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  1. shep77

    Firefish Goby

    I am guessing Lionfish's belly! Sorry
  2. shep77

    The Do Not Buy List

    1. a mantis Shrimp 2. tangs for a 10 gallon 3. a variety of shrimps and crabs because you like watching them only to have them placed in a agressive tank!
  3. shep77

    wierd cycle

    It went through the ups and downs within two weeks which is why I am confused. It has now been 3.5 weeks since I started.
  4. shep77

    keeping multiple gobies/blennies

    Thanks a lot.
  5. shep77

    wierd cycle

  6. shep77

    wierd cycle

    I cycled my 75 with live rock and with a shrimp and it went as planned. Ammonia skyrocketed, then came down and now I am showing trace nitrates, no trites, but my ammonia has gone up a little. I have not added anything to the tank. When everything originally balanced out I did a 10% water...
  7. shep77

    keeping multiple gobies/blennies

    While putting together my 75 gallon reef, I am thinking about fish. So many that you read about say that you should only keep one per tank. My question, is that one per species or just one. I like the looks of several of these fish and would like to keep one of each. Thoughts?
  8. shep77

    Low maintenance Clown hosts

    What the heck bergamer? Be social!!! Post that somewhere else, this is not a political forum for you to slam people!
  9. shep77

    Fuzzy Foaming Shrimp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    djminus1, I was in the same boat. I have a new 75 and put in 30lbs LS (seeded with 100lbs) and 40lbs LR (seeded with 70lbs base rock). I put my shrimp in and withing a couple of days my ammonia was off the charts. A week and the ammonia was already down to a readable level. 2 weeks will be...
  10. shep77

    salt do you dump?

    Somebody posted that they put in down the drain and it clogged up the septic tank due to the salt residue.
  11. shep77

    ID please...

    Sorry, felt like being a poop!
  12. shep77

    ID please...

    I can not find any of my fish and crabs. Could this be the culprit? DELAYED APRIL FOOLS!!!!
  13. shep77

    Algae growth on purpose

    I would like to get thoughts on this. Taking some clean rocks, no chemicals, and placing them in a bucket of pre mixed SW and placing them outside in the summer sun with an air stone. Letting algae grow on the rocks and then placing the rocks back in the tank for the herbivores to munch on.
  14. shep77

    Can you put critters you find in the ocean in your tank?

    This is a tough call and I am pretty set in my ways, but yes it is similar to capturing a bird and putting it in a bird cage. We may think we are doing it good by offering it a safe haven and consistant food and water, but there are guidelines for these things. I will just leave it to the...
  15. shep77

    My Shrimp is in!

    I will do a search on that thanks out to the two of you. I have a hard time believing that the cyle is nearing the end since it has been only a week. But I will re test and see what the numbers say. No photos as I cam cameraless. MdmAcolyte, you and I are like tank twins...
  16. shep77

    My Shrimp is in!

  17. shep77

    3 month old tank pics!!!!

    What is your substrate?
  18. shep77

    Can you put critters you find in the ocean in your tank?

    I would say let people who must follow regulations do the collecting so that numbers can be managed. IMO
  19. shep77

    Mantis Shrimp?

    I bet they would be awesome to watch.
  20. shep77

    My Shrimp is in!

    I am a day away from being a week into my cycle. I chose to leave the shrimp in for the duration. Levels are still high, sorry I forgot the numbers at home. Any ways, as I am watching the tank, I am noticing a very slowly creeping brown discoloration on my LS and no my LR. Is this just a...