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  1. ravennreef

    share your sharks!!

  2. ravennreef

    share your sharks!!

    Here you go.
  3. ravennreef

    share your sharks!!

    This is a tank I take care of. 1600gal 3ft nurse shark
  4. ravennreef

    glass vs acrylic

    I use to work for a company that used both Acrylic and Glass. Acrylic bottom and top and Glass sides. Best of both worlds.
  5. ravennreef

    LFS in Denver Co?

    I like Ocean's Apart. It is only open on saturdays. They have really nice live rock and corals and high quality fish.
  6. ravennreef


    I have had really good luck with ASM skimmers. A G1 or G2 would be great for your tank. They seem to be one of the top rated skimmers.
  7. ravennreef

    HOB Carbon Filter and HLLE?

    I would take back the HOB filter and get a HOB protein skimmer. One such as a Bak Pak would be just fine and can be found for less then $100 online.
  8. ravennreef

    Cooling your tank

    You can buy a chiller. A 1/10 HP one would be fine for your tank. They do cost a nice chuck of change but do a great job. Running a fan works well. Can probably do a 5 degree drop in temp with this method.
  9. ravennreef

    sea hare

    Just a little humor... I am sure that your seahare's are gorgeous. I did once see a nice looking black with pink spots seahare but usually they are the green ones. To keep one alive I am sure you need to put algea sheets in the tank or feed them in some another way, right.
  10. ravennreef

    sea hare

    I would only use a Seahare as a last resort for hair algea. They will die if they dont get enough food and then become toxic and could crash a tank. I would stay with hermits and snails to maintain a tank. You could get a lawnmower blenney. Not to mention they are the ugliest thing your could...
  11. ravennreef

    All fish dead, Completely Confused

    I do think that product is misleading. If I was new to this hobby I would probably have thougth the same. That being said, find a new LFS, wait for it to cycle, do some research, and be patient. It is a great hobby and very rewarding.
  12. ravennreef

    The 1,250.00 question

    Most of the stuff it comes with is useless(filters, sand, lava rock) for a reef. I would imagine you could sell off the stuff you dont use but it still seems a little high to me. I would pass if I were you and keep looking.
  13. ravennreef

    TDS measurement

    5ppm is a little high. When my RO/DI unit gets above 3 I switch out the filters and am back to 0. People recommend changing the membrane and filters about every 6 to 12 months. They arent cheap but the PPM will just keep rising if you dont.
  14. ravennreef

    Siphon Sand?

    I like anyone of the Watchman or Shrimp gobies.
  15. ravennreef

    Siphon Sand?

    I would not recommend siphoning the sand. If it was crushed coral then yes but not live sand. You will remove a lot of beneficial creatures that help with your filtration. A cleanup crew is all you need to take care of it. Maybe a Goby as well.
  16. ravennreef

    Do U Gfci????

    They are a good safety item but as teen said, if they get tripped when you are gone it can be a disaster. If they get even a little water on them they will turn the circuit off and cut power. And in the saltwater hobby spills happen....
  17. ravennreef

    What does Costco not have???

    I could not believe my eyes today, Costco selling large fish tanks. Looks pretty decent. Does not give much info though. They are even selling service contracts. I wonder if there wonderful return policy would work for that.
  18. ravennreef

    flounder question

    The worst thing about keeping a flounder is that they need a lot of open sandy space to swim. Also they grow extremely fast. I had one that tripled in size in 7 months. They also need to be hand fed silversides every other day. But they are really fun to watch and the ones I have seen did not...
  19. ravennreef

    **NEW 46gal REEF**

    get a maxijet 1200 not a 900, works great on my tank. Just make sure you buy one with the venturi attachment. Good little skimmer for tanks under 50 gallons. Great looking tank. The more rock the better.
  20. ravennreef

    Bonnethead sharks

    is that your shark on ----?