibrated. I don't know why this is, but I know it to be true. And as for the temperature, I would calibrate the probe while the calibrating fluids are the...
  19. gregzbobo

    What can I do to get scratches out of my glass?

    They use a special resin for the windshield repairs. They probably won't bother with mere scratches. Would not hurt to call and see though. And yes, Bon Ami is a product similar to Comet, comes in a golden/yellow can just like a Comet can, should be pretty much right next to the Comet at the...
  20. gregzbobo

    Electronic Ph tester

    I use distilled water. Good RO/DI water might work too.