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  1. sharkboy97

    Who wants to help me chose the inhabitants of my shark tank???

    Any Pics of the tank in construction or anything at all or did I miss something in the thread?
  2. sharkboy97


    lol i agree its a flounder. chill
  3. sharkboy97

    What kind of snake is this?

    Im almost positive thats a rat snake. and no it isnt poisonus
  4. sharkboy97

    Shark Size

    in my opinion if anyone has to ask this question normally their tank is not big enough no offense to anyone.
  5. sharkboy97

    I never got tired of...........

    i have been diving in the epcot aquarium and it was awesome knowing you were in an aquarium, but the health of all the fish wasnt tht good
  6. sharkboy97

    1000 posts...

    yea i agree with cartmen i never see a post of yours with useful information such as this whole thread
  7. sharkboy97

    Good Camera For Scuba

    DC500 by sealife i have it and its awesome i also bought the digital flash
  8. sharkboy97

    New Fish!!!!

    it was probaly a joke i was telling u to loosen up
  9. sharkboy97

    New Fish!!!!

    did u lose your sense of humor?
  10. sharkboy97

    You Know You're Addicted When...

    When u sit in class all day designing dream tanks when u sit in class all day designing sumps when u get home and ur mom asked you what u learned and u reply " Mom you gotta look at this new sump i designed" You spend more on your tank than anything else
  11. sharkboy97

    what size for an agressive tank???

    yea when i go diving i see them all the time and they ARE HUGE ANGELS more suited for requiems and novice150 tank
  12. sharkboy97


    never heard of some but im sure u could find them i have a lionfish in my 90 and all u have to do is watch him and ur garenteed lion safe
  13. sharkboy97

    Quote of the day is....

    thats great !!!
  14. sharkboy97

    what size for an agressive tank???

    the clown may turn aggressive towards the eels and nip them and same if you get a shark, if you get a dwarf angel instead of two grey angels the tank size will require a lot less
  15. sharkboy97

    Aquarium Sharks Information

    if not then it might be a bonnethead but i think ur right, why, and what happened to that big tank your parents were gonna let u build
  16. sharkboy97

    New 220 update

    i think hes asking for your fish list
  17. sharkboy97

    Ugliest Tank Gallery

    yuo know whats funny is if your tank really did look like crap you wouldnt have posted crappy tank pics here. give yourself props it looks great
  18. sharkboy97

    My Queen Trigger

    what size tank is the queen in
  19. sharkboy97

    shark help

    must have been a typo and they forgot another 0
  20. sharkboy97

    Which are better algae eaters?

    i didnt even know nassarius snails ate algae