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  1. yamaha16bw

    Mini reef + Fuzzy Dwarf lions

    Thanks for the info!
  2. yamaha16bw

    Mini reef + Fuzzy Dwarf lions

    Hello everyone, I'm hoping some of you can help me with some questions. I'd like to start a mini reef tank with a fuzzy dwarf lion. From what I read its doable but I would like to know in detail what the limits are. I want to keep very simple, easy to care for corals.Mushroom and things like...
  3. yamaha16bw

    OT: The Best Public Aquarium?

    I would have to say the Newport Aquarium in Kentucky. I grew up there and even work there for awhile. Great sharks and saltwater fish. They know what they are doing there, They even have one of my Freshwater stingrays that I donated on display!!! If your ever in the northern Kentucky or Cincy...
  4. yamaha16bw

    Weird - Corals Growing Better w/ PC vs MH

    Same thing happens to me. I got a shroom which was under VHO and it has split twice and is much bigger under my PC. I also got a hammer about a week ago and aready im seeig growth and its brighting up and it was under MH.
  5. yamaha16bw

    This fish is not agressive so i should post it here

    I always use NH4CL to cycle all my tanks. Fastest way ive come across and NEVER have had an NH4 problem EVER! Stuff works great. Getting ahold of it isnt easy but the results are great. Ive your able to find some add one teaspoon untill the NH4 level is at 1.0. test it everyday untill it goes...
  6. yamaha16bw

    Freshwater dip of Queen Angel?

  7. yamaha16bw

    Freshwater dip of Queen Angel?

    Ive done freshwater dip on my fish for Ich before and everyone single one of them POOPED like crazy. Im talking like huge. So I guess it could work but I would be carefull.
  8. yamaha16bw

    Frozen Brine shrimp

    I dont have an anemone but I would just heat it up so its not cold anymore and take some forceps or your fingers and place it in front of it. I would think it would take it.
  9. yamaha16bw

    Submerge power head?

    Read on the box which it came in. It should say on there.
  10. yamaha16bw

    Mystery Wrasse Close up Pics

    Yeah Ive never seen that before. I love the coloring in the face!!!
  11. yamaha16bw

    Cleaner shrimp help?

    Well IM workig on making it a reef. Slowly getting there.
  12. yamaha16bw

    Cleaner shrimp help?

    Thanks for all the help guys!!!
  13. yamaha16bw

    Cleaner shrimp help?

    ok thanks so much ill go out tomorrow and do that right away. I have a RG, Yellow tang, and 2 clowns. Is that to much for a 10 gallon?
  14. yamaha16bw

    Cleaner shrimp help?

    ok thanks for the help. but wont it be too late if i wait for the QT tank to cycle?
  15. yamaha16bw


    Sorry it was just me being stupid. All fixed and its reading 1.023:happyfish
  16. yamaha16bw

    Cleaner shrimp help?

    well is it ok to go ahead and put the fish in one tomorrow? I mean i will have to go out and buy it but it wont be cycled is that ok? Cause dont you only do that for 48 hours?
  17. yamaha16bw


    OK well I got mine refractometer today and got it all set up. I followed the directions to the tee. Well I shocked to see that the refractometer is showing me a salt level of 1.050 where my about 1.023?????? Has anyone else heard of this? what should i do or which reading should i trust???
  18. yamaha16bw

    Cleaner shrimp help?

    Can Cleaner shrimp help with an Ich problem? I just noticed today that my royal gramme and yellow tang are getting ich. This is the first sign i have gottin. What do you guys suggest i do? I dont have a QT tank. Also can this hurt my corals?
  19. yamaha16bw

    Prizm Protein Skimmer ?

    Thanks so much for the tips!!
  20. yamaha16bw

    Prizm Protein Skimmer ?

    OK i just got my Skimmer today. Well Tons of micro bubbles and lots of noise coming from the air intake tube??? IS this normal at first? Ive never done a saltwater tank before so this is my first protien skimmer. Plus the foam that im getting doesnt seen to be dirty. Like the water that builds...