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  1. bona42na

    Diamond Goby is still hidin'

    Awesome fish,congrats . Mine really prefers to come out after my halides go off and just the actinics are on. Hes a burrower and has a super personality .
  2. bona42na

    sea robin scorpain

    Sea robins can get as big as 18 inches and 3 pounds. I would suggest you stay away from them as they are voracious eaters and will basically destroy your tank. I catch them regularly while bottom fishing around NYC . Thet are interesting looking but in the end you will regret having it. They...
  3. bona42na

    No Power!

    One more thing. Froogle that product and you will find an upgraded version and even cheaper. I have it on my reef with just the heater and a tunze turbelle electronic powerhead connected to it for just the kind of thing yourre going through.
  4. bona42na

    No Power!

    Try one of these and an automotive battery. Stealthy and your fish will at least have powerheads going for 24 hrs. The link is for a product totally non competitive with SWF Good Luck
  5. bona42na

    No Power!

    I wish him well. Im surprised with all your experience here that you dont have some sort of auxiliary power.
  6. bona42na

    Dragon Wrasse

    I have one , hes great doesnt bother my fish at all.
  7. bona42na

    Puffer Behavior ?

    Thanks everyone for the great answers. I feel a lot better now. My guy is with me just a few days now and his body is about 4 inches without tail.Hes great when out and about and Im very interested in them now. Are there any good websites that you can recommend that cover them in more detail ? Peter
  8. bona42na

    Puffer Behavior ?

  9. bona42na

    Puffer Behavior ?

    Tell me what typical puffer bahavior should be. My striped dogface is sometimes very lethargic. At times he will be swimming all over the tank but more often than not he will rest on the sand or some rock.His breathing seems OK but may be on the heavy side . He eats great will race up for food...
  10. bona42na

    Harlequin Tusk Vs. Lunare...What should i do?

    Is one a new arrival? Try rearranging the rockwork if so .
  11. bona42na

    JBJ nano cube

    Lets hope . I also had a peppermint shrimp stuck back ther for about a week before I opened it up for routine maintenance so there is some hope. Heres is another picture from another time in the tanks life.
  12. bona42na

    JBJ nano cube

    Here was mine before I started to empty it into my new 50.
  13. bona42na

    JBJ nano cube

    Hey Dory, check the filter area for the missing fish. I had my perc go back there one day. Got it back up with a big spoon.
  14. bona42na

    Star Selection!!

    I have 3 CC stars and a cranberry star in my tank with a picasso , purple tang and majestic angel. I would love to add a puffer but I think it would be tough. Anyone else have puffer and starfish experiences ??
  15. bona42na

    Got Him! ... at least most of him

    Bristle worms are like cockroaches and mice, if you see one you have lots more than that. I have tons of them and they dont bother my corals. Maybe you should try feeding them. That would keep them away from your livestock. Good luck Peter
  16. bona42na

    pH/ Thermometor Testers

    I have Pinpoint as well , including the thermometer which moniters 4 tanks. Both are great and highly recommended.
  17. bona42na

    The Bangaii bois have landed

    Im surprised that your Purple Tang hasnt taken them all out already !
  18. bona42na

    blueface angel

    Cincyreefer how do you feed live sponge ?Where and how do you get it ? I would like to try this for my majestic. Thanks
  19. bona42na

    i thnk someone just ate something

    Maybe try using a magnet to locate the pin, hopefully the eel wont stick to the magnet and you can get the pin out of the sand before it causes some more problems.
  20. bona42na

    Are Coral Banded Shrimp that evil ?

    Last week I took delivery of three pepperment shrimp among other things including emerald crabs and a serpent star. Well it wasnt more than a hour after acclimation that the CBS had one of the peppermints ,by the next morning I didnt see any left. I havent seen much of the serpent star since...