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  1. swaquarim


    Im used to KoC -19/23 Im not sure how to play how do you:confused:Have you clicked today?
  2. swaquarim

    Your favorite fish.. TO CATCH!!

    Sunfish,trout,bass,pickerel,pirch, and crappie
  3. swaquarim

    Peacock Mantis webcam

    i hope that net had one long handle :nervous:
  4. swaquarim

    Middel School?

    i dont get called anything
  5. swaquarim

    Middel School?

  6. swaquarim

    Middel School?

    Mom and Dad(knows the hobby from way back when)and all i have is...$57 and $200 in my bank account:jumping:
  7. swaquarim

    Middel School?

  8. swaquarim

    Cling fish info

    I have cought several on vacation in SC.I set up a 6 gallon eclipse tank while I am there and they thrive while I am there (2 weeks) but I havnt had much luck keeping them when I bring them home and put them into my regular SWF tank.
  9. swaquarim

    Jawfish tail grow back?

    It will grow back but you must put it in a quarinteen type tank.I used a plastic breeder hanging in my SW tank when it happened to mine. Should grow back within a week
  10. swaquarim

    will tank break?

    There is no problem with that.The old metal framed tanks used to dry out but the modern all glass ones will not.I have had some without water in them for 15 years and they have been water tight.
  11. swaquarim

    Question about my yellow watchman goby

    dont worry about watch man was missing for a little less than a year...just came out yesterday healthier than ever
  12. swaquarim

    WOW close up

    :eek: its a young clown it gets older itll get spot all over its tail and reder:
  13. swaquarim

    small agressive fish??

  14. swaquarim

    Pics of my fish

    Sorry i didnt see that but i think you need a bigger tank....i would not think so but others on this board may....they say you need a 175 gal for a DWARF lionfish...
  15. swaquarim

    Pics of my fish

    Nice pics....BUT...i hope you get some LR and that that tank is BIG
  16. swaquarim

    expert mandarin owners!!

    Nice to hear someone else say that.I have been sucessful in feeding mine brine and mysis shrimp for yaers .I understand that it is an exception to the rule but as you can testify it is not impossible.Good luck.
  17. swaquarim

    H E L P!!!!!

    I think you are going to have to face the fact that you need to take everything out of your tank to catch it.I had to do the same and will never own a damsel again.Mean SOB'S
  18. swaquarim

    bought a mandarin

    Try sticking a piece of frozen mysis shrimp down into your cc base and the manderin should learn to come over and pig out on it.I have kept manderins alive for years now useing this method.I have no live rock.PLEASE I know this is an EXCEPTION rather than the rule but it works for me so if no...
  19. swaquarim


    choices now....valentini or blue spotted...:notsure:
  20. swaquarim


    Me want pretty much was it?