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  1. angelcam

    LARGE spider web..

    Since we are swapping spider stories, I have to tell the one about my mother. On more than one occasion she has woke up with a dead spider in her hand.:scared: :scared: :scared: Her house is one of cleanest around and she could not figure out what was going on. Eventually she found a nest of...
  2. angelcam

    To make you think...

    Unfortunately sensationalism is what sells. If it is not some kind of disaster they believe it won't sell and then their ratings will go down. As far as the reporting in Iraq, I too have heard some great stories from people over there, but do we hear about that? The news is politically slanted...
  3. angelcam


    I am not a huge fan of AOL, however their new version 9.0 has some pretty detailed parental controls, like what sites you can visit, what days of the week, and between what hours you can go online. They also give a time limit. I think you can restrict messenger access on it as well.
  4. angelcam


    Actually that sounds like a great deal! New 125 gallon tanks go for $400-$500 in my area, without any extras. Some of the more experienced folks can give you advice on filtration. Personally I would like to see that the tank does not leak before I bought it! Good Luck!:jumping:
  5. angelcam

    LARGE spider web..

    Maybe we should start a new website "", lol. OK all of you spider experts is there a poisonous spider in the midwest that does spin a web? I know the recluse likes to hide in towels and dark places, someone in a town next to me was bit by one and was in the hospital for a...
  6. angelcam

    Striped Damsel

    Just another testimony, I had a striped damsel and it was mean as heck. When I went to catch it it took me 30 min just to get it out, they are fast and hide from the net very well. I sent mine back to the lfs
  7. angelcam

    LARGE spider web..

    I wonder if men are as afraid of spiders as women? I know at least one guy that is terrified of them. LOL OH, by the way saltymom GOOD DOG!!!!
  8. angelcam

    LARGE spider web..

    It's always funny in retrospect! Be careful out there! LOL
  9. angelcam

    Hey Moms!

    Just curious to know how many mom's are on this board! I originally started here for my son and his new found sw hobby, but to tell you the truth, I am having just as much fun with our tank as he is (maybe more, LOL). :jumping: :jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
  10. angelcam

    Lost Shrimp

    WOA, tricky little things aren't they! LOL :jumping:
  11. angelcam

    LARGE spider web..

  12. angelcam


    Can someone tell me how to put an avatar on the screen? Just not working from the control panel! THANKS
  13. angelcam

    Lost Shrimp

    Thanks for the tip! I didn't think there were too many places to hide in a 10 gallon!!!! I won't look for it again, hope he just shows up one day! :thinking:
  14. angelcam

    Lost Shrimp

    I have/had a camel back shrimp in my 10 gallon tank, and he is MISSING:scared: The only other creatures in the tank are: 2 scarlet hermits 1 blue legged hermit a few nassarius snails 2 hitchiker snails (unknown), one may be an emerald? And of course live rock, and a sand bed. I have carefully...
  15. angelcam

    looking for lfs in chicago

    Welcome to the Chicago area! I live about 60 miles southwest of Chicago and have found it worth my while to drive to Scott's Pet Shop. They are located in Westchester which is not far from Chicago. They are located at 3054 Wolf Rd, Westchester, IL 60154. Here is the phone number, but it is very...
  16. angelcam

    live fish to cycle a tank

    " I am ashamed" I have cycled with live fish. When you are just starting out the LFS says "throw a couple of cheap fish in your tank", so without thinking about the suffering the poor things must go through.....ugggg, never again, I have changed my ways. I cycled my first SW tank with Damsels...
  17. angelcam

    Need to vent... worst week ever.

    When feeling down, sometimes the best medicine is to talk about it. We do not always want people to try to fix what is wrong but just to listen to us! You have had a lot of loss this week, so I encourage you to keep talking about it! You are in my prayers.
  18. angelcam

    Please Identify

    And here I though I got free anemone, LOL. Thanks for the advice, I did some research and found that injecting it with lemon juice is effective, or getting a nudibranch. Has anyone been successful with shrimp, hot water, lemon juice etc....?
  19. angelcam

    Please Identify

    WOA, kill it, yes thats it, and it is all over the place! Tell me more please?
  20. angelcam

    Please Identify

    I bought some LR from the LFS and I have some cool hitch-hikers on them, not sure what they are. They have a long thin mushroom-like stem that comes out of a hole in the rock. The top of them has frilly thin fingers. They are a brownish red color. They are not feather dusters because I have...